Some people should not be in a casino

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Some people should not be in a casino

Post by billryan »

I'd imagine it has been an issue many times. I've read Ed Thorpe received death threats, and seen the Vegas Hole Mafia in action, even though everyone knows there is no such thing as the LVHCM.
Sadly, I've yet to learn any secrets worth dying for, since moving here. ... ks-casinos

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Post by New2vp »

No one has ever been able to tell me how many cycles it takes for all the play to come out of one video poker machine.   Good question for the math guys.  Anyway, all you would have to do is keep playing until that happens, then limit your talk to only your big wins.This is not a particularly difficult problem depending on how it's phrased, but it's possible I don't understand it fully.  Who have you asked that was unable to answer the question and what exact words were used?  If by "all the play," you mean every possible hand dealt at least once, the answer follows.  Of course, nothing magical happens after this point.  Each succeeding hand will have the same chance at being dealt regardless if we are talking about the next hand or the next one after a million hands.If I recall correctly, Vman answered this about 5 years ago and I'm sure others have answered it before him.  It takes an expected 39,888,416.48 hands to have each of the 2,598,960 hands dealt.  It should be obvious from the fraction that this is not a guarantee of the number of hands that it will take.  I throw this in just to ensure that no one misunderstands the difference between what is expected in a random event vs. what might actually happen.  It could happen in several million fewer hands or it might take many more.  I would doubt if anyone (outside of using a simulating program) would really track this on an actual video poker machine.I must admit to not being certain why the answer to this question is relevant in this particular thread.  If someone is going to lie about their results, it would certainly not take nearly 40 million hands of actual play before that lying took place.  One would not need nearly 1000 pictures of royals in order to post the few that they need.  Pictures of royals are certainly available whether you are the one who actually hit them.  Again the "nearly 1000" number is not a guarantee.  I want to make sure that no one misunderstands how long it might take to get 1000 royals.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I imagine this is geared towards me, although I honestly don't know why.
I certainly don't brag about my result. In fact, I don't post my results. I dare anyone to post my last Royal. Or my last good run at BJ?
I do talk about the various promos one can easily beat and how one can combine them into
a nice part time hobby. Anything I post can be easily duplicated by anyone with the time and inclination.
Obviously, the best plays don't get discussed on public forums. They are closely guarded among the ones who exploit them.
People like Bob Dancer, who educate the public are rare among APs, and I'm sure he has taken grief for his writings. Must be strange to get abuse from his peers for being too open ,and even more from the idiot chorus for leading impressionable people astray.

No sir, it was neither geared or directed towards YOu in the sense or tone (or intent) you probably interpret.....I was being flippant and self mocking/self deprecating (as I thought you were being....somewhat, anyways....)Read the rest of my entire post above, then read between the lines.....try and gauge the theme and message.   It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out......

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Post by Vman96 »

I'm pretty sure the Surgeon General doesn't recommend either one.

When did the Surgeon General make any headlines since C. Everett Coop. Do we when have one now?    Wiki says we do.

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