bad week for the dem controlled media

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bad week for the dem controlled media

Post by notes1 »

just within the last 7 days;

-the NYtimes changed a front page headline, after pressure from dems that it was favorable to trump.

-the washington post publishes a story about black farmers. the problem was that they had to make 15 corrections, just to this one story.

-CNN made a bunch of news. three of their paid on air personalities were all involved in news stories.
-april ryan's bodyguard man handles a reporter, and he is liberal.
-'FREDO goes nuts after being called the same thing he called himself years ago. and, other cnn folks used the same name in reference to trump sons.
-don lemon accused of sexual assault. i do not care to repeat the allegations.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Carcounter »

Poor kids are just as bright as white kids- Joe Biden

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Post by tech58 »

Three great posts when read together!
And our sicko progressive lib is staying under his rock. Good decision.

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Post by notes1 »

when it didn't seem that the bad news concerning the dem controlled liberal media could not get worse, it just did.

in a released audio tape of a NYTimes staff meeting, run by the executive editor, some damning statements. first, an admission that their newsroom was specifically set up to cover the fake trump/russia/collusion story. for years, their primary focus was to print any stories, including those originating from unnamed sources, that may have an anti trump agenda. of course, in the end, after multiple investigations, collusion was proven false. they admit the story ended after the mueller testimony. time to move on....

second, where have they decided to now concentrate their efforts....RACISM. that means they have already decided what the reader will see, for the foreseeable future. any stories, that fit their narrative, will be their primary focus. one can assume they will attempt to find racism anyplace they can, whether it was really involved or not.

so, the 'paper of record' has already decide what the news will be. keep that in mind, when one reads anything from this rag.

i thought the media was supposed to cover the news, not make up news. i thought the media was supposed to limit their 'opinions' to the editorial or non news segments of their business.

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Post by notes1 »

MSDNC, the uber liberal cable channel that has been on a singular mission to destroy trump, gets egg on it's face again. after announcing that trump's financial backing were russian oligarchs, it had to retract the story and apologize for broadcasting it in the first place.

and, the media wonders why the public's trust in them continues to drop.

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Post by notes1 »

another bad week for the liberal media;

-CNN had breaking news- they assert that trump exposed a russian cia operative working for the usa. it resulted in the spy being recalled to the usa. WRONG, both the ny times and washington post (not trump friendly), along with the cia itself call the story false. in fact, the spy was recalled to our country when obama was in office.
-the liberal media runs with a story about trump instructing the military carrying troops and making a stopover in scotland, to stay at one of his properties. WRONG, the agreement to stay at his properties was negotiated, with a discount, when obama was in office.
-the media has been publishing stories about an imminent recession. WRONG, a recession can happen anytime, but financial/economic data released this week, shows the usa economy and consumer doing just fine. as a result, the market rose about 1% (near record highs) and interest rates yields also rose.
-ABC runs the latest DEM potus debate. takes 3 hours. and yet, with all that time, not a single question was asked about impeachment or illegals receiving free tax payer funded health care. coincidence, no way. the dems know that the american public is not in favor of either. so, ABC just avoids the subject, don't want to make the dems look bad.

can't trust the dems or their media minions.

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