More NYC insane proposals

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Re: More NYC insane proposals

Post by billryan »

Suppose there is only room to take a thousand students. Being eligible to participate is the first step. You are eligible for the classes if you achieve certain criteria. Those students then take a test. If you score above a certain score, you go on the list of students eligible to enter the program. Priority is given to students with a sibling already in program.
You have a hundred thousand students who qualify to join the program. Five thousand pass the tests and now are eligible to take the classes. But there is only 2000 empty seats in the program. Where the program is failing is by giving priority to the siblings. The program is largely white and Asian so the siblings don't do much for diversity. After all the eligible siblings are admitted, the remaining spots are awarded by lottery.
Explain to a Dominican mother why a rich Asian kid who got a 97 on the test her son got a 99 on gets into the program while her son goes to the subpar local school.
At a time when students are taking classes in cafeterias and even gym locker rooms, is spending almost twice as much per student on the top half percent of students than for the others the best way to go?
Consider this- the students who are at the bottom of these special programs would probably be leaders in their local schools. Is stripping a school of its best leaders a wise thing?
Living in NY, I had a number of friends who worked for the school system and sat through many an afternoon of hanging out while they complained about the job. Many disliked the students as much as they disliked the Administrators. None seemed to like the job.
My Sister works in the Long Island school system and she and her friends like their jobs
Everyone agrees the schools are dysfunctional, but then they ***** when drastic changes are made.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

When government mandates, micromanaging, failed experimental programs, and wasteful spending took over the profession, the joys and rewards of being a teacher ended. No longer are teachers allowed to teach. I never had a bad teacher all the way through school and never had one that didn’t look forward to going to work every day. You could see it in their faces and hear it and experience it in the way classrooms were run.

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Post by notes1 »

who gives toot about diversity, i am getting tired of the whole subject. we have had laws on the books for decades that favored minorities, to make up for past offenses. we have had government and university programs that did the same. how long should this go on? when do we get to the point where each person needs to produce or qualify for whatever they want/desire? if we keep telling the same group(s) that they need an handout or an exception, we are just re-enforcing the notion they cannot make it on their own.

i grew up in a house with 2 parents, 1 income, 7 kids, 1 car and for most of my life, one bathroom. there were no summer vacations, 'treat night' meant a bottle of soda on friday, there were no extras. every kid worked from an early age. other kids had a lot more. no complaints, that is the way it was, my parents gave us everything they had, i am proud/grateful for them. they were the greatest generation.

but, we never felt, we were never told that we had limited potential, even though many other families had more. we were told that we were responsible for our own destiny. no one else was to blame or got to take credit for we we accomplished. work harder, reap the rewards. taking pride in yourself and your family was the great motivator.

quit giving people ready made excuses. we are simply setting them up for failure, if we do not expect each person to perform.

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Post by billryan »

Make America White Again.!!!!!

If your father was a WW2 veteran, you most likely grew up in a house that was bought with a government sponsored no money down program and a government subsidized mortgage, as did most Baby Boomers.
If he had any college, it was probably paid for by the taxpayers of the United States.
We will take more out of Social Security and Medicare than we contributed, we give billion dollar tax breaks to multinational corporations while raising prices on the poor but let's vilify people seeking their legal right to seek sanctuary.

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Post by Tedlark »

There is a HUGE difference between EARNING those benefits through military sevice and those who get those benefits, or other benefits, for nothing. Or little to nothing.

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Post by billryan »

Yes, those brave corporations certainly earned those benefits, didn't they?

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Post by Carcounter »

This is not a white/ minority issue. Many minority families have moved to the NY suburbs for better schools and quality of life. It's the responsible thing for a parent to do. I read somewhere that some of the very rich, very liberal upper West Siders-think Cynthia Nixon have their kids enrolled in a primarily white NYC school in their neighborhood and have covertly conspired to keep minority kids out

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Post by olds442jetaway »

My dad is a proud ww2 vet. 95 years young. My scenario is similar to notes. One income family one old car. Same treat on payday which i remember was 35 bucks. They paid for their house. Regular mtg. Had to borrow 50 bucks from my grandmother for the down payment. The house a tiny ranch was 13 k. We all worked from an early age. I started picking strawberries at age 8. And so forth. Nobody wants to work for anything anymore. I don’t care what color you are. You get where you are going on your merits and talents period.

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Post by billryan »

Carcounter wrote:
Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:34 am
This is not a white/ minority issue. Many minority families have moved to the NY suburbs for better schools and quality of life. It's the responsible thing for a parent to do. I read somewhere that some of the very rich, very liberal upper West Siders-think Cynthia Nixon have their kids enrolled in a primarily white NYC school in their neighborhood and have covertly conspired to keep minority kids out
How is a program specifically proposed to alleviate racial inequality not a white/minority issue?

Not for nothing, but I doubt many very rich liberal West Siders send their kids to any public school.
If they aren't providing their kids the best education possible, they aren't very good parents.
If you don't spend your wealth on your kids education, what are you saving it for?

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Post by notes1 »

BR will find racism in everything, because just like the NYT, they are both trying to find it in everything.

those who served in the military during ww2 (white and black), put their lives on the line and earned whatever benefits were available. same for today's (white and black) vets. they earned it.

this is the problem with what the modern dem party is selling, they are replacing earning with entitled . and, the majority of americans are not buying it, with good reason. the answer for the dems is to import as many needy folks as possible, who will be attracted to every entitlement available. equally important for them is to keep minorities feeling as if they would never make it, without a handout or some advantage. the last thing they want is for the lower earners to actually become successful.

my childhood story is neither special or different from millions of others, including many minorities. of course, it has nothing to do with racism or whiteness. it is about taking responsibility for one's actions and not expecting a handout or an advantage.

but, if one is a minority and they have been indoctrinated to believe they cannot make it with special treatment, many will start to believe it. this is what is being sold by liberals, across all races today. life is unfair, only the wealthy/those who go to the best schools will make it, everyone needs protection/a handout, any mistakes are not your fault, you need the government to make decisions for you, you are entitled to everything, socialism is utopia, etc. forget about hard work, personal motivation, personal responsibility, capitalism does not work.

and, they are selling this garbage for one reason....power.

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