Intrusive video

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Kap L
Forum Rookie
Posts: 26
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Intrusive video

Post by Kap L »

There is an intrusive video in the bottom right of the contest games that can’t be clicked or scrolled away or even paused. It never finishes and just keeps going to the next one.It blocks the game info there such as hands left and credit total and makes it hard to click the deal button.

I assume the purpose is to force me to pay to eliminate ads, but I will sooner stop visiting this site than pay, as I can’t afford that and I know I pay with ad views instead of money.

Webmaster, will you please reformat that so the video can be clicked away? It’s so annoying!

Video Poker Master
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Post by Webman »

This should be resolved, please let me know if you experience it any further.

Kap L
Forum Rookie
Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:42 pm

Post by Kap L »

It does seem resolved now. THANKS!!

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