Topeka Trip

Did you hit any jackpots? Did you get a great comp? We all want to know!
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Re: Topeka Trip

Post by Tedlark »

Fourdcs - Ameristar recently purchased a casino in Northern Indiana called Resorts, its in East Chicago near Gary. This casino once belonged to Harrahs but due to gaming regulations had to sell it to Resorts. I'm hoping what I hear about Ameristar and pay tables makes its way to this casino in East Chicago, IN. Good luck, Tedlark

Video Poker Master
Posts: 1615
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:50 pm

Post by MikeA »

Just a comment - I've hit more Royal's on the "bad pay" circle bar than on the other one.  We've played Ameristar every since Station Casino's built it.  The past 1 1/2 - 2 years it's been all about the share holders.  VP was screwed down tight and comps were cut to almost nothing.  But, it seems that Ameristar woke up because customer base was dropping rapidly & Kansas approved casino's.  The past few months a lot of Royal's have been hit and more 4 OAK's are being seen.  My wife hit 4 Royal's and I hit 3 in Oct.  It's been a very long time since that's happened.  The only comment I have in reply to this Fourdcs is that if I ever determined that AmeriStar or any other casino could "tighten up" their VP machines other than to change the paytables, I'd never walk inside the door again.

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