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Re: Chips

Post by DaBurglar »

tech58 wrote:
Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:15 pm
Curious. What can the casino,thru the server, change that is unknown to the player? The pay table is visible on the machine, the random number generation is sacrosanct (sacred and legally unalterable to those of you in Rio Linde). What am i missing?

Let's separate what is real or has happened, and what is still opinion and I stated before, I lauded carcounter's observation concerning the extreme swings in the server based games at CET casinos in AC, whereby there are long extended periods (often over days at a time) where you get nothing and when you look and ask around you notice the other VP players experiencing the same. Then will come a day, maybe two days where you seemingly hit an unusually HIGH number of good hands....this is an established FACT that anyone who has played frequently in AC at CET properties particularly since 2013 (but even somewhat before then too) knows to be true. It also goes without saying that most players do not win as much during the brief "UP" periods as they lose during the extended "DOWN" periods, but of course you will find exceptions as always. So how do we explain this fact of frequent extreme swings in performance across all VP machines at these server based casinos? This next part is where personal opinion and individual reasoning/deduction currently outweighs actual fact(s) but I believe logic and common sense will yield some pretty strong indications of what is going on, short of the CET casinos issuing a statement/confession or allowing open house access to everything and everyone involved in their VP operations.....Again, this is MY OWN PERSONAL CONCLUSION (thus far based upon what I've seen, heard and learned over the past 9 plus years in AC and interacting, or trying to anyway, with the NJ Casino/Gaming Commission)....

You are correct, Paytables are a complete open book, and aside from CET having horrible paytables in general (with a few high credit value exceptions) there is nothing going on with them......and you are correct, the RNG is not at issue either, except for the fact the server has a "chip" that is far more powerful and larger than the older ones that inhabit a typical single stand alone game unit. This means the potential number and pool of random numbers from which the games draw is potentially much larger....

But there is another part, or aspect, to the average Video Poker Game that you completely overlook or fail to account for, and that is the actual PROGRAM that runs and displays the actual game play and results! Each game (wheter it's JOB, DDB, Deuces or whatever) has its own program to allow actual game play. This program accesses the "sacrosanct" random numbers generated by the CHIP and turns it into an actual gameplay result (displays the cards and calculates the win or loss etc.) Here, within or alongside the actual game programs is where the casino can (if it so desires, which technically it is not supposed to) instruct the programs to generate more (or less) game results that favor either the player or house depending on what the casino wants to do at that period in time. This is a simple process that probably involves some type of user defined code or table into which the casino can input whatever value or data it needs to serve its purpose....a server allows you to manage your system at the most subtle, minute level of detail so it's entirely possible such a thing can occur.

Furthermore, as I have established regarding the manner and level of actual oversight that the NJ Casino/Gaming Commission is both willing and able to exercise, I believe their is some sort of collusion going on whereby the NJ Comm looks the other way regarding certain practices, so long as the Big picture stays where it should (i.e. the State gets what it is supposed to get and the figures for giving back to the gaming public are where they need to be at the end of each fiscal year.) The massive downsizing and elimination of much of the NJ Casino Gaming Commission over the past five years is a stunning coincidence, plus when one attempts to interact with the actual commission (as I have done at least several times over the past 5-6 years, one is stunned by the non-chalant, almost unprofessional manner in which agents and/or personnel speak to you, and they most certainly lack fundamental knowledge or understanding about many of the games they are supposed to be overseeing!!! This was NOT always the case, particularly prior to 2011 when every AC casino had its own dedicated booth staffed with NJ Gaming Agents 24/7!!!

Bottom line, and this is why I now play VERY LITTLE in AC (just as everyone implored me from long ago), something is way way off with regards VP statistical results in AC Casinos, particularly these CET server based casinos.....and it has been that way for a long long time, consistently, without change, and it has nothing to do with variance or even rotten luck. Those of you who have or continue to play LOTS of VP in AC, particularly at the CET casinos, you know exactly what I am talking about. The "down" periods, or "cold" spells just don't feel normal or correct. for too long a time and too frequent an occurrence.

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Post by Carcounter »

I do not play at any CET casinos anymore, so I can't comment on them. I used to play at Caesars when they had $1.00 All Americans, but really haven't played since then. I used to play at Bally's when they had $1.00 full pay Pick'em and a 9/6 $1.00 JOB progressive that is long gone. I continue to play the .50 SDB at Borgata in spite of the long cold streaks I have experienced, because I have had some really good hot streaks where you can get up 1k very shortly with some premium quads. After my last quick session on Tuesday am now up $2,635 for the year. 5x slot dollars coming up on Aug 13-15.

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Post by Eduardo »

So... Someone could easily get rich by simply asking a few players if the games are hitting BEFORE they play, and walking away if they aren't.

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Post by Tedlark »

Or stay rich by not playing them.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

hey card c that was 7 years ago!!please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Carcounter »

I know.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »


advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

tks 13 to 15

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

c u there!!

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Post by tech58 »

DaB. I understand your empirical evidence based on years of evidence and observation. I am in no way questioning your conclusion (hell i don't even play in AC). However i am still struggling with the "mechanics" of how they do it. Maybe it affects my play without my knowledge (i am not nearly as observant by nature as you are) so am searching.

I picked up something in your post that the manipulation is between the RN choice for the draw and the display of cards that you get. Anywhere close?

We agree on pay tables,RN based card selection, etc.. What happens twixt the legal machine and the observed results? Like the old saying "how do it know ?

Vaguely related to this subject is another question i have. When you hit the deal button does the machine select five cards at random or ten? It seems to me it would be ten. With the next five predetermined before you select and draw. Anyone know for sure?

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