Trump creates 5.7 million jobs in thirty months.

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Trump creates 5.7 million jobs in thirty months.

Post by billryan »

I'm watching Faux go on about the 5.7 jobs created in the last thirty months and them claiming it proves the economy is booming.
So my question is if trump inherited a dismal economy, how does creating almost a million less jobs than the previous administration show a booming economy?
Obama's last thirty months-6.6 million jobs created.
Trumps last thirty months- 5.7 million jobs created.

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Post by notes1 »

unemployment rate, 01-2017, 4.7%

unemployment rate, 07-2019, 3.7%

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Post by Eduardo »

I think it's safe to say Obama inherited the far worse economy.

The two have faced entirely different situations. I don't see the point in arguing about "whose is bigger." America is doing well.

Obama's results speak (positively) for themselves. Both with regard to jobs and the stock market. Anyone who invested during his presidency made out wonderfully.

Trump's end results remain to be seen. The market has been strong under Trump as well, but I think he puts too much reputational stock in the stock market and it could seriously backfire. The same could be true of unemployment, but I certainly hope not.

We are living in good economic times. They won't last forever. But the more liberal dem candidates would almost certainly spell disaster economically. Trump is a real wild card. Nobody knows how these tariffs will play out.

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