How much do you put into a machine before leaving

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Re: How much do you put into a machine before leaving

Post by onemoretry »

Another annoyance that might make me move is when someone is hitting BET MAX every hand and it goes ding ding ding ding ding.I understand why they do it, but it drives me absolutely nuts.

 It annoys the hell out of me, too.  Why do they do it?

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Post by Eduardo »

I sometimes do it for the ding ding ding ding ding.  It is a casino, after all. But no, not every hand. That would be annoying. 

Quad Deuces
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Post by Quad Deuces »

[QUOTE=Quad Deuces]Another annoyance that might make me move is when someone is hitting BET MAX every hand and it goes ding ding ding ding ding.I understand why they do it, but it drives me absolutely nuts.

 It annoys the hell out of me, too.  Why do they do it?[/QUOTE]Because if they hit Bet Max accidentally to start a new hand when they've been distracted in the middle of a game and they should really hold cards and draw, it doesn't dump the hand.  If you hit Bet Max to deal and Draw to draw, you have some protection against this mistake.  Some blame lies with the programmers.  I know you used to be able to exercise this button method on the FPDW machines at the Palms and not get the incessant ding ding.There's a guy at Red Rock who plays two machines, probably playing each one about as fast as I can play a single.  He utilizes this technique because as he's holding and drawing one machine he's repeatedly hitting Bet Max on the one he's not looking at to get the cards dealt.  He obviously couldn't do this just pressing Deal/Draw.  I can't play in the same bank with him.  Something to behold though.  IIRC he listens to headphones while he plays.  ding ding ding ding ding might drive him nuts too.

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