Latest Greatest Horror Movie

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Re: Latest Greatest Horror Movie

Post by Tedlark »


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Post by DaBurglar »

Word.This is an example of a "fake post".....Thread still closed.

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Post by Tedlark »

Shot any squirrels lately DaBurglar? Maybe we should get the ASPCA involved?

Let me guess: you were just re-enacting a scene from one of your favorite horror movies? Or are you just going to say that you were only joking last night on chat? My sources tell me you were quite "offensively chatty?"

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Post by DaBurglar »

Shot any squirrels lately DaBurglar? Maybe we should get the ASPCA involved?

Let me guess: you were just re-enacting a scene from one of your favorite horror movies? Or are you just going to say that you were only joking last night on chat? My sources tell me you were quite "offensively chatty?"You know ted, for someone who repeatedly claims he could care less about me, you sure do "care" about what I do and say and say and you even realize how totally friggin contradictory (read; HYPOCRITICAL) you incessantly are?Having said, and demonstrated that aspect of your absurdity, my next question is......SO FLIPPIN what?!?!?   WHat's your point, other than your ubiquitous pointy head?Maybe I just decided to play and to be "chatty" far as I can tell thats what that whole portion of the site is for, or so you kept telling me for years and years, insisting I did not spend nearly enough time there and doing all I do and you are attempting to make some false issue of that.   Why dont' you seriously stop thinking and concerning yourself with me?     Do you realize how ridiculous you are when you say things like "my sources tell me" conceited are you?   And just so you know I KNOW exactly who this "source" is, and he is on chat every night talking and chatting about the most banal, boring, same old stuff EVERY night, so I dont think he's a good reference point to start making any kind of comparison or judgement about anyone else's chat content.   JUST to be clear (AGAIN).....I am sincerely asking you to just LOOK the other way when it comes to me, and I promise you I will extend you the same consideration.   Seriously, WHY are you unable to do that?    You are unable to admit it but everyone can see you absolutely cannot stand me...I get it.... and I assure you the feeling is 100% MUTUAL, so what on earth are you hoping to get by repeatedly engaging with me ????

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar you really need to get your facts straight. I have never, repeat, NEVER told you anything about chat. EVER!

More importantly, you shouldn't "guess" or even state that "you KNOW" who this source was, BECAUSE YOU WOULD BE WRONG WITH BOTH YOUR GUESS AND YOU "KNOWING".

JUST to be clear (AGAIN)...I am sincerely saying that I will not look the other way when it comes to you.

Peace out.

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Post by DaBurglar »

   DaBurglar you really need to get your facts straight. I have never, repeat, NEVER told you anything about chat. EVER!

More importantly, you shouldn't "guess" or even state that "you KNOW" who this source was, BECAUSE YOU WOULD BE WRONG WITH BOTH YOUR GUESS AND YOU "KNOWING".

JUST to be clear (AGAIN)...I am sincerely saying that I will not look the other way when it comes to you.

Peace out.

Oh ok Ted, you win. You keep right on looking at me,and make sure you tell the world the whole story, they need to hear it and your just the person to tell it.

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Post by Tedlark »

I also understand that during this chat you told the board that you used to live in Las Vegas but in another recent post of yours in a different forum thread you said you "lived" in Las Vegas for a period of 3-5 weeks for work.

So which is it? Did you reside,or live, in Las Vegas as a resident? Did you temporarily live in Las Vegas as a transcient worker? You painted a picture of you having actual Las Vegas residential status when that may not entirely be the truth. In order for you to keep your stories (LIES) straight you should really start writing them down in a journal.

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Post by Tedlark »

Getting back onto the topic of movies, I read today that a company is developing an 8 screen movie theater near me. The company is called Cinepolis and they will also be developing a similar theater in a suburb located about 45 minutes north of me.

So much for a previous poster's theory that movie theaters are near extinction.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I also understand that during this chat you told the board that you used to live in Las Vegas but in another recent post of yours in a different forum thread you said you "lived" in Las Vegas for a period of 3-5 weeks for work.

So which is it? Did you reside,or live, in Las Vegas as a resident? Did you temporarily live in Las Vegas as a transcient worker? You painted a picture of you having actual Las Vegas residential status when that may not entirely be the truth. In order for you to keep your stories (LIES) straight you should really stnart writing them down in a journal.

Hey Ted, why don't you get some help....For real.   You really are in a bad way....Your bitterness and tone and plain old mean spirited hatred isn't even camouflaged anymore by your superficial humor.   It's pretty obvious I've struck numerous nerves in you and have obviously gotten the better of you for you to be posting what you are now posting, in the way and manner you are.... I think it's telling, as well as HILLARIOUS, that you could not any longer just post your childish and inane WORD or "peace out" stupidity....Clearly you were seething from my last post where I exposed you using your own words as the instigator of all this utter crapola between us....You still cannot explain WHY you are unable to look the other way or ignore me since I obviously engineer within you intense feelings of hostility, which you are apparently too cowardly to own up to even over an anonymous chat exchange.

I'm pretty sure you are the only person here who cares where and when I actually lived or stayed or resided or passed thru in Vegas, and this absurd, pointless attack on my playing session and chat activity the other night, which had nothing at all to do with you, is making you look very unhinged, and even more weird, than you normally are.

You're upset that I questioned your alleged video poker results for the world to see....Oh well...But Trying to desperately then turn it around and attack me on completely baseless, and pointless details regarding general casual discussions on living in or visiting Vegas for extended times is not going to change or make your phony video poker results any more believable.

I can only imagine how incensed you must now be after reading this latest devastating post from me, but you totally bring it on yourself. I've pleaded with you to just drop it, let things go, but you just can't do it....That's really sad. I don't like embarrassing you like this, I really don't.... I'd like nothing more than to just never see your name after or in response to my posts here. But you're a bully who refuses to just cease and desist with this crap... I'm never going to allow you to keep poking me with a stick and not respond. YOU are the instigator in this, not me....You so much as admitted it clear as day.   That's pretty arrogant and brazen....

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Post by DaBurglar »

   Getting back onto the topic of movies, I read today that a company is developing an 8 screen movie theater near me. The company is called Cinepolis and they will also be developing a similar theater in a suburb located about 45 minutes north of me.

So much for a previous poster's theory that movie theaters are near extinction.

Interesting....Please provide name of publication or website where you read this.

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