Prepare yourselves....

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Prepare yourselves....

Post by DaBurglar »

The stories coming out of the "Trump transition team HQ" are not good so far.....extremely disturbing is a better way to put it....First off, there is always a little disorder whenever there is a wholesale change between administrations, but this is shaping up to be the first major fiasco of this man's presidency:The arrogance and shallow mentality of Trump's campaign apparently is not going away and receding in favor of more reasoned, calm, professional demeanor.....he and his campaign staff apparently are exacting a type of "revenge" on all the republicans who called him unfit and unqualified and an embarrassment to the party....this means a whole SLEW of otherwise qualified, GOOD, savvy people will NOT be available to advise, serve or otherwise "HELP" this guy who is more in need of such people than any other president  who has served before......Please tell me I am not the only person watching FOX news (not exactly a bastion of anti-republican fervor) and seeing the disturbing and perplexing stories & chaos already emanating from Trump HQ?@?@?!!!         Here is something very specific I can share as to why this is already starting to stink......back in the day when I was receiving my "ELITIST" education and studying government and economics, I took numerous courses on international relations, military and defense courses, and world affairs;   I was fortunate to have as my instructors and professors many of the men and women who have served in the various administrations from 1989 thru such Man was a guy by the name of Eliot A. Cohen, a well known and brilliant authority on Military and International Affairs, who taught me during my Junior year about War & Politics.....This man is a avowed NEOCON and one of the lesser known architects of George W. Bush's  strategy and policies in the middle east following 9/11.    I do not agree with much of what Professor Cohen typically espouses, but I do not deny his intellect, ability or grasp of his areas of interest.    Please take a moment and direct your attention to his Tweets of recent vintage.....both amusing and scary as all heck....)(Cut and paste or open with a right mouse click)

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Post by mymaggie »

Agree with much of your comments. But then you lose me with all the religion preachy stuff (in your previous post). Religion and government don't mix.And you watch fox news?

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Post by DaBurglar »

Agree with much of your comments. But then you lose me with all the religion preachy stuff (in your previous post). Religion and government don't mix.And you watch fox news? I watch MANY news shows, since all of them are biased in one way or another, but lately I have been focused on FOX news due to TOTALLY lopsided Anti-Trump coverage of other networks, and the fact FOX, which is obviously Pro GOP/Conservatives, at least has reported some negative aspects of Trump's campaign and activity.....and Megyn Kelly is the new Women's champion, now that Hillary has been crushed by a House falling out of the sky and landing on her!As for religion "not mixing" with government, I disagree.....this country was founded and heavily influenced on Christian values and ethics, hence the words "in God we trust", and lest we forget, the original founding document of the USA, the Declaration of Independence, relies heavily on the existence of a supreme,benevolent creator as the basis for the rights and independence they sought from the tyranny of Great Britain.Also, the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, so its not exactly like religion is not at all part of the picture.  

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Post by FAA »

Religion and government don't mix.-----------------------------------------------"Separation of church and state" is famously contained in an 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Assn in CT. Olds may even stumble upon a plaque on his way to another Royal Flush at Mohegan Sun.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Danbury is in the western part of the state and I am in Southern CT. but now that you have perked my interest, I am going to have to research it. I'll post back if I find it.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I read the letter from the Danbury Baptists and the reply from Jefferson and thus we have the Establishment Clause we still hopefully go by today. I will say, the Baptists letter is definitely worth reading and so well written and of course they wished Jefferson well. The Establishment Clause was written by James Madison in 1789. When I was 17, I did a portrait in oil of James Madison and gave it to my Great Grandfather who lived in Virginia and was well into his 90s. It hung on the wall in the living room until he and my grandmother passed and my parents who lived down there for part of the year sold the little house. I don't know what happened to the painting, but I wish I had it back. In southwestern Virginia, auctions are big when households are closed up. I know a local auction company sold the few furnishings in that home and so forth. No doubt someone ended up with my painting. It would be funny if it surfaced some day in a gallery. I don't even remember if I signed it. I'm glad this post jogged my memory a little though. Madison also drafted the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions which stated that states can nullify unconstitutional laws. My great grandfather was head of the Republican party in Virginia and a delegate to Washington way back. He also was the National Flintlock shooting champion and a great guy. He had other jobs like being a postmaster and later in life ran a little general store right out of the house. I loved that store in the living room and met many interesting local customers when I was in my teens. To top it off, early in life, my greatgrandfather's best friend was a former slave and when my mom was born in the early 1920's he was the first person to hold my mom after she was born. Evidently, he had assisted in getting things together for the many family births in the late 1800s and my great grandfather and my mom treated him always as family.

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