flight from cities continues...

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Re: flight from cities continues...

Post by notes1 »

billryan wrote:
Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:06 pm
So you are agreeing there was a spike in crime during the trump error? That wasn't so hard, was it?
reading comprehension problems, or just another distraction. non violent crimes DOWN 8%, homicides UP 20%.

and, where were those largest number of murder increases...where else, DEM run big cities. and thus, the flight from big dem run cities continues.

your comments simply serve to point out the obvious, you are not fooling anyone.

but, if more black/brown people dying is a joke to you, please continue.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Notes, please stop with the divisive nonsense. Everything you have been spewing is talking points from fox and brietbart far right syndicated news, with a little oan and newsmax added for good flavor. You have made your point. I recall Webman banning Florida Phil for posting the same stuff over and over again. Your divisiveness is far worse than anything Florida Phil did to get banned IMO. Same thing over and over. Please stop.

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Post by notes1 »

of all those to accuse anyone of repetitive divisiveness, you been spewing the same hatred for month after month.

i am simply pointing out FACTS, that dispute your inaccuracies. i listed ACTUAL facts and gave sources.

because i provide actual data and you look foolish,you are now calling webman to ban me. would he ban anyone posting actual facts about VP? i doubt it.

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Post by sam434343 »

Keep writing Notes, I agree with almost 100%=99% There has been something that you wrote years ago, did not agree with, but had nothing to do with politics! LOL!! of what you write I am glad somebody like you stands up for the truth, Not like the leading Democrats in congress some how they manipulate the truth, with always avoiding there on faults/lies and condemnations of there actions. There are people on this site who condemn you, call you swear names, call you mental names, and try to silences you.(Notes i know you have to!!No??) Dont let them!!! Webman has let them, we all know where he stands!!!??? They act just like the Democrats in congress??? Do as as I say not as I do!!! They dont have clean hands them self!!! My failing health has almost cost me my life 10 to 12 times, have been brought back to life over last 8 years. Not looking for sympathy(ok maybe a little lol) this is the truth. I bring it up because your outlook on life and how you see people act is like a different world and how you can understand so much more about people, because you/me am grateful for the most part to be alive!

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Post by notes1 »

sam, first off, i am sorry about your ill health. hope things get better. second, thanks for your extremely kind words. i am resolved to point out hypocrisy and misinformation, when i see/read it.
-regarding webman, i too know where he stands, but i give him credit, he has not tried to shut me down. let's see if he falls victim to 'cancel culture'. i am sure others are trying to force his hand.
-here is a secret, i never liked trump. but, he supported many policies i agree with.
-another secret, i am disgusted with many RHINOS. they have no backbone. these include congress.
-i do believe that even with trump's many faults, there was/has been an organized effort by a variety of groups, including the media, to destroy his time in office. his accomplishments have been down played.

no need to mention dems/liberals many faults. it seems that the party of math and science, doesn't believe these apply to their many failed policies.

here is a certainty, dems rely on the media and voters who will always be needy of government funds/assistance. whether it be union school teachers (who are against school choice), government workers always looking for more pay and benefits, young people who are taught by socialists, gays, feminists, environmentalists, the forever needy, they all want more and bigger government, and their votes are for sale. this is why they want open borders. more needy folks, more votes. of course the more illegals who get into our country, it only serves to hurt the black/brown votes, that they take for granted.

unfortunately for you, by noting your agreement for some of my opinions, you will undoubtedly fall victim to their name calling and lies. just keep in mind, that these same folks, with such compassion for others, are the big supporters of millions of deaths via abortion, condemn their black/brown voters to a life of needing government support, because of their failed policies. and, those same folks will live in locations with rising murders and shootings, again due to dem policies.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

notes1 wrote:
Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:42 pm
of all those to accuse anyone of repetitive divisiveness, you been spewing the same hatred for month after month.

i am simply pointing out FACTS, that dispute your inaccuracies. i listed ACTUAL facts and gave sources.

because i provide actual data and you look foolish,you are now calling webman to ban me. would he ban anyone posting actual facts about VP? i doubt it.
Of coarse bill ryan and the rest of his minions r trying to silence free speach , thats what they do when facts prove them so wrong !! so far web man allows free speech ! lets hope he continues and does not cave in !!!

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Notes, you are your own worst enemy. Occasionally you show signs of being open to having rational discussions but as soon as someone does not embrace your false reality you ether attack or play the victim. You rail against Dems and government employees as if they are the only ones responsible for the mess we are in and that they are the only ones sucking off the government tit.

Meanwhile the rep's are pushing their way into the government feeding trough either by extracting benefits for themselves or by giving themselves tax cuts. Unfortunately most of this abuse is done by the top 1% greedy bastards that continue to get wealthier while the remainder of the country gets next to nothing.

The gullible that support these republican leaders continue to be lied to and the well connected continue to grift. And the country continues to get deeper and deeper in debt. And the hopes of finding a way out of this mess continues to diminish.

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Post by Tedlark »

seemoreroyals wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:18 am
Notes, you are your own worst enemy. Occasionally you show signs of being open to having rational discussions but as soon as someone does not embrace your false reality you ether attack or play the victim. You rail against Dems and government employees as if they are the only ones responsible for the mess we are in and that they are the only ones sucking off the government tit.

Meanwhile the rep's are pushing their way into the government feeding trough either by extracting benefits for themselves or by giving themselves tax cuts. Unfortunately most of this abuse is done by the top 1% greedy bastards that continue to get wealthier while the remainder of the country gets next to nothing.

The gullible that support these republican leaders continue to be lied to and the well connected continue to grift. And the country continues to get deeper and deeper in debt. And the hopes of finding a way out of this mess continues to diminish.
So are you saying that there are no dem politicians who push their way into the government feeding trough extracting benefits for themselves? So are you saying that there are no dem politicians who get wealthier while the rest of the country gets next to nothing? So are you saying that there are no dem politicians who continue to grift and lie to gullible dem supporters?

Open your other eye.

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Post by billryan »

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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Post by Tedlark »

billryan wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:02 am
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
So those Elvis impersonators who portray him in his later years do this as the sincerest form of fattery?

Hunka hunka burnin love takes on a whole different meaning.....
