MAssachusetts Casino Update: Steve Wynn's Downfall

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Re: MAssachusetts Casino Update: Steve Wynn's Downfall

Post by olds442jetaway »

Took a brief look at dad's today for the Vinnie Ernst ball. No luck so far. This was my original Spalding I used in 8th grade after school and when I was center on the team. Can you believe a 5 foot 8 being a center. That is how much smaller the kids back then were. By high school, many passed me out though. My co worker of 34 years now sadly gone, was a graduate of Providence. In the mid 1970's, he took the ball up to school for some sort of reunion and got it signed for me. My brother seems to remember 40 years ago my German Shepard got hold of it and its history. Hope he is wrong and it was another ball. I will keep looking. I think I will wait a bit until the spring for a trip up to Springfield. Dealing with a few medical issues with dad for now among other things, but I do want to get up there for sure. I am not going to comment on the political stuff on this thread. Have a mild headache already but over the years I have had many history lessons from members of my target shooting club. All sadly gone now. Many were former employees of Colt, Mossberg, Remmington, Smith, Charter Arms, Ruger and on and on. Learned how to be a crack shot and maintain an Expert rating along with some help from my great grandfather when I was pretty young who was a National Flintlock Champion. Thanks for the invite. Will take a small rain check just for now. Hard to see most all of my friends already be gone. Smoke and poor diet really takes its toll. That age 52 to 70 seems to be a danger range to be in. After that every day in fact all days are a gift.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I don't doubt it MAY have been a cheap shot. More importantly it shines a bright light on your hypocrisy. I assume you mean ME when you are interjecting your accusation of HYpocrisy.....if that is not the case, and you meant someone ELSE is the hypocrite, then ignore the rest of this post.  I'm serious, if it's NOT you then just stop reading because I've had it and I'm about to eviscerate both the accusation and accuser in this post.....You're entitled to your opinion, but since you are accusing me of hypocrisy, I am going to refute that accusation completely, in no uncertain terms.....and thus show you to be an impetuous fool who jumps in without the slightest clue of what you are talking about, JUST like Tedlark, when he falsely and erroneously attributed the saint-AR15 assault Rifle to the Springfield Armory that I WAS TALKING ABOUT.   It's the Goof of all time and one he will never live down.....In this thread, when Olds442 brought up the topic of visiting Springfield, Massachusetts, my Home, and going to the NBA Hall Of Fame, I pointed out the historical interest the Springfield Armory, which has a very important, unique and respected place in the history of the USA.    I specifically TALKED about the Springfield Armory in its historical role and context during HISTORICAL Watershed moments like the Revolution, the Civil War and World War II.   Now here is where you need to pay attention, so get close to your computer screen....The Springfield ARMORY during these historical periods was a FEDERAL ARMORY right here in Springfield, MAssachusetts......first established in the late 1770s by George Washington, it was owned and operated by the FEDERAL Government for the purpose of arming the US armed forces.   After the Armory was closed during the waning years of the Vietnam War, the Springfield Armory's NAME was PURCHASED by a private Investor/company, the REESE Family, in the mid-late 1970s and reopened as a PRIVATE, Commercial Firearm company.    A totally different, completely separate entity and circumstance than what I was discussing to/with Olds442....Not even remotely the same thing!   The old Federal Springfield Armory did NOT sell weapons to the public/civilians.     The current, "new" Commercial company doing business under the name "SPRINGFIELD ARMORY" does sell commercially......including the AR-15.  FURTHERMORE, the "new" Springfield Armory is located in friggin' Illinois!   We all know who is from Illinois, now you know why that turd of a post was posted in this thread to disrupt it to begin with and then DECEPTIVELY portrayed to actually be the Springfield Massachusetts Armory itself.....Now here is the biggie.....when tourists visit the city of Springfield, Massachusetts and wish to visit the MUSEUM known as "The Springfield Armory", they visit an actual Museum with the historical info, and displays of firearms from the past.... this is totally separate and quite a difference from a commercial company/factory producing things like the Saint AR15 etc. !!    Again, the commercial company is in ILLINOIS!Here is the MUSEUM/National Historic Site known as the SPRINGFIELD (Mass) ARMORY and what I was talking about: ... c-site/The link to the Commercial GUN Company doing business as the Springfield Armory, I already posted's that link, the one I posted above with the AR-15 that Ted no doubt impetuously pulled up and saw the image of the AR-15 himself and then based his turd post's a link to the part about how the NAME  "Springfield Armory" was purchased by the Reese Family as a for profit commercial concern now located in Illinois: Erat hypocrisy whatsoever.  

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar I stand corrected and I had no idea what so ever that you had such a passionate love for guns as you so genuinely displayed here.

Mea Culpa.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Then stand corrected AGAIN because I am talking and expressing my deep interest about the Springfield Armory Museum itself, which is really just one small manifestation of my love of history. I absolutely do not have a deep and abiding love of guns; I do have knowledge and respect for the role certain firearms played in history like the Civil War and WWII era weapons produced by the Springfield Armory...

If you want to intelligently and respectfully debate the propriety of assault guns like the ar15 then go to the thread in anything/everything and make an argument why assault rifles, large capacity mags, bumpstocks etc. should be readily available to the general public, like 19 year old kids like Nikolas Cruz.

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Post by DaBurglar »

New York state's 209 billion dollar pension fund, which currently owns in excess of 30 million dollars of Wynn Resorts stock, is now filing suit against Wynn Resorts, claiming the corporation directors and managers knew full well that the company founder and chairman, Steve Wynn, coerced employees into performing sexual acts and perpetrated numerous counts of sexual assault and harrassment. The shareholders of Wynn are allowed, under current agreements, to take legal action against the company when it's officers/executives neglect or fail to carry out their obligations as fiduciaries of the company.

Boy oh boy, are the chickens ever coming home to roost for so many of these heretofore untouchable, powerful men who thought they could just do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to whomever they wanted...going back to the mid 90s when my career took me to Vegas often to meet with various management reps from many casinos, I had heard via second hand accounts stories of Mr Wynn's volatile and abrasive Personality... I dismissed much of it as simply competitive bluster or jealousy, but it continued on and on for we know there was at least something to it in terms of substance.

And I say to all these powerful jerks who victimized those who trusted and looked up to them...serves you right!

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Post by olds442jetaway »

DB loving history almost as much as you do...I wish I had kept a pic of my 18th century English Blunderbuss. The barrel was about 15 inches long and was brass. I bought it in the mid 1970's. I kept it a number of years as a conversation piece doing some research, but not as much as I should have. They didn't cost that much back then and I eventually sold it to a fellow club member. I had a polaroid of it, but can't find it now. Bummer.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DB loving history almost as much as you do...I wish I had kept a pic of my 18th century English Blunderbuss. The barrel was about 15 inches long and was brass. I bought it in the mid 1970's. I kept it a number of years as a conversation piece doing some research, but not as much as I should have. They didn't cost that much back then and I eventually sold it to a fellow club member. I had a polaroid of it, but can't find it now. Bummer.

Wow... I'm sure today it's worth something... who'd you sell it to? Maybe they still have it.... blunderbusses were an essential part of English close quarters naval tactics up until the mid 18th century (before 1750) when muskets came to the fore and the Royal Marines were deployed on major warships with them. You'd still find variants of blunderbusses on naval warships as late as the 1820s though...nothing like spewing countless projectiles in a wide conical trajectory when drawn up alongside an enemy vessel.

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Post by Tedlark »

So, a Blunderbuss would be considered an early version of an assault weapon then?

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Post by DaBurglar »

   So, a Blunderbuss would be considered an early version of an assault weapon then?

Ted: wrong

Assault "weapon" meaningless term

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Post by Tedlark »

Well DaBurglar: "Blow Me Down."

As sailors may have said while standing on the deck of a broadside from that era.

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