Former Illinois 8th District Rep has to be....

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Re: Former Illinois 8th District Rep has to be....

Post by billryan »

If either of you thinks you are somehow winning, I have some oceanfront property in Kingman to sell you.
It's rare you see two people determined to race to the bottom.

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Post by Tedlark »

Thank you for weighing in; I didn't realize you also dabbled in real estate too? And how long have you been a transplanted New Yorker to the Henderson area?

As for racing to the bottom, with your recent exchanges with FP you have no room to criticize.

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Post by billryan »

It was one year this week.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Harvard grads?

And I didn't fail; you did. Ok since you once again bailed out of another one of your futile, halfassed attempts to elevate yourself at my expense in your imaginary audience's eyes, I'm holding you to at least answer what you just started with this latest post......WHAT precisely did I "fail" at, or with....?   Spell it out precisely, otherwise this is just one more nonsensical empty post by you in reply to a devastating barrage from ME.....You really did step in it with that previous post, where you equate disability with a gay person's choice to live a gay lifestyle....disabled people have NO choice, no "say" whatsoever in their condition, and it is not in anyway at all even remotely similar to sexual identity or choice or practice.   Moreover, I defy you (yet again) to actually go up to GAY people and tell them that they are essentially the same, or just like DISABLED people......     

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Post by DaBurglar »

If either of you thinks you are somehow winning, I have some oceanfront property in Kingman to sell you.
It's rare you see two people determined to race to the bottom.I won't echo ted's potshot at you....I will say however that I do AGREE in principle with your post, and if you wanted to spend time trying to find them, you could go back and look up posts made by me in the past where I DO acknowledge and confess the utter stupidity and pointlessness of this ongoing B.S. betwixt myself and the A-hole currently known as Ted......I have expressed numerous times my regret to the rest of the forum that they have to witness this, and I have implored Ted many times to just ignore my posts and focus on something or someone else.....he refuses to do this, instead constantly lowering the bar and taking this crock of shiite to new levels of stupidity.    For my part, if you are honest and can go back and look up any number of these threads that turn into steaming piles of Larkian crap, you will see that I do NOT involve or reference or concern myself initially with Ted in whatever thread or topic I choose to start or share, but its only after he plops a turd in the middle of it that I respond to him.....What's more, where my posts and replies to his turd-posts are directed solely for him and solely for his consideration, HE somehow imagines that there is this pool or collection of viewers (like Yourself billyryan) sitting in front of their screens ACTUALLY and truly "keeping score" or whatever, and thus he cannot simply just "drop it" or skulk away without always getting in the last reply, even if its total gibberish.And as you just witnessed yourself billy, ted is unwilling, unable and unaware how to simply turn the other cheek or ignore even tiny insignificant remarks that he perceives as "anti-HIM" would be comical if it were not so hackneyed and pathetic.   But I would in fact enjoy seeing you embroiled with him over totally pointless, meaningless dreck.....

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Post by billryan »

Perhaps, instead of asking him to ignore you, you simply ignore him.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar again you go with the name calling. I have never called you names but yet you still feel the need to do it to me. As for billryan,I have no desire to get into the same type of exchange with him that I have with you but when someone takes a potshot at me they should do so only after realizing that I may fire one back.

Moving on to your trying to twist handicapped You and I both know full well that you were discriminatory toward gay people and my point was easy: you cannot claim to be an advocate of people's rights if you say things like: gay marriage is wrong on so many levels. That in itself is discriminatory.

I laughed when you say people "choose" to live a gay lifestyle as this statement by you was so utterly stupid. You "defy" me to go up to gay people and tell them that they are essentially the same,or just like disabled people. You should review my posts,I said that gay people have the same rights as disabled persons.

You sure do "defy" alot.    

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Post by DaBurglar »

Perhaps, instead of asking him to ignore you, you simply ignore him.
I can say with a clear conscience that on many occasions I have ignored this individual, hoping he'd simply bluster himself out.   But then i make a post (any post) about a topic (any topic) and voila, he pounces, even though it has nothing to do with him personally.   I'm serious, go back in time and look it up, you'll see my account is accurate.In any case, I'll ignore his very last post above because he has slipped once again into the unreasonable, dishonest and intentionally inaccurate practice of distorting what was said and creating "false issues or choices"....ted regularly does this because, as I have stated, he does not know how to debate, nor when he is cornered or proven wrong, he cannot simply just quit.  

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar you are again trying to spin it your way but you can't.

As for debating, the first way to realize when your opponent has lost is when they make it personal, i.e.NAMECALLING.

Check and mate.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar you are again trying to spin it your way but you can't.

As for debating, the first way to realize when your opponent has lost is when they make it personal, i.e.NAMECALLING.

Check and mate.I am going to allow you to retain the belief that you have successfully shown the world whatever "it" is you wanted to show them (either about ME or whatever issue you imagined was being discussed)  in this latest thread/posting example and exercise in cyber futility.....I have no idea just what that "IT" is and I don't care, mostly because "it" only exists within your own delusional mind.   Of this point and detail I am 100% certain I am right (as I have been since you first started this absurd behavior towards me all the way back in 2011.)   Never once have you actually ever spelled out just what exactly I can, or need to do, to get you to cease with your idiotic, childish, mean spirited behavior.....and that is the most telling thing of all.   You are just a spiteful cowardly bully who gets off on the sound of his own bluster and the sight of the words/postings of his own weird hostility......I dare say even if you could articulate and specify what it is you want, or need me to do in order to cease your harrassment, you would not do so because you LIKE doing what  you do to me......And  why don't you cease this childish whining about ...."NAMECALLING"....?   What the hell are you even talking about?    if I say you are acting like a moron or idiot, that is not "namecalling...... I have not called you "names" me exactly where that happened?      You once again are confusing a descriptive, active adjective pertaining to your behavior as an actual moniker, or name.     You fail to even understand the difference or how that works......again, I rest my case.      Besides, whatever way you want to phrase it, as namecalling or adjectives describing who or what you are, the indisputable fact is I am 100% spot on RIGHT!!!!       now THAT's what really burns your toast, isn't it Theodore/Thaddeus/Theodosius? (<<<now that is, technically speaking, "namecalling")I just took a four+ day hiatus from this place........on returning, and after careful reflection and pondering, The only thing I truly resent or dislike about YOU personally is that, every time I come to this forum and wish to post about anything.....ANYTHING......I have to deal with the fact that you are a petulant, petty, cowardly 50-something brat who never grew up, who just cannot look the other way or leave me alone.......I want nothing to do with you, I don't initiate any posts about or toward you, yet there you are. a snotty can't accept reality, nothing better to do misanthrope who chooses me.....ME of all people, to vent his frustrations with his own inadequate life by trashing pointlessly every thing I try to write or share or generate discourse.     That's all.......nothing more, nothing less..........

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