what will happen after...

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Re: what will happen after...

Post by tech58 »

Trying to understand that one FAA. Most victims are Male age 18-49 ? Not from the reports i read.
Of course i admit to being on somewhat shaky ground relying on news reports.
Also the seniors being on the high risk list seem to have a death wish,maybe the NJ tax situation?

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Post by Tedlark »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:31 pm
Tedlark wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:10 pm
Phil, as you are a retired businessman you should know that this would be a workman's comp issue and as such: employees would be not able to sue their employer past what the workman's comp statute in Florida allows.
Ted, in Florida everyone sues even if there is no basis or remedy. This is due to the fact that we have more than 78,000 lawyers in Florida. Many of them are from your part of the country. They will take most any case without retainer hoping the defendant will settle before the case is tried. They tell me $10,000 is the standard "go away" value of a banana peel slip these days. If you do business in this State, you know this all too well.

I am proud of the fact that in 40 years of doing business in Florida, none of my businesses have ever been sued. When you consider I was on the cutting edge of the computer industry, this is something to be proud of.

I feel sorry for the Hard Rock employees. The Tampa casino is less than 30 minutes from the Orlando theme parks. The parks are closed, which means anyone here on vacation will be looking for something to do. When you serve a drink to a patron, they could have just driven from NY where they are under a State of emergency due to the virus. These employees are being put in danger by the greed of the tribes.
Phil - Workman's comp payouts are governed by state law and would be determined on the nature and extent of the injury. We are talking about possible COVID-19 exposure here and not banana peels.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

FAA.... I’m walking 3-4 miles a day at just under a run. Problem is the beach and boardwalk I usually have to myself is now crowded with moms, kids out of school, dogs, people I’ve never seen before that are speaking languages I never heard of etc. Nearly impossible to keep 6 feet away especially at the pace I walk. Now I have to find another place to walk. Could hit the woods, but tick season started already.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

As to the Indian casinos Phil, in a National emergency like this, the state or Feds should be able to close them down. I don’t want to hear any of that Sovereign Nation BS. We make them obey our liquor, traffic and other laws. Right or wrong, the Indians lost the wars. I’m going to catch flack for this but they have no right to put their employees at risk anymore than our businesses under controls now do. The Ct Governor who I don’t care for at all, put so much pressure on Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun they had to close. So now in Fla, these employees go home They have been no doubt exposed, and are exposing hundreds of other people per employee.

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Post by doris13 »

tech58,as a senior in nj let me tell you that we,like any other age group,need to go the supermarkets,pet stores,banks etc.i am in high risk group and i don't have a death wish.i go get what i need,come home,wash my hands and disinfect all surfaces i touched,even my car door handle.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I just read that all six Indian casino properties in Florida closed at 6 PM today. Thank goodness. Hope that will help lessen the spread somewhat. No one knows for sure. Even Dr. Fauci said today in the news conference we cannot rule out for sure that part of the virus is not airborne.

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Post by FAA »

Report heard in my area. I can always hustle away from people. But it’s literally living in fear, already an issue. Today a tattoo festooned guy somehow slipped past me at a Wendy’s. He was taking too long, so an employee used her restroom key. She then exited and made a gesture with her hand into her forearm simulating shooting drugs! At least that got him out.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Saw almost the exact sane thing on live pd the other day. I forget if it was a Wendys or Burger King. Our Wendys are closed takeout only at all of our restaurants. I remember a post about different Wendy ‘s food in the forum a year or so ago. Our closest Wendys is at a truck stop. Open all nite. I kinda miss it. Sometines used to stop there and get something at crazy post casino hours. Couldn’t beat the Jr. cheeseburger with free LT if you ask for 89 cents after senior duscount. Imagine that. I would worry about a few cents after losing hundreds if not thousands at Mohegan Sun. I know its nuts, but I bet I’m not the only one who does stuff like that.

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Post by Lucky Larry »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:20 pm
tech, hope you are right. but, globalists and those only interested in making a buck, see those 1+billion potential customers and are too eager to accept the rules the chinese have mandated.

the best hope is if the cost of dealing with them outweighs any profit.
So what type of system are you suggesting we (America) go to since you are suggesting "capitalism-making a buck" is bad?

What about the companies' obligation to their shareholders - you know those who own a piece of the company through the stock market? or company share?

Where should I invest my 401K if companies are not out to make a profit? Just asking for a friend? Me and millions of Americans.

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Post by notes1 »

please point out where i criticized capitalism.

you may very well have missed the many posts i have made supporting capitalism as an economic system. i believe it has gotten more out of poverty than any other i am aware of. i worked in the financial industry for more than 3 decades. i am well aware of 401k's and investing.

what i am am opposed to is unabashed globalism. let me ask you a question; do you think it would be a good practice if 90-95% of america's military defense needs were manufactured elsewhere and owned by foreign companies? items such as planes, ships, bombs, satellites, weapons, ammunition, etc, all made elsewhere and owned by foreign companies or governments. of course, the answer is no and that is why we have laws prohibiting such a situation.

well, what is more vital to our country than medications, such as antibiotics, or gowns, gloves, medical equipment, etc. yet, very few of these critical needs for our survival, are made here. why? because corporate america found a cheaper place to make them, notably ...china! recently, a chinese government official threatened to withhold from america, the shipment of antibiotics.

but, according to you, as long as american companies can make more money, produce a greater profit, a higher dividend, and thus a higher share price, all is good. i do not agree.

as a longtime supporter of american business, it doesn't make me feel very good to suggest that many international american companies, do not have america's best interest at heart, when making decisions. they keep their home base here because our country's rule of law, which is far superior to what they can expect in countries like china. other than that, wherever, whatever it takes, as long as they make more money, anything goes. they do not consider themselves american companies, but rather global entities.

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