flight from cities continues...

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flight from cities continues...

Post by notes1 »

for the 5th straight month, sales and prices of homes are rising at a level, not seen since 2006. and, where are many of the home buyers coming from, you guessed right...big cities. and, it isn't just the chinese virus. when asked, buyers (many ex renters) mention looting, increased crime, closed schools and lockdowns of urban communities, as reasons for the exodus. all in DEM run cities.

do you remember the poster here that advocated renting over buying. sound financial advice?

just look at the clusterf*ck going on in NY. cuomo gives a reporter a hard time for asking about school closings, insisting NYC schools are staying open. shortly after, deblasio comes out and says schools are closing. parents have no idea what is going on and who to believe. and, many are concerned their kids are falling behind. all this in the state with the most covid deaths and a governor who then had the nerve to write a book, about how well he handles the pandemic. geez, what an idiot.

this is the 'success' template that biden will use to make his decisions. but,not to worry, everything will be better shortly, as soon as joe gets in the oval office.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

First Joe......Harris a few months later. Just a guess, but I am not the only one guessing in that direction. Skiping the casino the next few days so I can send a little down for the Georgia runoffs in January. I hate contributing to anything political when the hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars spent on a campaign could do so much good elsewhere. These two seats are critical though. As to NYC, Tens of thousands of those kids who won’t be going to school don’t even have a computer to use for remote learning. He said he says they are back ordered

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Post by billryan »

Do school systems normally provide laptops to students?
About ten years ago, the school district I was living in on Long Island gave IPads to every fifth-grader and said they would keep them until they graduated 12th grade. Less than half were in use three years later.
Here in Bisbee, I know they provided hot spots to a couple of dozen students who couldn't access the internet but didn't hear anything about giving them laptops.
I just bought a third Chromebook for my business. Refurbished by Amazon, it was $115 including a three-year replacement policy. I also have three 10 inch Fire tablets that do 95% of what the Chromebooks do. Fire tablets start under $50.

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Post by billryan »

notes seems to think people leaving cities is a good thing. He might ask the GOP in Wisconsin where some 100,000 voters have moved from Chicago and the Twin Cities.
In the last four years, more than 100,000 people moved to Arizona from California and NY. Biden won Arizona by about half of that.
poor notes. Stuck playing Chinese checkers in a world increasingly playing multi-level chess.

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Post by notes1 »

remember, RENT rather than buy, said the financial loser, living in a place where;

-crime is greater than national avg
-income less than national avg
-home prices lower than national avg
-having a full set of teeth makes one an oddball

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Post by billryan »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:10 pm
remember, RENT rather than buy, said the financial loser, living in a place where;

-crime is greater than national avg
-income less than national avg
-home prices lower than national avg
-having a full set of teeth makes one an oddball
I'd point out your lies but why argue with the forum drunk. I give you the benefit of the doubt that you are drunk posting because I'd hate to think a sober person would have so much hate in their heart.
I'd rather think you are just a mean drunk rather than being a hate-filled pathetic liar. Just how broken are you?

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Post by Webman »

Is there any way I can convince you two to talk about issues instead of continuously insulting one another?

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Post by billryan »

I moved to Las Vegas in the Spring of 2016.
I was looking for a 2-3 bedroom apartment or condo that had the following - A pool, a 24 hour gym, a dog park and was in a gated community.
After three weeks of looking, I had three options.
1)Buy a condo for 225,000 and pay about $400 a month in common fees and be responsible for any repairs inside my unit.
2)Buy a different condo for $165,000 and pay a bit more in common fees but have a dog run instead of a dog park and be in Winchester instead of Henderson
3) rent an apartment with two pools, a great clubhouse, two gyms and a great dog run for $850 with an internet/ cable package for about $70 a month. Signing a two year lease got me one month free and three months internet free. A savings of over thousand dollars.
Instead of withdrawing 200,000 from my portfolio to buy either options 1 or 2, my money stayed in what turned out to be a pretty good market.
Had I bought either option, my monthly nut would have been $400 plus cable-$140, I'd have needed homeowners insurance and figure $120 a month for electric plus I'd pick up the cost of any repairs the unit needed. I estimated my annual costs would be about $8,000.
Instead, my annual costs were about $14,000 a year, I got a paint job after a year, a new dryer and when my sink got clogged up, I didn't pay a dime to get it fixed. My renters insurance was actually free. I paid
$23 a month for it and got a $37 discount on my auto insurance by bundling the two.
The biggest difference in the options was instead of my cash laying fallow in a building, it was growing in a great stock market. In fact, it grew to the point where I could take out $20,000 to buy my first piece of property in Bisbee and then $165,000 for my commercial building and still have almost as much money in the market as when
I left NY.
The property I paid $20,000 for took $15,000 to upgrade the electrical and now has three tenants, each paying $425 a month and paying all utilities. Taxes and an umbrella policy run under $500 a year.I'm hoping to add a fourth tenant after the virus diminishes. notes seems to think low property values are a bad thing. This property would have cost me ten times as much in Vegas and I certainly wouldn't get ten times the rent. A similar building to mine would be easily a half million in Vegas. notes thinks this is a bad thing. I'm guessing notes isn't very good at Monopoly.
My business needed to be reinvented because of the virus and is well below what I expected it would be at this point but I assume most businesses are in the same boat. Thankfully I live on what amounts to a five hundred acre park that the virus hasn't touched.
One thing I learned more than forty years ago is there is no one right way to invest one's money.
I do what works for me and am quite happy with my results. I literally cringe when I read posts here about people getting 2% on annuities that I assume they laid out tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy. When I was in Vegas, I saw a " financial advisor" who tried to sell me an annuity that he was going to get a seven percent fee for talking me into investing in.
I used to have a great advisor but when he turned fifty, he really drew his client list down and I simply didn't have the two million dollar liquidity to make the cut.
I live the life I love and love the life I live. That it somehow annoys some internet troll just makes it all that much sweeter.

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Post by billryan »

Webman wrote:
Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:56 pm
Is there any way I can convince you two to talk about issues instead of continuously insulting one another?
I don't know. How do you stop him from telling outright lies about me? I work my ass off trying to make my community a better place and am met with vicious lies, and accusations of being a tax cheat and a thief.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Since covid, NYC has been providing the kids with computers of some sort. I don’t know the details. It is the only way they get any schooling at all right now.
