The Recreational Forum Needs To be Split into Two Parts

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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The Recreational Forum Needs To be Split into Two Parts

Post by OTABILL »

After wadding through 203 posts under the Something to Think About Thread it is obvious that the majority of posters objective is primarily to profit from recreational VP rather than enjoying VP as a leisure time form of entertainment. Look at the terminology used, variance, coin-in, odds and probability, loss, profit, long term results/hands played, vulturing, bankroll, and so on.

I may be on my own here, but I suspect there are a lot more VP aficionados like me and my late wife who go to a casino on an ad-hoc or regular basis that view each trip as an independent event. For example, I would use discretionary funds set aside for a day/night, even a vacation, to enjoy spending some time playing VP as part of an overall experience. The term bankroll never entered my mind. Granted my goal was the same as others, winning, and coming out ahead financially. But I did not spend time training or honing my skills. Rudimentary knowledge was enough. Most free time has been set aside for other more worthwhile and valuable activities.

More importantly regarding the forum, I feel like a heretic. I have brought up the way I view VP and have been lambasted. I twice mentioned following reading John Scarne’s advice to look at a visit to the casino as I described above. I felt kinship with those burned at the stake during the Spanish Inquisition. The irony was the attacks against my use of Scarne were spurious and had nothing to do with the simple advice I was following. Rather they cited his qualifications regarding Blackjack and as a gambling expert. Though less severe, my use of the term long term as defined by almost every dictionary as “occurring over or involving a relatively long period of time”, has also been reprimanded. Never mind that’s how I, and I suspect others, view VP. I never have counted hands played, kept a detailed record of financial results, etc. for every session. Rather I always have viewed my annual win-loss statement as to how I fared. A different perspective is not tolerated by the VP-correct, mathematician forum police.

I could go on but see no reason to add other examples and I eschew repetitiveness. Minds are already made up and the alternative viewpoint I espouse has been dismissed outright numerous times. Thus, the need to bifurcate the Recreational forum. Keep the current one as is for serious VP recreational players. Establish a new Forum for casual, entertainment-oriented VP players and call it Entertainment/Leisure or whatever name Webman deems appropriate and keep the math to a minimum. I’m finished with my diatribe. I will respond briefly to any comments if I feel one is needed.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I don't believe we need another forum. What we do need is tolerance of other people's views. I too have been a victim of the forum math police. They attempt to silence anyone who disagrees with their opinions. If you protest too much or too long, they have you banned.

Recreational video poker can mean many things. My wife, for example, only plays max coins, makes the same bet all the time and plays the best game she has access to as accurately as she can. On a day to day basis, her results are better than mine. I find the way she plays boring. I prefer to save my money by paying single coin small so I can take pot shots on the big machines at the end. I prefer to lose a little with the possibility of making a lot when I get lucky.

If someone else on this forum believes they win more playing during a full moon, why is that discussion not allowed? Any and all video poker related topics should be allowed in the Recreation Forum, not just the ones you want to hear.

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Post by Webman »

Phil, you are welcome to start a topic claiming that you win more during a full moon. You are not welcome to demand that everyone responding to it agree with you if you say the moon has something to do with it. Sometimes things need to be corrected. That should be done respectfully.

But by all means, share your lunar escapades. Baseball is full of interesting stats. Most hits in a given month in a covered stadium in the rain? By all means, keep similar stats for your video poker play. That would be entertaining.

I’ve said before, I don’t think anyone here minds if people play recreationally or if they talk about their own recreational experiences. THAT is what this forum is for.

What they do mind is when incorrect information is offered or when their own play is criticized. If your discussion about playing recreationally frequently revolves around “experts” and demands action by them to encourage recreational play instead of advantage play, you are the one creating the problem for the recreational forum because you are attacking other people’s approach to the game yourself. If you repeatedly ask for a number that “guarantees” winning, despite many MANY posts explaining the caveats of that number, you are the one creating A problem for the recreational forum because it has already been answered many times over... AND it pertains to long-term advantage play, NOT playing recreationally. Yet you bring this up over and over here.

Leave “the experts” and advantage play out of it and you will find that these discussions do not take place any more in this forum.

Bob Dancer is not an expert on losing slowly, or paying more into a machine for comps than they are worth. Stop insisting he provide advice on those things. You are the expert in that area. If he ever gets confused and wonders if he will lose more playing nickels or dollars on a 95% machine with no promos, he knows who to ask. I will insist he do so in the Recreational forum when that happens.

I feel like we’ve been here before.

You have gotten back to soap boxing instead of just sharing about your recent experiences. Let’s get back on track please.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Webman. In your experience has anyone ever been harmed by believing video poker is beatable?

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Post by onemoretry »

I actually like the idea of splitting the recreational forum. We could have the FP one, where only FP could post, and another one for all the rest of us, from which FP is barred from posting.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

onemoretry wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:49 am
I actually like the idea of splitting the recreational forum. We could have the FP one, where only FP could post, and another one for all the rest of us, from which FP is barred from posting.
I am fairly sure that would work if others were allowed to read my posts uncensored. I predict it would be one of the most popular forums. I doubt most members would want to be barred from posting on my forum, but it would work for me.

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Post by onemoretry »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:12 am
I am fairly sure that would work if others were allowed to read my posts uncensored.
I should have thought about it a bit more. Allowing your controversial and often outlandish opinions to go unchallenged might cause rookie players to think they have merit.

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Post by Webman »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:12 am
I am fairly sure that would work if others were allowed to read my posts uncensored. I predict it would be one of the most popular forums. I doubt most members would want to be barred from posting on my forum, but it would work for me.
Phil, it sounds like you have a winning recipe for success. Congratulations. Please start a blog or fire up your web site again, and I will provide a one time link to it so people who are interested can keep up on what you have to say. Then you can run it however you want without fear of your posts being "censored." Nobody will be banned. Everyone will be happy.

Or, if you'd prefer to keep discussing things here instead, then you will unfortunately have to go by the guidelines that have been put in place and will be subjected to different opinions that people have. The choice is up to you. Let me know what you decide.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Webman wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:07 am
Or, if you'd prefer to keep discussing things here instead, then you will unfortunately have to go by the guidelines that have been put in place and will be subjected to different opinions that people have. The choice is up to you. Let me know what you decide.
I have stated my case enough times. Players must decide who is right for themselves. Personally, I don't believe there is one right or wrong opinion. Those that win will believe it's because of something they did to make it happen. Losers may believe the games are rigged or that they need more practice. I don't believe it matters either way.

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Post by Webman »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:12 am
I have stated my case enough times.
I think we can all agree on that.

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