Why do you play video poker? What is your favorite game and why?
Casino Knight
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Re: ALL STAR POKER machines

Post by Casino Knight »

As a highly educated man, are you a self taught player who developed a certain skill set for the game(s) or did you learn advantage play on commercial software? The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out the why of your lack of success playing VP. Other than the games being gaffed.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I am not answering for DB here, just giving you another example of what bad luck can do and long term may not be what we think, but could be decades or longer for the averages to turn around toward norms. I play almost perfect 9/6 job games and have the worst result on that game averaging a Royal every 175k hands over millions of hands.
     On the other hand, my Royal Flush hits over the same millions of hands, are about average and my quad deuces hits are above average for Deuces Wild.
     My theory as I may have posted beofre is that long term may be many decades or longer for some people and some people may have unusual luck for the same time periods.
     If that theory is even close to being correct, Bob Dancer's method may be fine for some people, better that average for some people, or terrible for others.

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Post by Casino Knight »

I am not answering for DB here, just giving you another example of what bad luck can do and long term may not be what we think, but could be decades or longer for the averages to turn around toward norms.

I guess it's a good thing for me that I don't believe in LUCK.


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Post by BillyJoe »

[QUOTE=olds442jetaway] I am not answering for DB here, just giving you another example of what bad luck can do and long term may not be what we think, but could be decades or longer for the averages to turn around toward norms.

I guess it's a good thing for me that I don't believe in LUCK.

All you can do in VP is to put yourself in position such that good fortune will pay you off.

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Post by Tedlark »

I think DaBurglar has self-annointed himself the honorary title of "Advantage Player." I play games on this site that I routinely play in casinos in order to practice and I just don't think he follows the same map as I do with practicing here.

I am the stalker that he refers to but I do know that my math says 1,200 quarters is $300.00 all day long and not $400.00.

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Post by BillyJoe »

   I think DaBurglar has self-annointed himself the honorary title of "Advantage Player." I play games on this site that I routinely play in casinos in order to practice and I just don't think he follows the same map as I do with practicing here.

I am the stalker that he refers to but I do know that my math says 1,200 quarters is $300.00 all day long and not $400.00.
Dang - basic math as an elective at Harvard. Who knew ?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

[QUOTE=Tedlark]   I think DaBurglar has self-annointed himself the honorary title of "Advantage Player." I play games on this site that I routinely play in casinos in order to practice and I just don't think he follows the same map as I do with practicing here.

I am the stalker that he refers to but I do know that my math says 1,200 quarters is $300.00 all day long and not $400.00.
Dang - basic math as an elective at Harvard. Who knew ? [/QUOTE]

     Wow! I guess that means the calculus I had to take 1st semester at UCONN was a really big deal them.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Tedlark is my stalker/shadow, only because Tedlark is in fact, my stalker/shadow...this is without know it should be pretty funny when you make a boneheaded mistake like I just did in calling 1200 credits 400 bucks, because no where in any book that I have ever read does it say that Harvard people are perfect....and that's what I get for trying to respond and engage and answer.   It would be funny and SHOULD be funny, because we all need to laugh at ourselves, and I know I have poked a lot of fun at myself on this site over the last few years.......but the "funniness" is dissipated when its some one like Tedlark pointing it out.   Go figure....I NEVER annointed myself an "ADVANTAGE player", but then again, how the hell do any of us know even if BOB dancer ALWAYS plays by his "self annointed" standards?   What does it all mean anyway?  I do try very hard to play perfectly when it comes to the basic games like JOB and Bonus poker and DDB, and by that I mean I make the mathematically correct plays.   I make very few mistakes, and the few I do make almost always result from sticky buttons or some annoying distraction.CK Knight:  I have been playing VIDEO poker since 1992, and quite honestly, with the simpler games like JOB, it was not hard for me to figure out on my own most of the playing principles we now all know by heart.....I have over the years picked up pointers here and there, read a lot of material and practiced on a wide variety of software programs and games......But to answer your question about  why I do not get any good results in AC, all I can say at this point is....I do not know.   As I pointed out many times, all my years of playing in Nevada from 1992 thru 2007 yielded pretty decent results, certainly fair and within any acceptable range of expectations.      This is why my abhorrent results in AC are such a point of consternation for me and why I continue to discuss it......Olds442 makes excellent points on one possible approach to understanding, but to me it still makes no sense that I should have had so many horrible losing sessions in AC.   Oh sure I did win a FEW times, but something is clearly different in AC.   That's all I can say.  

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Post by Tedlark »

   Actually DaBurglar you DID refer to yourself as an Advantage player in another forum on this site. If you recall; you mentioned something about being an advantage player and having to possibly move to Las Vegas in order to play but if Las Vegas suddenly had an influx of advantage players it might somehow crimp Bob Dancer's style. Checkmate...   I completely understand how you would, after being called out on the money error, NOW say that "I meant to try and be funny by writing that 1,200 quarters is $400.00 but nobody got the humor with my OBVIOUS math gaffe." Oh you ARE s student of the great Charlie Chaplin sir, kinda like the guy who clownishly steps into the bucket; walks around for a few steps and then after realizing what happened, says that he MEANT to step into the bucket.

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Post by DaBurglar »

   Actually DaBurglar you DID refer to yourself as an Advantage player in another forum on this site. If you recall; you mentioned something about being an advantage player and having to possibly move to Las Vegas in order to play but if Las Vegas suddenly had an influx of advantage players it might somehow crimp Bob Dancer's style. Checkmate...   I completely understand how you would, after being called out on the money error, NOW say that "I meant to try and be funny by writing that 1,200 quarters is $400.00 but nobody got the humor with my OBVIOUS math gaffe." Oh you ARE s student of the great Charlie Chaplin sir, kinda like the guy who clownishly steps into the bucket; walks around for a few steps and then after realizing what happened, says that he MEANT to step into the bucket.Hey ted, your hypocrisy is once again rearing its ugly head, you really need to get it checked out.I never called myself a advantage player....once again, if you are so sure, quote the actually post I made....otherwise this falls into the MANY other times where I have called YOU on the BS you throw out there about me, challenging you to show WHERE I actually said what you incorrectly state, and you suddenly go silent, hoping that I (and everyone else watching and waiting to see you screw yourself ONCE AGAIN)  will forget  about it.And you are the only one here who honestly believes that I did not know that 1200 quarters is 300 bucks, not 400, like I erroneously typed.   I suppose you can now claim you never EVER make mistakes over such minutiae, but then we could file that under your BS too.     You are just upset that I can make fun of myself and acknowledge when I make a mistake, while YOU are totally unable to do so.   That actually is ANOTHER form of fact, I now think it was a typo, and this one the spell check would not even pick up.   But still, the BIG DEAL you choose to make about it shows what your true agenda is.....The more you "stalk" me and do everything in your power to TRY and make me look as bad as possible, the more everyone else can see just what YOU are all about......and the better I look in the long run.    You see Ted, if I am as much of a waste, and as ridiculous as you claim, then WHY on earth do you persist in responding TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY POSTS regardless of what the hell I am writing about?   You are just preposterous in your BS!SO GO AHEAD and get the LAST word in AGAIN here are just adding to the dirt over your already buried coffin.   Might as well add some flowers too ...... now that's a checkmate

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