Why are we all so glum?

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Re: Why are we all so glum?

Post by DaBurglar »

If everyone, everywhere, just decided to STOP leaving tips for waiters and waitresses then restaurants would either be forced to PAY GOOD people a LOT more money (which is not likely and would therefore lead to a lot of restaurants folding)....or restaurants would hire trained monkeys.    OR they would convert to self serve cafe or buffet joints.If people just stopped tipping in casinos, it would convert to self serve booze and beer vending.   No one would ever work such a job for minimum wage.However, the handpay situation is problematic.....In vegas I used to just tip 40 - 50 bucks, but thi sis due to the fact that almost all my handpays from 1992 thru 2009 were in the 1200-1300 dollar range because I only play 25 cents and it was only hitting a progressive that I ever ran into this.   In 5 years in AC (2009 thru today) I think I had a total of 3 or 4 handpays the entire time, same deal, 40 to 50 bucks for 1200 dollar jackpots, so that works out to about 3 or 4%, which I think is reasonable and nice.    But either way, tips on a handpay would NOT impact the employment of the position in question....that slot person or cage employee would still be working his job whether we tipped or not.I do not know how much Bob dancer drinks.....obviously its nothing stronger than water or kool aid, and since the typical tip in Vegas for Beer is $1, wine $1-2, Booze $2, and soft drinks 50 cents to $1, the waitresses are not missing much if he does not tip drinks.   He probably does not drink at all or else he'd have to take potty breaks, right?  and that is not ADVANTAGEOUS.Bottom line, who cares?

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Post by Tedlark »

  DaBurglar do you tip the housekeepers who make up your room when you stay in Atlantic City? Or Las Vegas? Or the moon?  As for casinos converting to self serve beverages, it would never happen because that would take the players away from the machines that they are playing. And that would not be ADVANTAGEOUS.  

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Post by DaBurglar »

  DaBurglar do you tip the housekeepers who make up your room when you stay in Atlantic City? Or Las Vegas? Or the moon?  As for casinos converting to self serve beverages, it would never happen because that would take the players away from the machines that they are playing. And that would not be ADVANTAGEOUS.  I am sure I do NOT tip them as much as you do, but my standard practice is during the typical 2 night stay, I ALWAYS leave the do not distrub sign on my door due to the fact that I RARELY if ever want (or need) room maid service after the first 24 hours......I dont know about the average slob but I myself do not trash my room or bathroom.   Think about this.....I check in on day 1 at 3 pm, and usually do not return to my room until bedtime at midnight or thereabouts.   I sleep unti 6 or 7am, get up and shower, but  I do NOT use every last towel like some people, nor do I make a mess.   I make my own bed and then depart for breakfast, and usually do not spend more than a hour or 2 the rest of the second day in my room until I am ready to go to bed again.  Then, the next day I checkout.    NO NEED FOR MAID service during my stay, so I do not leave a tip for them while I am there.    But my real reason I leave the sign on the door and never let the maids in is, I simply do not want a stranger going through my stuff when I am not in the room, and if anyone here thinks that maids NEVER rummage through their belongings, you are on the MOON, probably from sniffing glue.BUT...when I checkout, I will either leave my gratuity for the maids with the maid I see in the hall on the way out, or I will leave it with the front desk or add it to my room bill if paying with a credit card.......Of course, if I happen to be in the same room in the same hotel for MORE than the customary 2 nights, I will allow them to service the room (while I am IN IT watching) on day 3 and/or 4, depending on how "lived in" it is by then.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

no one tips when we lose, the folks giving hand pays are no t food servers or drink servers

    I have to agree with you here. While I am pretty generous with tips to servers of all types, maids, and others, I feel it is not our fault that the machine does not spit out a ticket that can be cased by ourselves and the government requirement for W-2gs being filled out partly by employees is just to me part of their job and not some service that I ordered. I do usually tip as a courtesy 5 bucks or so on hand pays just because I like and know most of the employees. On rare occasions, I will even tip the concierge staff a hundred bucks for something special they did without my asking and sometimes at their own expense for part of it.

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Post by Tedlark »

  Thanks for the long drawn out answer DaBurglar; I didn't think you tipped tip the housekeepers either.   You add a gratuity onto the bill when checking out? You are, um, unique...

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Post by DaBurglar »

  Thanks for the long drawn out answer DaBurglar; I didn't think you tipped tip the housekeepers either.   You add a gratuity onto the bill when checking out? You are, um, unique...In the last 5 years I've maybe done that 3 times (added a tip for housekeeping to my room bill before paying with a credit card)......the vast majority of times when checking out in AC, my ONLY charge for my comp rooms are the annoying 10 dollar per night resort fees every hotel charges, so my total bill is usually twenty bucks which I pay in cash, and while doing this I add 10 bucks to specifically give to maid service (if I dont see them in the hallway when leaving.)   I do not like leaving money in the room.....this way I know they get it (unless the front desk person keeps it....in AC you never know.)Now why dont you tell us ted how you put the last maid through night school who gave you fresh towels.....

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Post by BillyJoe »

  DaBurglar do you tip the housekeepers who make up your room when you stay in Atlantic City? Or Las Vegas? Or the moon?  As for casinos converting to self serve beverages, it would never happen because that would take the players away from the machines that they are playing. And that would not be ADVANTAGEOUS.  I am sure I do NOT tip them as much as you do, but my standard practice is during the typical 2 night stay, I ALWAYS leave the do not distrub sign on my door due to the fact that I RARELY if ever want (or need) room maid service after the first 24 hours......I dont know about the average slob but I myself do not trash my room or bathroom.   Think about this.....I check in on day 1 at 3 pm, and usually do not return to my room until bedtime at midnight or thereabouts.   I sleep unti 6 or 7am, get up and shower, but  I do NOT use every last towel like some people, nor do I make a mess.   I make my own bed and then depart for breakfast, and usually do not spend more than a hour or 2 the rest of the second day in my room until I am ready to go to bed again.  Then, the next day I checkout.    NO NEED FOR MAID service during my stay, so I do not leave a tip for them while I am there.    But my real reason I leave the sign on the door and never let the maids in is, I simply do not want a stranger going through my stuff when I am not in the room, and if anyone here thinks that maids NEVER rummage through their belongings, you are on the MOON, probably from sniffing glue.BUT...when I checkout, I will either leave my gratuity for the maids with the maid I see in the hall on the way out, or I will leave it with the front desk or add it to my room bill if paying with a credit card.......Of course, if I happen to be in the same room in the same hotel for MORE than the customary 2 nights, I will allow them to service the room (while I am IN IT watching) on day 3 and/or 4, depending on how "lived in" it is by then.
Wow - I am like TOTALLY opposite on this point. As a 7Star with CET and NOIR with MGM, I almost always stay at either of those hotels. I INSIST that my room is cleaned every day by noon, with fresh sheets and towels. I am an early riser, and am usually at the golf course or in the casino in the AM. I want to be able to relax in the afternoon with a nap - uninterrupted. It is on my profile in Vegas.

When I see her, I always ask the maid in the hall (assuming she understands some English), whether she will be the one servicing my room during my stay. If she answers "Si", then I will give her a tip right then. I find that this usually works to help ensure no service issues.

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Post by Tedlark »

  When I am staying more than one day I will tip (to insure prompt service) housekeeping each morning. Las Vegas is easy; they have an envelope in the room for just this purpose and if there is no envelope I will leave it in a conspicuous place such as next to any trash I want thrown out. I am a generous tipper by nature.    I agree with billyjoe that if you tip it will better ensure no service issues.

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Post by chattycattty »

We always tip $5 to housekeeping per cleaning or a larger amount than that if we get a 2 room suite or larger. On our last trip to Tahoe I left my laptop charger plugged into the wall. Luckily for us housekeeping turned it in. When we called to check on it, and upon notification of room number and description, Harvey's Lake Tahoe mailed it to us FEDEX at their expense. I wonder if housekeeping would have made the effort if I had been cheap and not left a tip. And even if they did retrieve it for me and I had not left a tip I would have really felt like a heel. Kudos to housekeeping and to Harvey's Lake Tahoe for outstanding customer service.

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Post by doris13 »

i usually leave $2-$3 a day.i lock up my jewelry and my extra cash,so if they want to go thru my underwear that's all they are going to find.

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