Caesars AC

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Re: Caesars AC

Post by Tedlark »

If referring to DaBurglar's Friday October 6, 2017 11:40 pm post, can someone please tell me what a "munerous" other friend is? Sounds icky.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

   If referring to DaBurglar's Friday October 6, 2017 11:40 pm post, can someone please tell me what a "munerous" other friend is? Sounds icky.....

Yep when you have exhausted your limited brain power as you clearly have done you can always pull out the good old typo gimmick...given that you haven't resorted to this recently, it represents the fact that my typing has been error free otherwise you would have jumped on it a lot sooner.

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Post by DaBurglar »

?All CET AC properties are on servers, and if you play there then you know how things are either "On" or "off", never in between or in the middle.   Since they converted to servers several years back,  I (along with munerous other friends and acquaintances) have proven this over and over and over ................ Yadda,yadda,yadda.[/QUOTE]

Tell you what, you name the AC time and place and we'll see whether or not there is anything to my claims regarding CET servers. Otherwise your cheap shots are just that, cheap shots, and nothing else.

I'm 100% positive and certain that the games are CeT AC are manipulated and controlled via the comprehensive ability that server based systems allow any company to control things....this results in absurdly horrific, statistically wrong results for games that are supposed to be random and normal.

If you are unwilling to do anything beyond mock the conclusions I have reached based on my experiences and those of "MUNERous" others I know, then accept the accolades that accompany such a stellar course.

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Post by DaBurglar »

instead of blaming servers and whatever else you can find to blame,it's time to realize you are not as good a vp player that you think you may be.

Ok Doris you are 100% correct!

Thank you so much for this timely piece of advice, I can't tell you how much you helped me!

Please let me make it up to you, I will treat you to dinner next time you're in AC, I buy you Gallagher's steak, the best in all AC, perhaps the world!

And then maybe you could show me after how you succeed so much playing in AC and CET casinos? A generous kind soul like yourself would not want me to suffer anymore one-sided losses...right?

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar for a person who claims to be as smart as they are, a SMART person would actually proofread a post before making it.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar for a person who claims to be as smart as they are, a SMART person would actually proofread a post before making it. Tedlark, only A COMPLETELY desperate SHALLOW MORON would equate making a single OBVIOUS typo (which involved transposing NOT misspelling) as a sign of low intelligence.  Its a very easy thing to do with many tablets, which make people use fingers on overworked screens to spell out words....The more you harp on utter crap like this the more obvious it is to the viewing audience whom you care so much about that you are seriously troubled.You could just leave me alone and pretend I don't exist....but that's not possible for you is it?  Maybe now is the time for your annual "explanation" to the forum audience on why exactly it is that you simply just cannot leave Daburglar alone, given your obvious intense disdain and dislike for him (but NOT HATRED, oh no not that......)

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar it would take me three months of Sunday's to recount all of the "typo's" you've made in your posts. Maybe if you cared about the work you produce you would have fewer "typos."

Can you please connect us to any of those "annual explanation" posts I've made? I can't recall anything other than there is no explanation for you. Oops; I do recall how to proofread a post for typing errors.

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Post by FAA »

The important take away is run away. Ditch the money pit after it gobbles a twenty. NOT two or three twenties. The next one may not yield a quad either, but I generally can break even while pondering my next move. Move is a great four letter word. Get the hell off while you are quasi solvent.

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Post by doris13 »

db,all the money in the world would not get me to meet you at gallaghers

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Post by onemoretry »

Tell you what, you name the AC time and place and we'll see whether or not there is anything to my claims regarding CET servers. What, exactly, would you do to try to convince me that your opinion is correct?

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