More NYC insane proposals

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advantage playe
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Re: More NYC insane proposals

Post by advantage playe »

near 2nd ave but noware to park !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Carcounter »

That's the problem with everything in Manhattan.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

We were lucky. I think my dentist either grew up with or knew the owner very well. My dentist friend would call the osner tell him we were on our way and make room somehow for us to park for 20 min or so. It was great. My friend as a boy of ten or so knew a secret way to sneak into Ebbets field and get right to the dugout of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Somehow he managed to get from them a black and white photo signed by every member of the team around 1952. I have seen it and held it in my hands. He has since passed and I don’t know what happened to it. The players got to know him though and never squealed on him. I think he would bring the players treats from the local bakery in his neighborhood. His family lived pretty close to Ebbets field. A different world back then. Security was if you knew the single local cop and were not a troublemaker, you had an in.

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Post by billryan »

Carcounter wrote:
Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:54 am
Yes, remember Jahns ice cream parlor.That's where we took girlfriends after the movies.
Weird story about Jahns.
There was one in Williston Park that I went to regularly, both with friends and family. I loved their pizza burger. Anyway, it closed in the early 80s and the only other one near me,in Levitown ,closed a few years later. So when I moved to Jackson Heights in the 90s, I was very happy to see one in the neighborhood.
I wasn't thrilled with the prices but it was still pretty good. Ate there a few times without incident.
Then one night, there were four of us, and my friends cousin was visiting from Columbia. My friend is translating the menu as the girl could speak a bit of English but not reason it well. The ancient waitress is getting agitated about the two of them going back and forth and sAys something and walks away. She comes back with a kids menu and says maybe she can look at the pictures. My friend gets mad and the waitress gets rude. It went from zero to 80 in a heartbeat and the manager comes over and tells them they have to leave.I open my mouth and he tells me if I'm not careful, I have to leave too. I'm dumbfounded that he would think some of us would stay, but we all just walked out.
This was on a Thursday night. I had to work all weekend so on Monday, I swing by to talk to the owner but it's closed. Stop by the next day and it's closed. I ask someone and they tell me that Sunday was their last day. The ice parlor sat untouched for months, and then one day I walked by and it was gone. Just a vacant storefront.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Weird but serves them right. They all must have known they were history and didn’t gave a ....them meaning the employees for acting like that

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Post by billryan »

The strange thing was that shop had been there since my Mother sent to HS in the late 40s.
I'd have thought it would go out with celebration.

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Post by OTABILL »

This discussion about Jahns makes we want to have some ice cream. However all I can do is look at the kitchen sink. ;)

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