Uxtimate X Question

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Re: Uxtimate X Question

Post by TripleTriple »

My secret machine- a lone 5 star quarter 9/7 TDB -was removed a couple weeks ago. I asked a slot mechanic why. He said "they weren't making any money on it." Too bad. I was.

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Post by FAA »

Thus its removal. UX is such a BR killer, I'm surprised that you were doing okay on it. Isn't that variance through the roof?

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Post by TripleTriple »

I don't play UX.

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Post by FAA »

Oh, man! Caught by yet another thread derailment! Should have known better than to trust the title!

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Post by Vman96 »

hophoofer wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:33 am
Vman96 wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:59 am
hophoofer wrote:
Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:38 pm
Jstark wrote:
Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:36 pm
I had a dealt 82228 on a crappy nickel DW game the other day while picking off multipliers. The quint paid 50. Had to run the hand on the analyzer as I wasn't sure (not completely familiar with those lousy pay table DW games). It was a 222 hold. Ended up with 2 wild 4oak's and 1 redrawn quint.
Yeah, if 5oK pays 12 instead of 15 and royal pays 20 instead of 25, hold 3 deuces if betting 5 credits.

But I think holding 5 of a kind is still the correct strategy when betting 10 credits. (not your case)

I never seriously study DW games since the best game in my area is the ugly deuces, not quite interesting.
Holding a quint betting 10 at UX is incorrect at all paytables except when a quint pays 80 coins without a multiplier. You must have glossed over that in my last post in this thread. When vulturing, also hold a quint at 75 coins.
Your formula is clearly wrong. “So a quint with a 5X multiplier on board is worth 16 x 5 + 2 -1 = 81” It should be like this:

(adjusted win) = 2×(base win) + (multiplier) - 1

“When vulturing, also hold a quint at 75 coins.” - that’s exactly what I mean.
No, not when you know the exact multipliers on board. You should ideally use the multipliers given in the current hand, which was 5X for every hand.

The formula:

(adjusted win) = 2×(base win) + (multiplier) - 1

Is just used to come up with a "multiplier independent" basic strategy since the average multiplier is very close to 2X. Someone who wanted to play even more accurately would learn the strategy when the average multiplier is 1X, 1.1X, 1.2X, 1.3X, 1.4X, all the way to 12X. But no human, even Bob Dancer, is going to do that. But the formula:

(adjusted win) = 2×(base win) + (multiplier) - 1

Gets you ~close to optimal return in general play.

Now GENERALLY you will break the quint at 80 coins for the base payout, but if the average multiplier is 4X or higher, it's better to hold the quint.

This is what 3X average multiplier on board looks like.

And what 4X average multiplier on board looks like.

It probably flips at about the 3.75X average multiplier point as shown below.

Sorry I took so long to respond. I barely come here anymore.

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