the taj- in better times

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Re: the taj- in better times

Post by notes1 »

-forbes estimates his net worth at $4.5b, a decent return on $200m over the decades.

-many famed successful folks have gone belly up in their lives. it is called taking a risk, some (not me)have the cahoonas to put it all on the line, over and over.

-many other folks have inherited large sums of money and done nothing but live off the inherited wealth.

-I do not like T and have stated it often, but I give him credit for having the drive to be successful.

O was a community organizer, absolutely no idea what that is, had zero qualifications to be potus. the Clintons turned a life of living off the tax payer and created a fortune, in what we are finding out slowlyyyy, some questionable methods.

yet, the media was determined to make O the first successful black president. 500,000 have died in Syria, after he drew his 'red line', ISIS came about because we left Iraq. the media reports about both, but never correlates that his actions are at least somewhat responsible.

as jeter asked, exactly what has H accomplished, in her never ending political career?

all I want is fairness in reporting. does T have his warts, you bet. but, so do the others, let's report them all.

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Post by Onenickelmiracl »

You know it is true how worrying about money makes life hard. It has an effect on every thought when every blip is a crisis. It is was to apply strategies when everything is paid for, negotiations are was when you're not cornered.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Using DaBurglar's logic, if Trump LOST the 200 million he inherited 2 years after he got it would DaBurglar state that Trump LOST a billion. In today's dollars of course, lol...I was clear that I was speaking in terms of CURRENT Value, which is a common way to evaluate money and investments and such, and since My point was to show that Trump is NOT some business genius or visionary, I put things in the terms that i did.....SO what are are you disputing exactly Ted?  That Inflation and Present Value and other financial/economic concepts are not important, or that 200 million dollars is simply 200 million dollars, no matter what year?Just stop this nonsense.....If I make a mistake I admit it, but this is not one of them.... I will concede that when it does indeed come to Donald Trump's so-called "FORTUNE, NO ONE truly knows anything, since he deliberately hides and confounds and clouds the issue, as evidence by the still unresolved issue of him revealing (without any shennanigans or BS) his latest Tax returns.......just as notes1 cites some forbes article stating his current networth is somewhere near 4+ Billion, I have seen others that place it anywhere from 1.5 Billion to 3.5 Billion, etc.     Obviously, given the man's predilection for risky and volatile investments, fluctuations should be expected......but one thing is not up for dispute:   On several occasions, Trump has indeed come very close to losing most, if not ALL of his so-called fortune due to his methods and strategies (read AGAIN his early 1990s Atlantic city exploits and then go further and research what what happened with his organization as a WHOLE during the same time......scary shiiite!)When people like Mitt ROmney (the Republican WHO SHOULD be president and who I actually WOULD consider voting for), emphatically criticize and condemn your financial disclosure practices, along with the very nature of YOU as a person, you KNOW something stinks real bad.....I will FREELY admit however, that I could have (and should have) not turned the mere "remember when" nature of notes1 original post into "yet another"  Donald Trump is unfit to be President rant.   If that is a mistake or a faux pas on my part, then i admit that and extend my regrest & apologies....But comparing what i did in THIS thread  to NOT politicizing my thread about DOGS is preposterous and once again, disingenuous..... seriously, why (and HOW exactly) would you turn a nice, obviously pleasant thread about Dogs and their many qualities into  a political manifesto?But as for Trump, look:  The guy allegedly wants to attain the highest, most powerrful & influential political office on the planet......the duties and implications and ramifications and consequences of such a thing actually happening do not seem to really, TRULY sinking in to a disturbingly large number of awful and sad as Hillary Clinton is, if forced to choose between the two realities, the Clinton in charge reality is not anywhere near as frightening as the Trump in charge reality.......

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Post by Tedlark »

I just want you to concede that Mr. Trump did not lose a one billion dollar inherited fortune, that's all.

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Post by notes1 »

[QUOTE=DaBurglar]..... seriously, why (and HOW exactly) would you turn a nice, obviously pleasant thread about Dogs and their many qualities into  a political manifesto?/QUOTE]

you could do it.

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=DaBurglar]..... seriously, why (and HOW exactly) would you turn a nice, obviously pleasant thread about Dogs and their many qualities into  a political manifesto?/QUOTE]

you could do it.

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