The “long term” is not guaranteed

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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The “long term” is not guaranteed

Post by OTABILL »

A number of years ago, my then wife and I planned for our retirement within 18 months. Everything was set but then life intervened and less than a year later she became ill and passed away.

I bring this up because several folks share Bill Ryan’s belief expressed in a post earlier today that, “Daily, weekly, even monthly results are meaningless. Play the game right and eventually the math pays off.” Unfortunately life often intervenes and one can’t count on there being a long run or as Bill says, an eventuality.

My wife and I are currently faced with such a situation. We might not be able to try and even out our futility regarding getting a single line RF over a 10 year span in Las Vegas. If, at some point in the future, we can go to Vegas or play VP elsewhere, I can assure you our short term results will be paramount.

Bill Ryan, I wish you and the others the best and hope life doesn’t intervene precluding you from playing VP for many years. However, you, nor anyone else can guarantee the future. That is why, I and others, who are recreational players have a different outlook and perspective regarding VP.

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Post by alpax »

I am sorry to hear Bill about the loss of your first spouse, it is the first time you have shared about it at least for as long as I was here. I agree 100% that life can intervene at any moment and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Those that have lost someone significant can understand those feelings.

I know the cigarette smoke is a big issue with yourself and the current wife. The best thing this website provides is to be able to play video poker in the comfort of home and away from smoking atmosphere.

I got my first Royal Flush on this website after 135,000 hands of playing, I know the true odds are in 1 in 40k. If I were to go on real trips, I play 2000 hands on a local trip and 6000 on a Vegas trip. I only take a couple local trips a month and maybe one or two Vegas trip a year. So it would take me years to get the Royal Flush at that rate. I just play that much since I know it will get me a free meal at a local and hotel stays in Vegas. I can play more but it will be costly.

2nd Royal came at 180,000
3rd Royal came at 210,000
4th Royal came at 215,000

I hope you and your spouse believe the machines are not rigged or the state regulations have anything to do with it, it is just how random number generators work in nature. I just play optimal strategy, I accept the results and have no complaints knowing I played the best way possible.

Likewise, I wish you and the spouse the best as well. If you finally get a Royal on this website, I will be happy for you as if you did it at a casino.

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Post by billryan »

First, let me express my sympathies.
While I am quite aware you,I, or anyone isn't guaranteed to live to see the long run, that's no reason to play any other way.
I'm not guaranteed to live another ten years but I'm not going to blow my nest egg by overspending each year.
Do you drive on cheap tires because you car may not survive long enough for good tires to wear out?
Are we gluttonous because we may die soon?
My father, mother and sister all died completely unexpectedly, I have a great understanding of what life can throw at you, but I also understand I might live to be 120, and have to plan accordingly.

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Post by OTABILL »

Appreciate the kind thoughts from both of you Alpax and Billy. I agree that one should usually play optimal strategy from an EV/mathematical perspective. Billy, I fully understand how you approach VP and life in general. I have no problem with it and, regarding life choices, it mirrors my outlook. However, given past/current realities, short term VP results are not meaningless to us because there is an uncertain long term for us and if and when we play again at a casino, enjoyment would be our primary objective. That is why we may occasionally do things not consistent with optimal strategy. Just a little understanding why we view things a little differently.

Alpax, I don't believe machines are rigged. However, I do believe in luck or perhaps more appropriately good fortune. Some folks are blessed with good health, good genes and not being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Same with VP. That is just how things go.

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Post by OTABILL »

Thought it appropriate at this time given the discussion on Wildman's chasing 400 coins topic particularly Dinghy's comments. One update, since I initiated this topic, as some of you know, my VP-playing wife passed away. Widowed twice. I continue to play VP, but very short sessions. I play recreationally for many reasons, but winning long-term is not one of them. As I pointed out, life has a habit of intervening. As myfirst wife to pass always said, man plans, God laughs.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Every day is a gift many of us forget or take for granted. I try and remember that most times and give back a little. And I don’t mean gambling. My best friend who unfortunately is in a home for Dementia residents always told me. Every day we do not enjoy life is one more day we can’t. Meaning there is no way to make that up. Besides family, most here know I share my winnings when they come to help animals who cannot help themselves. There are many little things one can do as a thank you for the gift you have received, meaning life itself. Just the fact that you woke up today is bigger than any casino jackpot. Yesterday, after my somewhat torturous dental appointment, I really needed a break. I stopped at my local Dunkin Donuts for that. It was about 3:00 pm and as I sat relaxing inside, I noticed that they seemed understaffed, The drive thru was non stop, the oven was going full blast, and there was even a line at the register. The employees ( only 3 ) were obviously in a need of a break, but still greeted the customers with a smile and thank you as they were trying to play catchup. I asked one of them if there were only 3 on duty and she said yes. I tipped them all and waved goodbye as I headed out to run an errand. Everyone managed a smile, a thank you, and a wave. Ok I will get off my soap box now…………Thanks for the reminder OTA. I probably needed it.

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Post by FAA »

I stopped at my local Dunkin Donuts about 3 pm and noticed that they seemed understaffed, drive thru was non stop, the oven was going full blast, and a line at the register. The employees (only 3) were obviously in a need of a break, but still greeted the customers with a smile and thank you as they play catch up. I asked one if there were only 3 on duty and she said yes. I tipped them all.
My area DDs donuts trucked in overnight. This is the first I've even heard of a franchise having actual ovens! Their SB commercial was hilarious, btw. Wendy's also short staffed on weekends.

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Post by Karl_EDT »

In the Movie Wall Street, MArtin SHeens character says "Money is something you need in case you don't die tomorrow." This will be the only time I type this next statement, and I don't wish to offend anyone:

Put your trust in A wise loving Creator and his son "the master worker", and read the life manual/User's Guide they gave to the human race. You have nothing to lose, no downside in doing so. I sincerely hope everyone on this website finds peace and happiness.

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Post by olds442jetaway »


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