A Republican Said it.....

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Re: A Republican Said it.....

Post by jetermacaw »

Well no as a member and gun owner I really don't need you to explain anything. I know what I need to know.

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Post by edog743 »

You proved my point Jeter closed minded. What flavor was the kool-aid they gave you? Btw I am a democrat and I own many guns An enigma I guess.

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Post by jetermacaw »

Not closed minded law abiding citizen. How's life off the reservation.

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Post by edog743 »

So you have nothing productive to say. Hence you play the race card Very classy Jeter Very classy indeed.

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Post by notes1 »

I am a fiscal conservative, a registered R, do not own any guns and am against the death penalty.

liberals feel they are somehow more enlightened.

and speak of closed minded. conservatives are openly debating whether to vote for trump. but progressives only care about winning, they will vote for someone who according to the FBI director lied about her email use, who left 4 americans to die without making any effort to help, lied about what caused the attack and whose charitable foundation is under investigation and has already admitted to multiple infractions.

now, who is drinking the Kool-Aid.

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Post by edog743 »

I guess Laura and Mrs. Bush sr. are they both have said they are voting for Hillary. You also can add Nancy Reagan to this list.

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Post by jetermacaw »

Now who is drinking cool aide, isn't Mrs. Reagan dead. Maybe you should get out more. Lol.

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Post by notes1 »

even more proof that republicans vote per their own beliefs, instead of voting as they are instructed to.

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Post by DaBurglar »

  liberals feel they are somehow more enlightened.

and speak of closed minded. conservatives are openly debating whether to vote for trump. but progressives only care about winning, they will vote for someone who according to the FBI director lied about her email use, who left 4 americans to die without making any effort to help, lied about what caused the attack and whose charitable foundation is under investigation and has already admitted to multiple infractions.

now, who is drinking the Kool-Aid.Don't you realize that YOU are also manifesting this "attitude" that seems to bug you to no end, that being someone who expresses conviction about their beliefs is, according to YOU, being "elitist and feeling more ENLIGHTENED"?    You are making an issue of something that is not an issue....you sure as hell are not "Wishy washy" in declaring the "stuff" you believe in......What did you think of William F. Buckley?  Yale, stuffy intellectual and the foremost conservative voice of his generation (and one of mY Personal favorites....he would be AGHAST at what is going on at the RNC)......Same currently with George WILL, Buckely's successor.....I highly doubt you've read any of his editorials lately, where he essentially decries the whole spectacle of what Trump has concocted, and how so many simpletons in the Republican party are just falling in line.    I also dig George Will......yesterday he wrote an excellent editorial about the South China Sea and what is going on there, and totally trashed any idea that Donald Trump has CLUE ONE on what to do or how to handle such a complex and delicate international situation.    And yet THAT is what the President of the USA is supposed to work on, NOT building a wall that is going to Huuuuuge, just so Huuuuugeee!AND WOULD SOMEONE answer the question:  WHY OH WHY is the NRA and its congressional cronies totally DEAD SET AGAINST ANY TYPE if gun control whatsoever???     Why can;t we deny guns to people on the terrorist watch list?????    Why cannot we ban the Assault weapons once again, like we did in the 1994 crime bill that expired several years ago?  My answer is the NRA is all about protecting profits of gunmakers, and pads the election funds of enough congressmen to ensure things stay just the way they are .....like I said before, I have NO problem with people like Jeter (or even tedlark, gulp) owning handguns or hunting rifles, etc.NO citizen "NEEDS" an assault weapon, nor should anyone have such a implement with only ONE purpose only.     Its called reasonableness and common sense.....Last night's RNC was a total friggin joke....talk about stoking FEAR, divisiveness and subtle, latent RACISM.    NO one is talking about ANY ISSUE of real, definite importance.......

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Post by edog743 »

She endorsed Hillary before she met her maker. I guess she saw the writing on the wall. The debacle that the republican party has become. Jeter do you both Waynes and Moses pics on the ceiling over your bed, or do you alternate each month?

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