Why are there ads? Why charge for Gold?

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Video Poker Master
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Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:11 pm

Why are there ads? Why charge for Gold?

Post by Webman »

had a few members ask why we charge for GOLD membership and why we have
banner advertising on the site. As you can imagine, the costs to build,
maintain, and continually improve a Web site like VideoPoker.com are
high, especially when it is free. We try to cover costs in two ways –
from third party advertisers who run banner ads on the site and now
from GOLD member subscriptions to help off-set lost advertising
revenue. We have kept the GOLD membership fee to a minimum and will
continue to add new features to increase the value of GOLD membership.
We invite your comments and feedback. Please feel free to post here on the 
forum if you would like to post your comments publicly, or drop us an email.

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