why vote for biden?

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Re: why vote for biden?

Post by notes1 »

felix and the dems just want a return to normalcy.

here is what is not normal; spending millions of tax payer dollars to investigate trump for collusion with the russians, the head investigator declaring NO ONE knowingly did collude, but the dems still saying trump did.

felix's idea of normal and preferred, is that the clintons ACTUALLY take hundreds of millions from the russians, hillary having a private server and after being told by the courts, not to mess with it, poof, the server gets wiped clean.

so, felix and the dems prefer it when their party commits a crime(s) and gets away with it, rather than the other party not doing what it was accused of, and still being accused of doing it.

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Post by tech58 »

billryan wrote:
Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:18 am
Never hit a man when he is down. Kicking him works better.

Surpress the virus, not the votes!
I see you went to Portland br. :down:

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Post by tech58 »

You are fighting the good fight Notes. Problem being your in a battle of wits with unarmed "persons". :roll:

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Post by notes1 »

tech58 wrote:
Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:01 pm
You are fighting the good fight Notes. Problem being your in a battle of wits with unarmed "persons". :roll:
thanks tech. the purpose is not to change the minds of trump haters. it is;

-to let the millions of trump supporters know they are not alone. some of us can look past the obvious shortcomings and see the vision and accomplishments of trump.
-to show the independents/undecided, that biden voters, 58% of them, are not voting FOR the senile old man, but rather against trump. their feathers have been ruffled, boo hoo...
-to show all, by pointing out those who support biden or do not receive condemnation for their actions, what the country can expect, under dem power control. how much more portland, seattle, chicago, nyc does america want.
-show biden has NO accomplishments, after nearly 50 years of being on the public dole.

the trump haters minds are made up, no reason to waste time with them. but, there are a group who are undecided, willingly to listen to sensible arguments, they have an open mind. they want to vote FOR something, not against something.

our job, as i see it, is to validate that trump is not perfect, no one his. but, we have had four years to see the accomplishments. what happened to ISIS, he/military destroyed them, pre chinese virus- healthy economy-tremendous employment numbers, stock markets setting new records, our border under control,
no new foreign conflicts-instead troop reductions, no more giving in to china, etc.

the dem convention was dark, sad, angry, vengeful and mean spirited. exactly the same as the dems have been for the past 4 years. trump is positive, forward looking, sets goals and most importantly-he gets them done. he get my vote!

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Post by notes1 »

are most americans really buying into what the dems are selling;

-ALL white folks are racists and bigots, all of us. but, the country elected obama, a black man. twice!
-that every bad thing that happens to someone, is really the fault of someone else
-not near enough has been spent, not near enough laws have been enacted to try and make up for past racial mistakes
-trump caused the chinese virus. he started it and he spread it around the world. he mandated sick elderly to be house with healthy elderly (cuomo did), he allowed china flights to continue (he didn't), he set the timetable for ALL states openings (he didn't). he did encourage the country to get back to normal, in a safe way, asap.
-it is unreasonable to expect americans, of all stripes, to take some responsibility for their own actions. not according to dems, you can always blame someone else.
-dems believe it is acceptable for mob rule, looting, rioting, as long as it is being done by what they believe, are dem voters.
-dems do not believe in church gatherings, small business openings, because these are not dem voters. but, it is ok to open liquor stores and pot shops.

this is what dems, trump haters are selling, america is not buying.

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Post by Chicagoan »

A very good speech last night by Joe Biden. I think he pretty much dispelled the concerns about being old, doddering and sleepy. :)

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Post by notes1 »

anyone can read off a teleprompter.

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Post by billryan »

notes1 wrote:
Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:04 pm
anyone can read off a teleprompter.
Sure, but can they understand what they are reading. Yo-semite Park?
For weeks, you and your ilk have been saying biden is incapable of thought, was doddering and had no energy.
Since you saw him go on a rather vigorous bike ride and knock the ball out of the park with this speech,
it's pretty obvious you were mistaken. To continue your line of attack after this will be simply dishonest.

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Post by notes1 »

that why there are debates, everyone can see for themselves.

live debates!

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Post by Eduardo »

Biden showed up to win. I think this is going to be a crushing victory, but certainly wouldn't bet on anything after the last election's unpredictability. I do look forward to the debates to see how he will hold up.

It kills me that the Republicans have become so degenerate that a below average Democrat will be a breath of fresh air. It shouldn't have come to this but they chose to stick with the most adolescent, narcissistic joke of a candidate that's ever set foot in the office. I hope they learn from this mistake... I'm not optimistic about that, since 4 years of overwhelming evidence wasn't enough to go a different direction.

Both parties have lost me completely.

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