Happy Easter!

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advantage playe
Video Poker Master
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:38 am

Re: Happy Easter!

Post by advantage playe »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Mon Apr 18, 2022 1:42 pm
Yes! I meant to mention Passover as well. Thanks for picking up for me OTA. Hope you feel better AP. My brother, his wife, daughter, son in law, and the 2 grandchildren all just got Covid. The new variant. All are right up to date with shots and boosters. They got it anyway. The variant pays no attention to the vaccinations. Their symptoms are cold like, but also extreme fatigue and no appetite. Lucky for me, I haven’t sen them in a month or so escaping for now.
The best guess is my brother brought it home from the UCONN game and they wore masks. Our Gov who was out there as well and has it. The kids they think got it in school or sports after school.
Thanks again Olds !! I am feeling alot better . meet u near jonny rockets or sunset bar soon . will let u know some how or way !!

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:08 pm

Post by olds442jetaway »

Great. Or even over by the pickem machines near the bar. Anywhere is Ok. Glad you feeling better. I’m headed up tonight for an overnight with the Mrs. will probably play most of the evening into early morning. I play a lot at the bar it’s closed now in back of the pick up machines there are a couple of 99% games there. I like it there because it is fairly quiet with the bar being closed. I am going to keep the bizarro world thread opened in the recreational section of the forum you could always shoot me a post over in that thread

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