Ultimate X Poker

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Re: Ultimate X Poker

Post by BillyJoe »

   DaBurglar regardless of whether you asked the bartender to watch your machine, ultimately the responsibility was still yours to bear and not the bartender's.

Remember what they say about a fool and their money.
Just to illustrate that 'trolling' is not confined to bar top machines in downtown Vegas casinos, I had a ticket cashed out and snatched on me while I was standing at my machine with my back to the "cash out" button talking with my host at ARIA !!

He didn't get far, and I had to physically restrain my host from beating that guy to a pulp. Security did the rest.

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Post by Vman96 »

That last story is some balls right there...

Approximate ticket value?

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Post by BillyJoe »

That last story is some balls right there...

Approximate ticket value?
It was on the $1 denom Five Star Poker machine right outside of Hi Limit. It was probably a couple hundred.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I apologize. I see where he did take semi-responsibility for it right after he again said the barkeep was derelict in his duties. The barkeep would only be derelict in keeping a messy bar; in my mind he would not be derelict in not watching out for a player's money. Trust is trust but 500 bucks is 500 bucks.You know what Ted, go <blank> yourself....you just could not resist getting in one last shot with you previous post about "me" screwing "myself", then when onemoretry (of all people)  points out your error, you toss this ABSURD and ridiculous  ODE  to passive-agressive petulance, pretending you're "a bigger man" by apologizing and yet actually  doing nothing of the sort but instead, getting another cheap shot in, one more twist of the dagger.......I do not want anything from you, least of all an apology, I want to be left alone unless you have something sincere to add (something besides "SINCERE hatred" or hostility).    Besides, if onemoretry had not posted, you would never have acknowledged your "mistake"......friggin hypocrite.....The Bartender WAS derelict because THIS WAS STANDARD PRACTICE and CUSTOM back in Vegas during the late 80s thru the 1990s, Bartenders ROUTINELY did this FOR EVERYONE (not just me) and it became expected.....but, as I concede, just like the entire concept of "tipping" exists only in so much as people are willing to continue to believe in it and practice it, it was something that was not required nor mandated by any written law or regulation.     How can someone like you, as OLD and seemingly knowledgeable about casinos as you portray yourself, possibly NOT know or understand this concept???The more enlightened, betternatured people reading this post will see that what I described was a typical episode where both parties were at fault....or where NO one was at fault....take your pick.       Funny how no one has anything to say or ***** about the actual THIEF who "found"/Stole my ticket?     If you want to find fault, there ya go......Seriously, I think everyone here gets that you cannot f--king stand me. so fine, we got it.   I dont feel the same way about you, but keep this up and.......why cant you just NOT post your hostility/anti-burglar barbs?    You really get that much enjoyment and/or satisfaction out of them?Edited to add:   This particular bartender involved in my incident sucked in general, as was later acknowledged when I told this entire episode to numerous other barkeeps around Downtown Vegas and elsewhere, who all said that if it were THEM, if they are not willing or ABLE to watch a player's machine and money, they would SPECIFICALLY and clearly tell the person so and exhort them to take their money with them.....by acknowledging to watch my seat/machine/money, the bartender DID in fact assume responsibility (at least 50% if you want to get REAL nitpicky) for my $$$$....so again, DERELICT.

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Post by Tedlark »

  DaBurglar my personal feelings for you, either good or bad, did not come into play in my response about your theft. By the way, does your screen name have anything to do with the incident you wrote about?    I stand by my original position that regardless of the fact that you asked the bartender to watch your machine and/or money, you still should have PULLED THE TICKET. The bartender would simply then have been charged with watching the machine for you and you would have retained your money. How do you know that the bartender didn't take it and then claim no knowledge that the money was gone?    If the bartender had any responsibility whatsoever then the casino would have simply given you the money back.    I have never, NEVER, asked anyone in a casino to watch MY money. This includes my girlfriend. Money is too hard to come by but, as you found out, is pretty easy to lose.   I recently read an article about certain people who may have a higher than average i.q. but suffer from a lower than normal set of street smarts. I can give you the article if you like. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

I'm gonna ignore the above reply/post and finish the REST of the story because other people might find it interesting, entertaining and/or informative in a helpful way.....this will hopefully further answer any questions about specifics and "what about...?" objections.....Once the alert WAITRESS called security and they proceeded to do their investigation and video review, which ultimately showed the homeless thief lurking and then swooping in and taking my ticket when the bartender's back was turned and his attention fixed on his blender, they put out some type of ALERT to all the casinos downtown showing the thief's face and a description of what he had done.....LAs Vegas Metro was contacted and I filled out a form, and was told by the on duty casino manager that in the hotel-casino guidelines it clearly states they are not responsible for lost or stolen items, valuables and anything like that.....BUT, they were prepared to try and ease my pain with two comped nights stay, two dinners in the casino's main restaurant and two tickets to ANY downtown show I desired.....not worth 500 bucks but something.....the guy said that IF the bartender had been looking at the machine and the thief as it happened, or if the bartender had done something like hit the cashout button while wiping down the area causing the ticket to spit out, then the casino might be inclined to reimburse me, but because the thief was obviously intent on doing what he did, and because the bartender was not looking but was indeed doing what the casino pays him to do, I was SOL.   That being said, the casino manager, as well as every security guard I met voiced disdain and even contempt for the bartender because, as I already stated, it WAS common practice for bartenders to watch such situations for customers, and even in the video tape replay I can be clearly seen signaling the bartender to watch my machine, and he clearly NODS in agreement......The VERY next morning however, I was wheeling along main street in downtown Vegas in front of the plaza when all of a sudden four security guards come RUSHING from out of the plaza doors and one of them yells to me "HEY, there's the guy who robbed you yesterday!" and about 15 yards behind me they tackle and shackle some homeless grubby dude and called LAs Vegas PD, who promptly showed up in 2 cars with lights flashing........Needless to say this was all quite shocking to me, and many questions abounded in my head, not the least of which was "WTF was this guy doing, or thinking, to be nailed in these circumstances?"    well it was soon obvious that the guy was following ME around looking to victimize me again, since clearly with his success the day before he identified me as an easy mark.    One of the cops there said this is pretty common in Vegas, the derelicts and bums often look to score easy pickins from elderly, disabled or otherwise vulnerable people.BUT.....after apprehending the guy, the cops basically told me they cant charge him with theft unless I wish to press charges, and unless the tjief voluntarily gives me my money, I probably would never see a dime but would end up costing the city a lot of money and eat up a lot of my time.   Both the cops and the casino people assured me that the guy was banned from all downtown casinos as of that moment, and if he ever sets foot on any downtown property again he will be arrested for a number of violations.....and while downtown Vegas and the Strip are two different jurisdictions, once the strip properties receive notice that the downtown properties have taken this action and why, they most likely will follow suit at least to some extent, but it is up to each strip property whether they enforce such edicts that happen in Downtown Vegas.So there......the villain was the homeless thief alone, I chose obviously not to press charges, the thief was essentially banned from every place downtown and beyond in Vegas, and I learned a lot......

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Post by Tedlark »

  Your part II of the story was not so informative to me. What, pray tell, would be some of the violations that this person would be arrested for? Please remember that an arrest would come after the commission of a crime and harassment or violation of this person's civil rights by police would create a dynamic that could not easily be undone.

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Post by DaBurglar »

  Your part II of the story was not so informative to me. What, pray tell, would be some of the violations that this person would be arrested for? Please remember that an arrest would come after the commission of a crime and harassment or violation of this person's civil rights by police would create a dynamic that could not easily be undone.are you for real?   omgWhen a person is banned from a casino in Vegas (or as applies to any other PRIVATE PROPERTY which casinos still are), it is called criminal trespassing......TRESPASSING.There are also several other violations related to things like loitering that, once a person has been told by a casino to leave and never return, they end up screwing themselves over big time when they return.I do not know where you live (or what century) but this dynamic you speak of being created by cops harrassing.......????       what the hell are you talking about and how does it apply to this situation???Contrary to whatever fantasy your civics teacher spoonfed you in grade school, we do not live in a ...."FREE" society........and your firendly neighborhood policeman (or woman) can, if he/she/it so chooses, pretty much violate and harass your arse to death if they want....oh sure, EVENTUALLY (maybe) someone like you TEDLARK will fight back and perhaps put a stop to it.......but if you are one of the MANY marginalized denizens of society (like a grubby homeless vagrant trolling for money in casinos), you are pretty much at their mercy.And I GUARANTEE you, you will NEVER see, in a city like LAs Vegas where IMAGE is everything, on the 6 oclock news or in a newspaper any serious attention given to the "violations" of such people.......

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Post by Tedlark »

O.K., trespassing would be 1 and 1 is not even a good start. As for "such people" having their civil rights violated they would have the American Civil Liberties Union, acronym ACLU,  ready to look into their cause. For a person such as yourself to talk about people having their civil rights violated, or not being violated, is a joke. Please refrain from using vulgarity in your posts, as you so often do. I find it offensive and you are breaking forum rules by doing so.

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Post by DaBurglar »

O.K., trespassing would be 1 and 1 is not even a good start.Yeah, it is a pretty big one too.....but there are other issues which, IF you really need to know call the police or ask a lawyer....this is what I am talking about, you nitpick and zero in on something I say that has almost NOTHING to do with the overall topic but which you feel gives you a casus belli to sling away.....]  For a person such as yourself to talk about people having their civil rights violated, or not being violated, is a joke.????  you lost me .......explain 

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