That is one

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Re: That is one

Post by notes1 »

since Obama took office nearly eight years ago, there have been over 3400 MURDERS in Chicago alone, the overwhelming majority involving minorities. our progressive comrades say they speak/care for minorities.

how many BLM rallies have been held in Chicago against minority on minority crime? how many times has the liberal leader in the white house been in Chicago, speaking against such horrible crime stats? Chicago has been run by progressives, since...forever.

now, do progressives really care about minorities? according to H, she will continue the same policies. maybe a good business to get into if living in Chicago, would be to sell caskets.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Hillary, in some form or fashion, "lied" about the whole email thing......So what is the real, SPECIFIC thing that people who ALREADY HATE and dislike her anyway, and who would never vote for her ANYWAY, want to hear or see happen??    Seriously, what does everyone out there who is a republican want?   A politician who "lies"....gasp shock wheeze......I gotta go lie down.  I cannot believe that!!!!!First off......I cannot stand Mrs Clinton......I really do not care for her and what she does......Second, what's the alternative at this point?    seriously, someone spell it out for me.......because the sad, awful terrible fact is this:   The republican party is actually, totally BROKEN;  they are paying for their cynical, hypocritical, incompetent and immoral behavior since the second Reagn Administration (circa 1985 and about LIES, phew!)     Because if ever a party was HANDED a gimme, the Republicans were handed a SURE THING with Hillary.......they have known for four years, since the 2012 election, that HILLARY would be the democratic candidate in 2016;   A few were fearful that BIDEN would run until early this year when he backed out.     But really, they have known Hillary would be it.......But the sheer pathetic track record, history and beliefs (if you can call them that) of the Republican Party, and the things that represent today's  "CONSERVATIVE/RIGHT AGENDA"  that the Republicans claim to uphold, are actually more odious and more loathsome to a majority of people than Hillary and the Democrats version of dysfunctional NON-Government!!!!       It is ridiculous.....Hence, that is why now more than ever, with at least 40% of the people identifying themselves as INDEPENDENT or something "OTHER" than Democrat or Republican, we need a THIRD alternative, something or someone that actually WANTS to do what is BEST for EVERYONE, that is NOT corrupt, NOT delusional etc.     Hillary somehow causing the deaths (or being responsible for the deaths) of four people in Benghazi in 2012 is NOT nearly as reprehensible as the actions and LIES of the Bush Administration from September 2001 to June if you want to string the witch up, you cannot have it both ways.     Seriously, here in 2016 we now KNOW that GW Bush and the NeoCon chorus that surrounded him sang a whole bunch of BullSh*t, which people like HILLARY willingly sang along with at first,  that in retrospect, and for decades to come, will be looked upon as the single greatest Foreign Policy Fiasco/Disaster in US History........unless of course, Trump actually DOES get elected in which case, I figure, within 12 months the world will be a smoldering wasteland after he Blunders and Blusters his way into a nuclear war........any of you out there who truly ARE afraid of their loved ones in the military, god help you if Trump wins.     I thought I had it bad when my little brother was in Baghdad and Fallujah in 2003!!!!!I myself, do not believe anything I hear or see on the news or from any government agency, or any politician from ANY political party.    Seriously, how can you believe ANYTHING these days that you yourself cannot verify or learn on your own???

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Post by mymaggie »

Go Hillary. Trump is a joke.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Go Hillary. Trump is a joke.There needs to be a third choice, somehow, someone, somewhere......this cannot continue.Take the national debt and continued deficits......we cannot continue spending on anything and everything for everybody.......spending needs to be curtailed EVERYWHERE that is not absolutely critical to survival and function, and this includes the military.  we can indeed defens ourselves and be strong for much much much less than what we currently blow on defense.     And people are going to have to start taking care of grnadma and grandpa because social security is not going to exist much longer in its current form.    Likewise we need to accept significantly HIGHER taxes for the next 7 years or so in order to pay down the cannot GROW yourself out of 20 Trillion (and climbing) in DEBT.     And before anyone knee jers with "BUT THE GOVERNMENT will just SPEND the new taxes on something else!", let me add this:    ANY TAX INCREASE from this point forward comes with the ironclad stipulation that the money go towrds paying off existing DEBT.   Simple.And somehow.....SOMEHOW, americans need to accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their physical HEALTH, and stop eating junk and sitting on out collective arses and becoming the most obese nation in history by far.     There is NO doubt that merely being overweight adds to a myriad of health issues....being obese is beyond comprehension, and 35% (or more) of americans are OBESE.   This currently translates to about 200 BILLION (with a "B") each year in health care costs, and is going to grow rapidly in years to come unless something massively positive happens to fix this......I'm serious, this is killing the country and it goes way beyond the up front medical costs I just cited.    Fat Obese societies are totally unproductive, which further adds to the debt and deficit.    I cannot be the only one who sees this........fatty foods and sugary foods and no exercise will kill you, regardless of whether you are a Democrat or Republican (just like cigarette smoke did and still does!)

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Post by mymaggie »

DaBurglar: (sorry, I don't know how to copy and paste, or whatever you call it)

Yes, I would be open to a third choice. I'm just sayin' that Trump is a kook. He acts like a ten year old boy.

But you have given me lots to think about. Thanks!

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