Brand New $1Billion MGM

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Brand New $1Billion MGM

Post by DaBurglar »

In Springfield, Massachusetts, several blocks from the National Basketball Hall of Fame, the brand new MGM Casino Hotel opened Friday, 08/24/2018 at 11 am sharp. I myself have not attended but my brother and a few associates have and it is reported to be very "nice", clean and smoke free. In other words, no big deal I guess.

What little concerning Video Poker I have heard appears to be exactly what you'd expect from a stand alone Billion Dollar casino.....lousy paytables but a pretty fair MIX of different types of games and titles.

The Poker Room is one of the highlights, with sleek leather chairs....this apparently is by design since whenever the Basketball Hall of Fame has an event (like the recent induction of the class of 2018), the attendees will congregate at the new Casino for celebrations, dinners and entertainment. Poker is extremely popular with former Pro Athletes, particularly Basketball Players past and present. I myself will not be hitting the new casino for VP, but I may visit just to see Michael Jordan, John Stockton, and Charles Barkley demonstrating their Holdem chops.

Anyone out there among the forum populace plan on visiting this new, latest outlet of MGM's attempt to hoard all the disposable cash in a particular region?

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Post by DaBurglar »

There was a "random" assault on a MGM Springfield casino patron a few days ago....a man from upstate New York and his girlfriend were staying at the Holiday Inn next door to the MGM and were walking from their room to the casino, when a man who allegedly has assaulted numerous other individuals in his past (prompting the question "why was he out of jail?") simply walked up to this patron from NY and walloped him several times in the head, sending him to the ER and a stay in the ICU. Last I heard the victim was in serious but stable condition, while the perpetrator was arrested and is in custody. MGM security is playing up its roll in photographing, identifying and ultimately helping in tracking down the perp. Still, it does not bode well for future patrons who may feel vulnerable walking between the several residence inns located nearby and the MGM casino. The ANti-casino forces in this community are already squawking about potential crime rates rising due to the presence of the casino and the targets it offers would be thiefs and assailants.

I predict, in two -1/2 to 3 years time, there will be a vociferous and heated debate in this city about the presence of the casino, what it has done and is doing to the city's quality of life and how much of a benefit it truly is providing the region (fiscally as well as quality wise.) If you could see where its located and how it is laid out and structured, you would see that certain vulnerabilities are inherent, which can only be truly addressed with the presence of permanent armed security personnel OUTSIDE on the streets!

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Post by Tedlark »

Another prediction from the Great One...

As for armed security personnel OUTSIDE on the streets; they're already there, the police department.

What you reported on was an example of a crime of opportunity and they happen hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day all over the world.

Just our of curiosity: what happens in 2 1/2 - 3 years time, they try to get the casino to close? Laugh.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

You know Ted, if I were to send you a private message, asking or saying something like "what precisely is the problem now Ted? Why do you insist on just dumping in every thread I start or responding critically to any post I make, particularly when they have nothing to do with you personally? What are you trying to accomplish?".... you'd respond with some hysterical reply telling me to never contact you, that you want nothing to do with me and if I don't heed your warning you'll "report me". What's wrong with THAT picture?

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar maybe did you think that I myself, or someone close to me was a victim of a crime of opportunity much in the manner you described? Furthermore, when Harrah's Casino in Joliet, IL first opened back in 1993 there were several casino patrons who also were victims of crimes such as you described.

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Post by DaBurglar »

No... explain to me why or how I should "think" such a thing? Why or how does what happened in 1993 in Joliet have any bearing on my post (not to mention how would I even know such a thing?)

My "prediction", Ted, was clearly stated in my original post, which you once again have chosen to twist, distort and otherwise derail with your snotty reply: I clearly state that I "predict" in a couple years that a heated "vociferous" DEBATE will evolve amongst the citizens of this area about the opposed to all the support and approval being lauded upon the casino, and the city for letting it in, that exists right now. In other words I'm predicting there will be a major change of heart/tune about it...

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Post by DaBurglar »

FYI to any and all disinterested observers....the crime I did refer to originally was not, repeat NOT merely a "crime of opportunity" as subsequently described: the police are now stating robbery was not a motive, nor did the perpetrator know the victim....there was no discernible motive to the assault, other than to inflict bodily harm. As I mentioned right off, the perp has a criminal history involving past assaults.

On the flip side, are not all crimes "crimes of opportunity" in the basic, general sense? The opportunity to commit the crime materializes, the criminal takes the opportunity to commit

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Post by Tedlark »

Not to expand into a thesis on criminology, but no: not all crimes are "crimes of opportunity" even, in the basic, general sense. Random acts of violence, as DaBurglar mentioned, would be classified as a crime of opportunity.

Irony is exampled by someone with the screen name of DaBurglar talking about robbery.

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Post by onemoretry »

Tedlark wrote:
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:06 pm
Irony is exampled by someone with the screen name of DaBurglar talking about robbery.
Ah... good one!

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