vote for BIDEN and his party

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vote for BIDEN and his party

Post by notes1 »

it is about 100 days until election. you must vote for joe biden and his party, if you want or believe in the following;

-every human who makes it to this country, legally or illegally, will receive tax payer paid health care. YOU will pay for this.
-if you say or write something that is considered offensive, by his party, you could be fined or jailed. there will be no more free speech. you will be afraid to state an opinion, that is different than the left.
-your taxes will go higher. he has already promised to do away with tax cuts. you will pay a lot more.
-there will be a vast increase in rules and regulations. the government will impose additional restrictions on business and individuals. you will pay for this with higher taxes and cost of goods and services. jobs will move elsewhere.
-china, who gave us the chinese virus, will regain favored status from biden.
-many middle class/wealthier, often white, suburban communities often vote republican. the biden federal government will force these communities, like yours, to build/offer low income housing. this will flood these places with government dependent residents, who will overwhelm the vote of republicans. your property values will decrease.
-chaos, looting, rioting will continue. this is the far left base of the dem party and it will not be stopped.
-gas prices will absolutely increase, jobs will be lost. windmills will be everywhere, except wealthy liberal enclaves.
-you will pay reparations, for offenses committed generations ago and despite all that has been given/done to make up, for those past offenses.
-cancel culture will continue. you could lose your job or business, if the dems find you offensive.

you, your family, your kids will grow up in a less free country. a country run by 'mob' rule. vote BIDEN!

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Post by Tedlark »

The lawless mobs (err, I mean "Peaceful Protesters") in Chicago are upset that Mayor Lori Lightfoot removed two Christopher Columbus statues under cover of darkness this past Thursday night, taking away the opportunity for them to tear them down themselves. I'm totally serious, they are mad that they didn't get the chance to destroy these statues and they stated this on local news broadcasts.

There was a protest in Chicago today to defund the ENTIRE Chicago Police Department. Yeah; like that's going to happen. Let's do away with the Chicago police and replace them with Hare Krishna's passing out daisies.....

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

I think TRUMP 2020 !!!! or no more America ! Father knows best , meaning GOD !!! GOD will have the final word !!! words of wisdom from my friend Larry !

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Post by billryan »

I was going to respond, but then I realized you guys make Bidens case for him.

Or should I say YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by billryan »

Another 1,0000 dead today and trump is defending confederate flags and traitors. Oops, make that !!!!!!!!!

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Post by notes1 »

still waiting for the name of those publicly traded companies that pay a guaranteed dividend.

you are nothing but a wannabe. no one else who posts here has come close to telling the forum, all about their life. no one cares. and, why should they, no success. i am confident more than a couple posters here could buy and sell you, a couple of times over.

run a comic book store...dud. run a bar...dud. empty out the casinos...dud. it is better to rent, no, it is better to buy...oops, bought the wrong place. no success. just a wannabe success. you fool no one.

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Post by billryan »

Obsess much?
I stated there was a way to guarantee dividends. Would you care to make a wager on this?
What is it worth to be educated? You evidently have all sorts of money laying around. Put some of it to use.
How about this? I show you how to guarantee dividends and you take a sixty day break from posting?

Webman asked we stop with the insults. Is it really that difficult to make your point without resorting to insults and lies?

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Hang in there Bill Ryan. No matter what you post there are those on here that love Trump. The fact is DJT is by far the worst person that we have ever had to endure as an occupant of the oval office. Is Biden the perfect person to take over as president? No, probably not. But he is smart enough to listen to the health experts so that we can find a way out of this pandemic. Because of Trump's ineffective leadership there is a very real chance that our country is headed to another depression.

Trump has had so many opportunities to lead and bring people together but instead the sacrifices made by people all over the country were squandered. Loss of businesses and jobs and no clear way to know when it will be safe for kids to return to school. Trump seems more determined to further divide rather than uniting our citizens. He's like the drunk we have all seen at the bar that suddenly finds a way to become president, thinks he has all the answers, but has absolutely no experience, and just flies off the cuff with his decision making without much thought put into what repercussions his words and actions will have on his ability to lead.

Heaven help us if we have four more years of chaos, lies, and schizo leadership under Trump. It's going to be a tough row to hoe regardless of who our president is this coming January. The virus is not going to mysteriously go away and the economy is not going to bounce back immediately better than ever as Trump contends. We have a long hard struggle ahead of us to recover from this.

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Post by notes1 »

the are no publicly traded companies that guarantee a dividend. there are no REITS that guarantee a dividend. 'real' investors want to know the whole truth.

in, theory, almost anything is possible. in theory, you could be a success. in theory!

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Post by notes1 »

smr, perhaps you have forgotten how divided the country was, when obama was president. the only difference is that your side doesn't control the WH, and you are not getting all you want. do you think conservatives were happy when your guy supported the idea that some middle age, born a male, had the legal right, to access public showers with women and teenage girls? businesses were leaving the country because they never knew when another obama rule/regulation, was going to come along and inhibit their ability to operate. did your guy do anything to fend off china stealing from american business? your guy criticized those who hung on to their bibles and guns, unifying? and, he was the one that authorized investigations into a duly elected new president. yeah, obama was a peach.

the virus was born in china, sent here by china, and then/now, china has lied about it. has it been handled perfectly, no. in his latest tele prompter interview, biden rattled off a list of things he would do to combat the virus. most everything he said, was already being done. why don't you do us a favor and tell us something new that can be done. i have heard nothing new from your team, just complaints.

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