makes you wonder....

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Re: makes you wonder....

Post by KnotMe »

the message I am trying to get acrossed is they are not  or will they ever be indian casinos they are NATIVE AMERICAN casinos.if they were owned by african americans would you then call them n----r casinos?
Try this since you areeager to correct others:
The message I am trying to get across is they are not,  nor will they ever be, Indian Casinos. They are Native American Casinos. If they were owned by African Americans would you then call them n----r casinos?
To answer your question - If they were owned by African Americans would you then call them n----r casinos?  No, I would still call them Indian Casinos because they would be on, or close, to Indian Reservations.  However, you would call them 'Sir' or 'Boss' since they own it and you would be working for them.
Did you get a lump of coal for Christmas...take a deep breath.

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Post by Webman »

I think this discussion has run its course and won't lead anywhere positive at this point. Closing thread.

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