flight from cities continues...

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Re: flight from cities continues...

Post by notes1 »

if your post was a joke, i apologize.

but, in my defense and other trump supporters, for 4 years we have heard and been told some of the nastiest lies and accusations one can imagine, including the use of the race card and nazi's. in order to win an election, some on the other side, including the media labeled us as bigots, racists, homophobes and anything else they could think of.

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Post by billryan »

The Lady doth protest too much.
If you don't want to be accused of being a bigot, a racist or a homophobe, perhaps one shouldn't utter bigoted, racist and homophobic nonsense.
It really is that simple. Brown and black people are your brothers, not your enemies. Gay people are every bit as much real Americans as you are. Do I really need to go on?

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Post by seemoreroyals »

notes1 wrote:
Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:49 pm
if your post was a joke, i apologize.

but, in my defense and other trump supporters, for 4 years we have heard and been told some of the nastiest lies and accusations one can imagine, including the use of the race card and nazi's. in order to win an election, some on the other side, including the media labeled us as bigots, racists, homophobes and anything else they could think of.
I would argue that the vast, vast majority of the nastiest lies, insults, and accusations were told by DJT himself.

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Post by Chicagoan »

I realized right away it was a joke. That said, it is a sad commentary on these divisive times that every statement, every gesture, even every wink, must be carefully analyzed for a possible political and racist meaning behind it. When, if ever, can we all get along again?

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Post by billryan »

The Arizona GOP sent out a tweet asking who would die for trump? Several people evidently volunteered before the whole thing was taken down. The head of the Arizona GOP is calling for the impeachment of the Republican Governor, the Arizona Supreme Court, and the newly elected Senator. They are also hinting that members of the Navajo Nation should be considered as non-citizen residents who shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Of course, the legislature can't meet, thanks to Rudy G exposing them all to the virus, but it doesn't stop a few yahoos from hogging the spotlight.

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Post by notes1 »

seemoreroyals wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:30 am
notes1 wrote:
Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:49 pm
I would argue that the vast, vast majority of the nastiest lies, insults, and accusations were told by DJT himself.
so trump did most of the lies and insults.

how soon you forget. let's start counting the 4 years of accusations about russian collusion, all lies, everyday,by dems/liberals/trump haters and the media. lies, investigations that are still mentioned to this day, even after the mueller inquisition, that deemed NO american knowingly colluded with the russians.

i don't recall you ever criticizing adam schiff-DEM, for his non stop accusations. and, we are all still waiting for him to produce the evidence that he has said he has, for 4 years.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

notes1 wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:57 am
seemoreroyals wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:30 am
notes1 wrote:
Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:49 pm
I would argue that the vast, vast majority of the nastiest lies, insults, and accusations were told by DJT himself.
so trump did most of the lies and insults.

how soon you forget. let's start counting the 4 years of accusations about russian collusion, all lies, everyday,by dems/liberals/trump haters and the media. lies, investigations that are still mentioned to this day, even after the mueller inquisition, that deemed NO american knowingly colluded with the russians.

i don't recall you ever criticizing adam schiff-DEM, for his non stop accusations. and, we are all still waiting for him to produce the evidence that he has said he has, for 4 years.
Sorry notes. This is one argument you have no chance of winning. If you have paid close attention during the past four years the soon to be former president lied on a daily basis. Sometimes hourly. Sometimes every time he opened his mouth. When he was not telling lies he was deflecting, hurling insults, or engaging in other behavior seeking to divide our country and appease his base. In case you have forgotten these are some that come to mind.

1. It's just one or two cases coming in from China and the virus will soon go away
2. The election was rigged.
3. The reason we have so many cases is because we have the best testing.
4. The coronavirus is a democratic hoax.
5. Once all the legal votes are counted he will be declared the winner of the 2020 election.

I could go on and on. You get the point. As bad as his lies are, and they are the worst ever seen by a politician at any level in the history of our country, his insults and abuse of power are even worse. Underlying all that is his narcissism.

As a moderate who frequently votes for republicans in elections, I am hopeful that somebody new will emerge and take over as face of the republican party. Someone who values honesty, integrity, humility, and decency. All of the qualities that the soon to be vanquished king in his own mind was severely lacking.

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Post by Eduardo »

Schiff and the dems made me sick during the impeachment debacle. They have had an embarrassing 4 years. The only thing worse? Republicans (and their voters) sucking up to this guy.

All along, the only cause needed for impeachment has been in plain site, in the President's Twitter feed. Nobody should be able to lie so overtly and repeatedly to the American people, acting like a spoiled 10 year old, and maintain that office.

Now... politicians being dishonest is nothing new. But there is a scale, and Trump stepped on it and broke the darn thing.

I genuinely believe that his behavior since the election should be enough to call an emergency session and impeach him now. For a man in that office to call into question (without cause) the fundamentals of our Democracy, just because he's a sore loser, is lunacy. But you'd never get the Republicans on board for such a thing. They are apparently more content to say that our Democracy is as corrupt as Saddam Hussein or some backwards 3rd world country that can't run a proper election.

Yet somehow, people kept and continue falling for his lies. I'll never understand it, other than enough fear and hatred for the other side that you will overlook literally anything. That, and the ability of some political commentators to apparently cast a spell over their audience, rendering them incapable of thinking for themselves.

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Post by Chicagoan »

Eduardo's Dec 09 1:39 p.m. post says it all. Exactly! I am a Ronald Reagan Republican, as I have written many times before on this board. I am as conservative as they get. Yet never in my lifetime have I been as embarrassed and as ashamed as I am today at the so-called "leadership" we have in the White House. I coached Little League baseball and, yes, I fully expected 7-year old kids to whine that they got cheated when they lost. For sure. But for a 74-year old man who is supposedly the leader of the free world to tear down our free and fair election system, best in the world, and to spend his entire lame duck period of his presidency whining and crying when our country is faced with a massive health care emergency is simply beyond belief. Eduardo got it right --- if there were ever grounds to impeach a president, they surely exist now. This "man" cannot leave soon enough!

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Post by billryan »

So the AG of Texas is arguing before the Supreme Court that States Rights means the Federal Government should have no say in what states do with health care, while also arguing that Texas should be able to tell other states how to run their elections.
Meanwhile, melinia is upset that the Federal government is not going to support her lifestyle once they leave Washington. Perhaps she can start her own GoFundme account.
