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Re: Normally, I shy away from such subjects.....

Post by tech58 »

Whats the latest on the Smollett fiasco? Have to admit i have not been paying attention.
I will get my Lisinopril ready.

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Post by notes1 »

how can anyone not believe the guy? i think his story is that 2 guys that he knew very well, with very dark complexion, used white face, attached him while wearing maga hats. what is not to believe?

on the other hand, you should not believe that an investigation that took 18 months, run by someone the left said was beyond reproach, involved dozens of fbi agents, hundreds of search warrants, countless lawyers, and stated that trump did not commit collusion, even though they were approached many times by russians. not only did trump, his campaign and his family not collude, the report stated no one in america colluded. and, if there was no collusion, the original alleged crime, how can you obstruct justice for a crime you did not commit.

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Post by tech58 »

Your somewhat sarcastic comparison is spot on notes.
Sarcastic was not exactly the word i was looking for in that previous sentence.Help me out here.

But i still wonder if this poor abused media darling is headed for justice or not ,anyone?

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Post by notes1 »

maybe ironic is the word you were looking for.

my guess, he gets away with it. the gal who let him off may pay a price, but then she will get hired by some liberal university, a clinton supporter or a soros wealthy buddy.

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Post by tech58 »

notes1 wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:11 am
maybe ironic is the word you were looking for.

my guess, he gets away with it. the gal who let him off may pay a price, but then she will get hired by some liberal university, a clinton supporter or a soros wealthy buddy.
Ironic much better thanks.

My first thought was that the word liberal in front of university was highly redundant,since i can only think of one that isn't.

My second thought recalled a publication from that unnamed University last fall on the subject of the sad affect of liberalism on our education system. They bolstered their case by referring to a questionnaire filled out by Freshman entering a well known college in the land of fruits and nuts.
This is going to make you laugh and cry at the same time: 17% of them thought that Judge Judy was on the Supreme Court!!
I could not make that up!!

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Post by Tedlark »

Well, Mr. Smollett got an early Valentines Day card today courtesy of the Special Prosecutor Dan Webb.

On a related note: rumor has it that he is auditioning for a role in "Get Hard II."

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Post by Galeygoo »

And the hits just keep on comin' ... this news story made my day! :up:

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

i agree that this whole smollet fiasco is ridiculous and he should be punished. but do any of you feel or see the same sense of outrage and annoyance with any of the countless acts or conflicts of interest, or "causing division" that trump and his unconditional supporters have caused since 2016? trumps very existence is based upon him dividing and keeping divided the 30% right wing zealots in the middle and lower middle classes and the 30% left wing zealots in the upper middle classes and poor classes, and the 30-40% in the middle who just want some compromise and want politicians to stop making things worse. a true leader, sees the need to unite and recognizes he is the leader for everyone. just as one basic simp!e example to this day trump refuses to accept bareck obama was born in the usa. just refuses to admit it. now why on earth would that be?

jessie smollets fiasco is used by republicans and trump zealots to try and distract or minimize his many wrongs and bad viewpoints and prejudices. someone above said he takes people individually. that is good and true and how everyone should be treated, individually one on one with no prejudices or preconceived ideas views or agendas entering. it is not nor is it ever ok to respond or defend wrongdoing or wrongthinking by simply or solely saying "well they did it too or they are just as bad" and so forth. isnt anyone sick of it always being a choice between different forms of stupidity or corruption?

barack obama never sought to divide it was just his mere existence and attainment of president that divided people. racism has been and continues to be practiced and yes there are black and brown and yellow racists out there among the many white racists. none of them are good or right. this person in there now is just not interested in anything except having his own name and ego polished everyday all day 24\7, and there is solid objective evidence from trumps past that prove he is racist. his business practices and the statements of people who knew and interacted with him in the past have corroborated the awful hurtful things he's said about minoroties, and don't ever forget his role in the central park five jogger case. idon't why everyone isnt outraged by what hes done and said and thats what is scariest of all the willingness of so many to just blow off all the bad wrong things trump does did or wants to do. there is no way in heck that any past president and certainly obama or any democrat would get away with whats going on now.

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Post by Antebellum Reb »

i donot believe or think for one minute ill change anybodys mind or views. im just tired of the oneway onesided flatout wrong or misleading crap people who claim to be soca lled republicans orconservatives or whatever just keep saying. i would vote for any other republican than trump. and i enjoy very much icon conservatives like george will and eliot cohen and others who are honest and decent and who admit whats going on and whats happened to the republicans and to america.

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Post by New2vp »

Did Trump cause division, or did the division provide us with Trump? Unless you just woke up after a 60-year hibernation, division has been with us for quite a long time.

Reb, based on your last post, you should be very happy with the judges that Trump is appointing and the Republican-led Senate is approving. So that should be at least one thing that should make you feel better.

In the view of the public that I see, I can't imagine anyone uniting everyone behind a single candidate. Whomever either you or I might see as doing things in the best interest of the country (whether these would be the same or different people) will certainly be attacked by a very vocal group from one side or another. And if you believe in the adage that silent gives consent, the response from the side that is attacked will often be or at least seem as hostile as the original charges. I believe that the best that can be hoped for is a coalition of more than half pulling in one direction or the other for the common good.

As far as what is the common good that is best for the country, it is worse when the single-issue folk get their way, no matter what that single issue is. The better answer is generally in some form of moderation, but there are no absolute rules … including this one. In a complex world, there are always trade offs and few if any easy universal answers. And unfortunately political expediency and what is best for the country often are at odds with one another. In order to do good one has to get elected, and in order to get elected one has to make compromises.

I don't expect to change anyone's mind in any large way either. But it would be nicer if everyone could get a little smarter and more realistic about what would be best for the country.

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