New Topic

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: New Topic

Post by rascal »

Doug, I haven't learned a lot in more than 70 years on this planet, but one thing that I have learned is that anyone who judges another person by appearance, or who enjoys a laugh based on someone else's appearance, probably is fairly shallow himself. One of the kindest and most compassionate men I know was horribly wounded by a landmine in Vietnam. As a result of hormone damage, he gained a tremendous amount of weight no matter how hard he tried to lose it. In addition to his physical disabilities that he suffers from as a result of his honorable and courageous service to his country, he also from time to time suffers from crude and thoughtless remarks made by those who do not know his story. In my mind, he is a hero, regardless of shape or size.

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Post by djc32 »

DougJ wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:13 pm
FloridaPhil wrote:
Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:34 am
billryan wrote:
Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:12 am
Last time I flew cross country, my companion and I split three extra legroom seats on Jet Blue.
Sorry to hear that. I would think an Advantage Player could afford better seats?
. . . . .
You might sit next to a 400 pound person that overflows the seat. . . . .
Shut the Front Door!!!

Or you might sit next to a 6 foot 3 "advantage player" who weighs 350 pounds and needs 3 seats.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
by FAA » Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:45 am
Doug, res ipsa. Talk about the 800 pound elephant in the thread!

I would rather sit next to a 6'3 "advantage player" who weighs 350 pounds instead of a grown man who would try to body shame another grown man like some teenager,just because they disagree with the persons opinion on things in a online forum.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I try hard not to judge other people by their appearance. It's difficult. I see young people with piercings, tattoos and weird hair and I immediately think they are idiots. They in fact might be doctors for all I know. I see a multi racial couple in a TV commercial and I ask why? I have nothing against it, I wonder about the purpose. Does the fact that the guy in the commercial has a black wife make me want to stay at that hotel or shop at the same store? Who cares? Are they selling products or social activism?

Being overweight is not a disease in itself. It can be caused by factors that the person has no control over. When I see someone who is extremely obese, I do not think they are obsessive or unintelligent. I think they are unhealthy. It makes me sad because I know they will be spending most of their time in a doctor's office and they will die young.

I'm 6 foot tall and weigh 215 pounds. All my life my doctor's chart told me I should weight 190. I'm 72 years old and my doctor tells me I am one of his healthier patients. Go figure. The Democrats went off on Trump this week because he is 6' 3" and weights 245. He's a little chunky like me, but he's not taking up two airline seats.

You have the right to weight as much as you want. Your rights stop when your blubber overflows into my seat. I avoid that issue by flying first class where the seats are bigger and the passengers are better looking. Have fun with your responses. :lol:

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Post by FloridaPhil »

My wife thinks my previous post is insensitive. She believes we should not consider another person's weight in what we think of them. I agree. She doesn't always get my attempts at humor. Evidently that's a condition shared by many.

What I am referring to is the size of an airline seat and if someone fits or not. When you buy a seat on a commecial airline, you are paying for the use of a specific space. Everyone else on that plane that purchased a ticket has a right to their own space. If you take up more space than the amount you purchased and it infringes on another passenger's space, I think you should pay for two seats or pay for a bigger seat somewhere else.

She also does not believe people flying in first class are better looking than the people in the back of the plane. Most people who fly first class are frequent travelers and are using their points to upgrade. If you pay more, you get more. The same thing could be said about casinos. Why do you think they send limos and build luxury suites for high rollers? It's not because they are beating the casino. If they do, the casino knows it's only a matter of time until their investment pays off.

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Post by DougJ »

When a cyber bully poster's only goal is to intimidate and mock the math skills of certain posters or the supposed lack of intelligence of those posters, then you get your comeuppance.

Some of the sycophants are noticeably absent in defending those alleged "stupid" posters who are constantly mocked. Hmm

Meanwhile, it is a FACT that cyber bully needs three seats. But, no one has seen the IQ test of these other posters, some of whom have posted in this thread, just above. figure it out . . .

If you can dish it, you can take it.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

When we asked for new topics on this forum I had no idea it would turn into Weight Watchers! :lol:
