Why is this?

Why do you play video poker? What is your favorite game and why?
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Re: Why is this?

Post by FloridaPhil »

My observation is that today's video poker machines pay better when playing single coin.  Some will say this is pure luck, but they do consistently enough to convince me there's more to it.    I am also convinced that the high limit room video poker machines pay better than the main floor machines. That's why I switched to single coin $5 play for my pot shots. Over and over again I slip in there and hit a nice run or a royal with deuces for $125 or a quad deuce for $1,000.  I hesitate to say this because some people will think I'm just mouthing off, but I'm up about $2K in the past three months just from the $20 hourly pot shots.   I wish I had enough money and confidence to play this way all the time.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Heading up today for the UCONN game, so after that, I will give it another shot. I think I will still start with nickels and see what happens, but so far, its single coin time for me.

     What is really crazy is feedback I've had from what few regular vp players are left. The worse the paytable, the more premium hands that are coming out for them. Nobody can figure that one out.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

If that's true I should do really well in Biloxi next month.  

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Post by Vman96 »

What concerns me is so many posters here think they do better in single coin mode (as in actually winning at a game you're supposed to lose at), even though many laws dictate the cards must be from a random, equally probable deck. Is every casino cheating or something?

As for myself, I might have done better at single coin overall. Not sure though because I really don't know how much single coin I've played in the past few years. And CET in Vegas has definitely kicked my ass at single coin. No Aces thru 4s on Triple Bonus Plus yet, bah.

Re: UConn

Watched a bit of the game, tv intros are showing Mohegan common areas. Definitely looks nice.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Most players don't play single coin video poker until they are almost broke, so it's difficult for them to tell if there is any difference in return.  I play single coin 80% of the time and for me it pays much better than max coin play. There are a lot of reasons for this that have nothing to do with machine rigging.  Like 99% of the video poker players in the world I do not have an unlimited bankroll.  Playing single coin allows me to play 3-4 times as many hands as max coin play for the same given bankroll.  Because I use a progressive system, I am actually playing just as many max coin hands overall because I don't bust and go home with my head hanging down.  I don't measure my wins or loses one session at a time.  I consider the entire year as a whole and my goal is to come out financially neutral or positive at the end.  If you think this through you will see why I say most players will be better off financially if they don't play standard max coin strategy all the time.  That strategy was developed by a video poker professional playing only 100% plus games perfectly for weeks on end with an unlimited bankroll.  If that's not you, you may want to consider an alternative.

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Post by onemoretry »

I am actually playing just as many max coin hands overall because I don't bust and go home with my head hanging down. 
I'm not sure I understand this. In a previous post, you indicated 80% of your play was single coin.

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Post by Vman96 »


I am actually playing just as many max coin hands overall because I don't bust and go home with my head hanging down. 
I'm not sure I understand this. In a previous post, you indicated 80% of your play was single coin.[/QUOTE]

Phil's running so hot he's playing at least 5 times as longer?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

What concerns me is so many posters here think they do better in single coin mode (as in actually winning at a game you're supposed to lose at), even though many laws dictate the cards must be from a random, equally probable deck. Is every casino cheating or something?

As for myself, I might have done better at single coin overall. Not sure though because I really don't know how much single coin I've played in the past few years. And CET in Vegas has definitely kicked my ass at single coin. No Aces thru 4s on Triple Bonus Plus yet, bah.

Re: UConn

Watched a bit of the game, tv intros are showing Mohegan common areas. Definitely looks nice.

     Back from the game and an overnight. UCONN was off a little, but they won by a mile and it was great to see them live instead of just on TV. Actually, I haven't seen a live game at UCONN in 46 years. Wow...No luck playing. Did stick with single coin. Nickels were fair, quarters not so good, and dollars terrible, but I'm not going to dwell on it since it is Christmas time. Completely new game plan next year which will have most all of my play at Foxwoods and minimal at Mohegan. More to follow on that another time or another format, but the bottom line is I'm coming up on another 500k hands without a Royal for the second time in a year and now about 75k hands without deuces quads on a deuces wild game. Best of health to all for the coming New Year.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[Quote=Florida_Phil]I am actually playing just as many max coin hands overall because I don't bust and go home with my head hanging down.[/Quote]It's a little more complicated, but my basic strategy is to play single coin standard deuces wild until I win 4 credits or more on a hand.  I switch to max coins on the following hand and continue until I lose a hand and go back to single coin.  The effect of this is that I play about 80% of my hands at single coin and the rest at max coins, but this doesn't tell the whole story.  What frequently happens is that you will lose for long periods at single coin and catch back up on a max coin run.  It is common to play $20 at single coin quarters for an hour or more with this strategy.  If I was playing max coins all the time, I would never last through the bad spells.  Deuces Wild runs this way and the strategy closely mimics the way the game normally plays out. I also switch to $1 play in predetermined situations and have hit many $1,000 quad deuce jackpots and Royals starting with single coin quarters.  I believe the reason I am successful playing this way is because I am totally devoted to it.  I don't change games and I don't waver from my convictions. You can not gauge the success of any strategy in a short period of time.  I'm going on 18 months with this strategy and the results have been dramatic.  If you want to view pictures of my jackpots, they're on my Jackpot Gallery.I hope everyone has a great holiday.  I enjoy my time on this forum and hope everyone has a profitable 2015! 

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I hear you Phil on the long runs of losers on single coin. I just can't seem to hit the max plays at all. I will find out early in 2015 if it is just bad luck or the casino that I am playing in. For 2015, I will be playing mostly at Foxwoods which is an extra 20 minute drive. I don't mind in good weather, but in the winter... ...I think I have given Mohegan enough money and trials of various types this year. Over 1 million hands and total return of only 95-96% most of which except the last few sessions on 99% machines. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and the Mrs....Olds....

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