flight from cities continues...

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Re: flight from cities continues...

Post by billryan »

Any reason you don't mention the Wisconsin shootings? Or the shoot out in Nebraska?
Rage on, brother, rage on.

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Post by notes1 »

refusing to address the rising crime (shootings, murders, looting, assaults) taking place in dem run cities reminds me of the MSM media. just like you, they feel if they don't cover it, don't report it, no one will know it is happening. well, voters for HOUSE seats noticed and the party that endorsed defunding the cops, lost seats.

how long do dems think voters will tolerate home values dropping, people feeling unsafe, liberals allowing/justifying peaceful protesters running amuck committing crime, without consequences. keep kidding yourself, folks are very concerned about their personal safety and that of their families and friends.

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Post by notes1 »

just another bloody weekend in DEM controlled chicago....9 killed and 37 shot. yep, liberals really care about black and brown people.

no wonder dems lost seats in the house and lost elections overall nationwide.

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Post by Eduardo »

Saw that. Chicago is a tragic example of so many things not working. What have the Republicans offered as a solution?

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

republicans do not run chicago , dems do ! want a solution ? vote republican . far from perfect but much better choice !

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Post by notes1 »

Eduardo wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:51 am
Saw that. Chicago is a tragic example of so many things not working. What have the Republicans offered as a solution?
DEMS have run chicago for most of 20th century and all of the 2000's. trump offered to send in more security forces and the dem mayor told him to stay away.

as far as i am concerned, the citizens of chicago keep voting in the same dem losers, they deserve what they get. the same for NYC, PHILI, BALT, LA, DC and all the other screwed up big cities.

the dems ran on 'defund the cops', now live with it. don't try and turn this into a rep problem, you made it , you fix it.

if i recall, YOU were one of those who thought it was no big deal, when cops in nyc were having water, bricks and concrete thrown at them. you were warned what might happen and it has.

typical liberal, stupid ideas get bad results and then try and blame it on someone else. pitiful!

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Post by Tedlark »

One Chicago Police District, District 11, Harrison District, has reported 15 more murders this year than the entire city of Minneapolis.

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Post by billryan »

Isn't Minneapolis run by Democrats? How dare you suggest a Democrat run city is safe, or safer.

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Post by Tedlark »

Comparatively speaking; with Minneapolis having a population of 437,000 people, having 75 murders so far this year might not classify it as a safe city.

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Post by notes1 »

leave it to BR to mention minneapolis as an example of a safe DEM run city.

according to liberal rag, WAPO, as of 11/13/20;
-murders are up by 50%
-more than 500 have been shot
-highest number of shootings in a decade and twice as many as 2019
-there have been more than 4600 violent crimes, highest in 5 years

with those stats in mind, the very bright and extremely liberal city council, voted to 'defund the police'. smart!

with the surge in crime, the reduction in police, what has to be the dumbest question ever, was when a city council member asked, where are all the cops? this in response to citizens demanding more protection.

just another example of liberal stupid ideas, that don't work out. you get what you voted for.
