The World of Negative VP

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: The World of Negative VP

Post by wildman49 »

Phil says there is $1  9/6 JOB there, must be a break even play there with comps and or promos, but not everyone wants to play $5 a hand let alone $25 a hand. Bankroll is a MAJOR key in any game that might get you to the plus side. It's risky for even the best players. I am sure there is break even to positive plays in many casinos in the USA, but bankroll and risk is hard for most to handle.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

There is nothing "unintelligent" or "undisciplined" in my decisions on how I choose to play video poker.  Everyone is different.  Everyone's personal experiences, moral attitudes, physical skills and finances are different.  Since I have been on this forum, Mr. Dancer has gone out of his way to belittle everyone who doesn't choose to play VP like he does.  He recently made an entire post out of this subject, stating APs were more intelligent than Recreational players.  Even if it's true, why would anyone do something like that?I harbor no personal animosity toward Mr. Dancer.  He helps people like me enjoy playing an entertaining casino game at a discount.  However, I can't understand why he feels the need to insult players that he feels are less than him.  What does he gain by insulting his potential customers?  Does it sell more books because people want to be among the intelligent few?   I am positive Mr. Dancer plays video poker better than I do.  I am also positive there are things I do better than he does.  Should I post them on this forum to make myself feel better or make him feel worse about himself? I play quarter video poker games because for me it's a more intelligent decision.   He keeps telling me I have positive games available and won't play them.  I assume he means I'm not intelligent enough to make my own decisions?  I asked for clarification and that's where we are now.  If he comes up with one, we can all examine it and see if it's such a good deal.  I'm not holding my breath. Let's stick to video poker and leave the personal comments off of this forum.  I don't like to be called names because of the decisions I make personally.   No one walks in my shoes but me and no one can make those decisions for me.

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Post by FAA »

Sounds pretty disciplined and intelligent to me.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I do not understand why you think a person should put in all that effort to identify a superior play and then turn it over to another player to milk.

Oh, well I am disconcerted you don't "understand"... I don't see this as being such a big issue. You obviously do...

Sure, Don't Tell anyone "the secret" you busted your arse discovering, just post on a forum that you discovered it and tough nuts to everyone else...real nice.

Bob dancer, and those like him who sell info on casino games are salesmen first and pro gamblers second..... what's the big mystery here? If people want to pay for what he's peddling, great.... that's America.

I guess where I do diverge from Phil is just how offensive I find Bob's condescending personality and opinions about other VP players... I could care less, whereas Phil is greatly bothered. Phil, if you're out there reading this, it's not worth it my friend...but kudos to you for discovering the weirdness inherent in AC video poker!

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Post by DaBurglar »

I do know that if I did a search of the ENTIRE forum for the word anathema the search would only return one single solitary result.

Nope you'd get two thanks to your own handiwork, and now three thanks to my latest version of "Potshots denied: chapter 57"...

it is a ....Point of fact...that a person is judged by the quality and level of their vocabulary. Oh but I know, not you...

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Post by Tedlark »

Let's stick to the topic of special plays in Florida. I do not find any connection between those and Bob Dancer's personality.

I have a wide vocabulary but I also have the tact not to fully display it here. Nor would I wear Mess dress when BDU's would suffice.

Edited to add - easy translation of Mess dress when BDU's would suffice would be: nor would I wear a tuxedo when cleaning my garage.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

All I am saying is there are reasons why someone would choose not to play $5 video poker games that have nothing to do with intelligence or discipline.   Just because gambling big may be profitable, doesn't make it right for everyone.   It doesn't make it wrong either.   Those are personal decisions.    The difference between humans and animals is God gave us the power to decide for ourselves.  I make the decision to play quarter VP because it's the right choice for me.Back to VP.   In all honesty, I sincerely doubt there are any long term positive VP games in Florida.  The game odds are all negative.  The comps are limited to in house credit.  Even our progressive games have the odds severely reduced.Florida VP is a good deal for a quarter player.   We enjoy our comped rooms, food and drinks.   Would we like to play 100% quarter video poker?  You bet, but that's not going to happen unless Florida floods the entire state with casinos.  Florida does not need gambling to pay their bills.  Florida has a mandatory State balanced budget, no state or local income tax and no gambling taxes.If you play Recreational VP in Florida you will enjoy yourself.  If enjoying yourself involves making a profit, play somewhere else.

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Post by FAA »

AC VP is a bad deal for the quarter player. Particularly, a player of best odds, where comps are throttled. Pure consternation.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

The comps at the Florida Hard Rock casinos favor frequent players.   They accumulate faster than most other casinos, but they expire quickly.   When we play at other casinos it seems to take forever to earn points and they are very stingy with their free play.   I went to Tampa last Friday and was surprised to learn I had $85 in free play.   Tomorrow is a bonus free play day in Tampa with another $40.   There is nothing wrong with a casino making money as long as they take good care of their customers.I suspect the new Hard Rock in AC will shake things up a bit.  Let's hope so.

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Post by FAA »

Thank you for the reminder. Excellent point; that would be perfect. Change is a good thing. Imagine playing 99.54% JOB without dealing with the tiresome Caesars regulars, the tight quarter Progressive or the obnoxious CW hens behind the bank! Hell, I'm already a winner. You know, it makes perfect sense for me to take a month off. Let me mark that opening day down in my calendar. I've certainly had my fill of CET. I hope they experience an exodus of Biblical proportions! I'm so ready to make a fresh start. Plus the walking around will be much needed exercise. It probably works in my favor to sit and let the landscape develop.

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