Casino to avoid! Banned for winning!

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Casino to avoid! Banned for winning!

Post by tech58 »

Turtle Creek in Michigan near Traverse City.

Friends of mine were recently cut off for comps due to: "playing too much and wining too much"
This is an effective ban, and they have switched casino's.

Puzzling move because TC has mostly bad games and, with a license to steal, should have waited them out.
They chose to drive out two of their top players. Go figure.

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Post by onemoretry »

Looks to me to be yet another example of inept, incompetent, ignorant casino so-called management.

I really do think that many of these casino people have absolutely no clue at all as to how to manage their facility, keep their players happy, and, at the same time, be profitable

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

Wow. So we r not allowed to be on the positive side of variance ?? !! Having no clue takes on monumental meaning with these bean counters !!

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Post by tech58 »

Clueless is the operational word here. But as VP players we are on, or over, the edge of advantage play.
That puts us at the head of the list of Non-Cooperative Contributors to casino profits. BTW no slot players on this list. Their occasional huge jackpots a mere bump in the road.

Had a conversation a few years ago with a suit at my home casino. This was at his request by e-mail. He said he wondered why my play had dropped in half from the previous year. My first response was to ask him a question. Have you noticed a general drop in overall VP play? He looked down, waffled a bit , and claimed he did not know.
This response plainly answered my question. So I simply went on to say that the recent doubling of the coin-in/point for VP had driven many of us to cut back or go else-where. And HTG he did not have a clue as to what I was talking about! I had to go on to explain that slot players got two points/$1 coin-in while VP Players got one point/$2 coin-in giving slotees a 4/1 advantage in drawings and other comps.
He took some notes, was going to check and get back with me, did not happen. Looking back I was probably lucky they didn't throw my ass out.
I swear, as hard as it is to believe, this conversation happened exactly as written.

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Post by Hiker1 »

Unfortunately, that is the sad truth. I had a similar conversation, although conversation is the wrong word probably as the managers I spoke with at my now former home casino played dumb too and we’re fairly non- responsive when I questioned the significant downgrading of awarding of points for coin-in - I track it, and they kept trying to deny any change or saying they didn’t know. They had made a quiet, unannounced change in the point earning formula in advance of the already announced scheduled program changes and before the end of an earning year as folks were nearing their desired levels. They played dumb, offered me some comp $$ for the restaurants to appease/quiet me and said they’d share my concerns with “management” - yeah, sure. I too have simply reduced my coin-in by half in the past year or so plus since. As most of us are stuck with non-optimal games and pay tables the house still has a 2% or so edge on most games. But, with casinos making record profits on penny slots and other carnival games VP is probably in for a steady decline. Same with my other favorite, blackjack, which I’ve simply stopped playing as it 6/5 most places. Best of luck to all, may your payouts be many.

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Post by tech58 »

Luckily we still have an abundance of 9/6 JOB from 5c to $10, some NSUD and some 99.96% DDB.
With my play halved, my cash equiv. comps. actually stayed fairly decent.
Yielding a 1-2.5% advantage on an average $80K coin-in per month on JOB. Depending on monthly FP promotions.

Agree on the steady decline. Also elimination of machines and better pay-tables. Also, in view of my friends banning, I think a "weeding out" of even vaguely AP players may be on the horizon.
Eliminating good players leaves them with poor players with maybe a 4-5% house vig.
Honestly, if we owned the business would we not consider such moves?

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