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Post by OTABILL »

Looks like Vegas casinos realize they will benefit by catering to non-smokers and others wanting a smoke- free environment.
Las Vegas Gambling With No Smokers? . . . . It's Becoming A Reality!!

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Post by DaBurglar »

Looks like Vegas casinos realize they will benefit by catering to non-smokers and others wanting a smoke- free environment.
Las Vegas Gambling With No Smokers? . . . . It's Becoming A Reality!!

Great news, thanks for post of this article and info....

I would like to ask you, and anyone else reading this thread one simple question: why on Earth, in this day and age of irrefutable evidence/knowledge/devastation caused by tobacco use and addiction, are tobacco products still available to the consumer public?

Obvious answers are the strength of the tobacco lobby even in today's society, whereby the exports to foreign countries of American tobacco products thrive; also the fact that city and state governments are literally addicted to the revenue brought in by taxing tobacco products. But nonetheless, the societal costs of tobacco addiction are huge and multi-layered. Healthcare costs alone from smoking and second hand smoke are a primary driver for Medicare/Medicaid deficits, and mortality of baby boomers and preceding generations.

The hypocrisy of allowing smokers and obese people to receive all the treatment they need to address their self inflicted unhealthiness is in stark contrast to the past treatment of addicts to drugs like cocaine and the current out of control opioid crisis (and even booze) ...only recently have governments turned the corner to finally acknowledge the obvious... it's a disease and not solely a moral or character flaw, requiring medical management and not incarceration. Sadly we cannot tax cocaine and heroin and meth the way we do cigarettes.

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Post by Eduardo »

I would like to ask you, and anyone else reading this thread one simple question: why on Earth, in this day and age of irrefutable evidence/knowledge/devastation caused by tobacco use and addiction, are tobacco products still available to the consumer public?

Because people want them and this is America.I'm not a fan of smoking and would love for everyone to quit. But I also am not a fan of the government telling us what we can and shouldn't do.The tide has turned I think and before long, many fewer people will want them.It will work itself out. But for those stuck with the addiction, it is a real battle. I know several people going through that and being successful with alternatives. It's a great thing to see when a longtime smoker is able to do without.

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Post by Carcounter »

With you Eduardo.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

State and Federal Governments make a lot of money taxing tobacco products.  They actually don't want you to quit.   The Federal tax on cigarettes alone is $1.01 a pack.  I have no problem with smokers as long as they keep their smoke to themselves.   I support individual rights, but no one should have the right to force others to breath in their toxic waste. 

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Post by OTABILL »

State and Federal Governments make a lot of money taxing tobacco products.  They actually don't want you to quit.   The Federal tax on cigarettes alone is $1.01 a pack.  I have no problem with smokers as long as they keep their smoke to themselves.   I support individual rights, but no one should have the right to force others to breath in their toxic waste. 

The problem are smokers, who for what ever reason, get pleasure blowing smoke towards non-smokers. Nasty people. If they want to kill themselves, that's their perogative. Assaulting others with their toxic breath is not right.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I have had a few players ask me if it is OK with me if they smoke.  I usually tell them it's OK as long as they don't let it blow in my face.   Some smokers act like it's their right to do whatever they want with the air.  That would be fine if they were the only ones on the planet, they aren't.  Cigar smokers are in a world all to themselves.   I actually think they smoke those things to clear a space around them.  I have noticed the non smoking sections of our casinos getting bigger and the smoking sections thinning out.  That could be because when I play the place is full of seniors and the smokers are mostly already dead or on oxygen.  In Tampa they just built a separate non smoking casino and it's very popular.   We try to get out to Colorado at least once each year.  The entire State went non smoking in the casinos a few years ago.  There was some grumbling at first until everyone got used to it.  It's nice not to have to burn your clothes when you get back to your room.  What kills me is when a person next to me sits there and chain smokes one right after another.  They suck on those things like piglets on a sow and stare into the screen like they are on drugs (maybe).  It's like they can't get enough nicotine into their system.   I have a friend that smokes like a chimney, is 100 pounds overweight and drinks like a fish.  One day I gave him some advice "You can't do it all... pick one!"  

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Post by case »

In Ontario Canada you can not smoke
in any workplace
in any enclosed public space
You can't even smoke in an outdoor patio connected to a restaurant or bar
You can't smoke in your own car if children are present

You must not smoke in any common areas of condos, apartment buildings or college and university residences. Examples of common areas include:

parking garages
laundry facilities
exercise areas
party or entertainment rooms
Residential care facilities

Really there only a few places you can smoke like your won home or motel rooms that allow it.

No smoking in any casino.

A carton of smokes will set you back around 105.00

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Post by DaBurglar »

Because people want them and this is America.I'm not a fan of smoking and would love for everyone to quit. But I also am not a fan of the government telling us what we can and shouldn't do.The tide has turned I think and before long, many fewer people will want them.It will work itself out. But for those stuck with the addiction, it is a real battle. I know several people going through that and being successful with alternatives. It's a great thing to see when a longtime smoker is able to do without.

Solid post and answer, and in principle I'm more in agreement than not with what you say...

Here's my problem....the government, as you state, should not be telling us what to do, or not to do. Yet our government does just that in many many areas and concerns of everyday life. This is because the role, or purpose of government is to deal with or otherwise address those things in life that individuals cannot adequately address on their own. While the simple act of inhaling tobacco that has been oxidized may seem like an individual choice and right it has obvious collateral and peripheral impact of an extremely large and diverse nature, including the well being of individuals and society at large. And I'm not simply talking about second hand smoke which is bad enough.

Consider the passive economic and healthcare costs...smokers are not as good workers or employees; have you ever had to deal with a nurse who is overdue for a Cig-break who has to take your Blood pressure and take your history during triage? Ever had to deal with a food service worker (waiters, servers, cooks etc) who stink of smoke and have tobacco stained fingers? Had a bus driver hacking and coughing while taking you and fifty other people down the freeway during rush hour? And how about the biggest elephant in the room: we all pay taxes and social security which is used to pay the healthcare of smokers of all types and demographics and status.

I'm with you on not wanting the government in my life... I want the option to do whatever I want when I want, but of course this stops when it adversely impacts other people. Personal freedom in a society like ours cannot infringe or harm others, that's the social contract we all sign as citizens. Smoking clearly violates this contract...

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=Case]A carton of smokes will set you back around 105.00[/quote]I would like to see the US Federal tax on cigarettes go to $5.00 a pack.   $1 a pack isn't slowing anyone down.  When I was a teenager cigarettes were 25 cents a pack.  If you back a dollar tax back to 1962 with inflation, a dollar is only a dime. I could have taken a few bottles back to the store and earned that much. It is illegal to smoke in any public place in Florida.  The problem we have in Florida is casinos are Native Lands and they make their own rules.  I am surprised some non smoking group hasn't sued them, but that's the way it is.  We owe the tribes a big thank you for bringing casinos to Florida in the first place.  I will say they have listened to the public on the smoking issue and are expanding their non smoking facilities.  I have no problem with the way the Florida tribes manage their casinos.  I actually think they are among the best of the bunch.

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