Your thoughts please... because it bugs me!

Did you hit any jackpots? Did you get a great comp? We all want to know!
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Your thoughts please... because it bugs me!

Post by bobbob »

I visited a casino (Hollywood in Toledo, Ohio), last week for the first time in over a year. I went with my dad and brother and had a great time. Just one little problem. I was down to my last two twenty dollar bills when I inserted one into a .25 Super Double Double Bonus machine, as I was playing, I was dealt the A,K,10,Q of spades, well I drew the J of spades and hit the Royal. I couldn't believe it and was happy as could be. I played it down to 4000 credits, cashed out and went to go cash my ticket in at a cash machine like I have done many times over the years.

Well I inserted the ticket and it said that I would have to take it to the cashiers cage. I thought, hmmm, never had this problem before, but it's been well over a year since I played and maybe things have changed.

Went to the cashier, then stuff got kinda strange. She took my ticket, next thing I know she's making phone calls. About twenty minutes later, I finally get paid. No explanation as to why the hold up, but made me feel like I did something wrong or illegal. Anyway, I head back over to where I won to play, and to my surprise, the machine I won on was turned off. I saw a slot tech come over a few minutes later, looked at it a few minutes and left without turning it back on. Just seemed strange to me.

It makes me feel like, are these machines really legit. Was I not suppose to hit that Royal Flush? What are your thoughts? Thanks for listening.

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Post by Tedlark »

If you have any thoughts or doubts what so ever that the machine(s) are not legit or on the up and up, stop playing right now and never play again in a casino. If the machine had a malfunction it would have not paid out on the royal and slot techs and/or suits would have been over to the machine soon after any malfunction. Plus; how did it play AFTER you hit the royal when you played it down to 4,000 credits? Again, if there was a malfunction at the machine it should have not let you play anymore than you did.

You hit a royal and you got properly paid for it. Congrats on that and don't give it another thought.

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Post by TripleTriple »

Perhaps that machine was having a "positive" cycle, and paid out multiple royals "out of schedule" :).
No one comes running when the machine goes 600,000 hands without a jackpot, but have two hit in an hour or so and all hell breaks loose.

The ticket redemption machine may not have had sufficient funds to pay that large an amount.

There's no way the cashier should have done anything but scan the tito and ask how you wanted it paid out. She had no way of knowing it was a jackpot.

Who knows why all the scrutiny?

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Post by Jstark »

I've hit royals there and had no problem. When last there a couple of months ago, they did still have a good deal of machines (slots and VP) turned off though most likely to provide socially distant gambling.

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Post by phnxnmartini »

That sounds off, but perhaps there was some kind of computer glitch and it did not register right away. If the ticket in ticket out server is having issues, it may have been flagged as an invalid ticket or something when they scanned it. At least you still got paid!

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Post by Quisper »

Don't overthink it. Someone was slow paying you. When you have to stand here and wait, 6 or 7 minutes can feel like 20 minutes. A $1,000 payout for a casino is small potatoes, hate to have to tell you. They don't look at machines for a $1,000 payout. The rule at many casinos is for $10,000 and up jackpots the slot supervisor calls the eye in the sky and gets them to replay the actual time of the win to see if anything suspicious is happening. $25,000 and up, depending on the casino, a slot tech may open the machine along with the playback by the eye in the sky. Just relax....don't overthink it.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Ditto. 10 Grand where I play and the suits come running. Sometimes 2 or 3 of them. I have never had an issue though with getting paid. I can’t remember the last time they opened up a machine unless there was a malfunction. Usually, they just stand around while the slot attendant does everything, sometimes just bs ing and joking with them. They also come back and just stand there while you get paid.

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Post by bobbob »

Thanks for the replies everyone. I appreciate it. I've been playing almost 40 years and this is the first time this happened. It was strange to me. Good luck everyone!

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