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Re: weapons

Post by rascal »

Question for Notes1:

A guy on a motorcycle has no health insurance and he rides without a helmet and then he has an accident. He suffers a traumatic brain injury and is hospitalized for many months. Because he has no insurance and yet his hospitalization started with a public hospital emergency room, he will be cared for until he recovers or dies, regardless of his ability to eventually pay his bill. In the event he can't pay, who pays? You got it. Now, my question: Is the law requiring a motorcycle helmet protecting just the motorcyclist, or is it also protecting Notes1, the taxpayer?

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Post by notes1 »

one of the few things i liked about obamacare, was making the ownership of health insurance mandatory. i am in favor of that.

there are about 4000 folks waiting for a heart transplant, and who knows how many waiting for other organs, that might just come from a brain dead accident victim. and, this person just saved the SS system years of paying out benefits. i live in florida, a state w/o helmet requirement laws. my cardiologist says many heart donors are motorcyclists.

with about 160 million americans obese or overweight, and the costs to society is estimated to be 42% higher for fat folks, and many do not have health insurance, should we mandate a national diet? should we ration pizzas, sodas, etc. should we ration booze, how many are negatively affected.

i am a fiscal conservative, money and debt are very important to me. it is my biggest disappointment in the rep party, they are just as bad as dems.

but, if your concerns are about money, i could provide a long list of items where habits of folks, are costing society billions of dollar. the point i have been attempting to make is, where do we draw the line?

i am guessing you approve the giving out free health insurance to all illegals, as many have no insurance and use emergency rooms. that means you are in favor of giving free health insurance to everyone on the planet, who makes it into this country.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Don’t forget they call a taxi and use it for either ER visits or normal doctor appointments paid by us of course and they call on their free Obamacare cell phones my mistake they call an ambulance for normal doctor visits also paid for by us

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Post by billryan »

If you folks are so upset about the great benefits people living in poverty get, why not give all you have to charity and go live the Life of Rielly with them. I remember when Americans were jealous of people living good lives, and not jealous of the poor. How bankrupt does one have to be to begrudge a poor mother a cell phone?

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Post by rascal »

No, Notes1, you pegged me wrong. All of us, except for the few Indians among us, are descended from immigrants. But my great-great-grandparents came here from Ireland via Ellis Island, and immigrated legally. I have no problem with legal immigration, but, no, I am not in favor of giving anything free to illegal immigrants and I urge them to come to America and take advantage of our many opportunities, but to do it the legal way.
I think the protections and restrictions that we, as a democracy, choose to enact of course are sometimes going to be scatter shot ---- utopia is impossible. But you have to try.
I am also a conservative, but what is sometimes described as a compassionate conservative. i.e., I am opposed to illegal immigrants trying to enter the country, but that doesn't mean I am in favor of them or their innocent children being treated in an inhumane manner.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Agreed no problem with humane treatment. My Grandparents came through Ellis Island and by the way learned the language though hard, they were proud to learn the language in thrir new home. Also survival and getting a job depended on it. I remember being told of some of the signs in Boston that read.....Irish need not apply!

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Post by notes1 »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:38 pm
i I remember being told of some of the signs in Boston that read.....Irish need not apply!
i too am irish, we should seek reparations.

even though i am proud of my irish heritage, i am number one, an american. and, if millions of folks from ireland were coming here illegally, i would have no problem, sending them back.

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Post by billryan »

As of 2000, it was estimated that Irish were the second largest group of illegals in NY and number one in overstaying their visas. Do you think they should start raiding places where Irish looking folks hang out?
Raid any saloon in NYC and you are guaranteed to find a couple illegals.

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Post by notes1 »

imagine, implying that one would likely find a bunch of micks in a bar. if it weren't true, it might be racist.

the same can be said for other nationality generalities.

and, yes, if they are illegally, send them home.

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Post by olds442jetaway »


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