Video poker calculator

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Re: Video poker calculator

Post by olds442jetaway »

That’s what it sounds like

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Post by BobDancer »

James482980 wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:18 pm
So I guess Video Poker Calculator just for online gambling or somewhere else than Nevada :)
I do not agree.

I use video poker calculators extensively in Nevada.

But I use them to learn how to play and to check various hands. Using these calculators I construct a written strategy and, if I don't have the game memorized at the 99.9% level or better (preferably much better), I'll take a written strategy with me. those are no illegal. And I could not have created them without using various sorts of video poker calculators.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

My earlier posts on this thread use words like learn and teach and that is what these devices are for. That is actually a good idea what Bob talked about to have notes to help you on the tougher hold decisions that one may have trouble remembering. For that matter, to be safe like Bob posted keep all of the strategy in written form with you. In the long run, it will save you money and if luck is with you, maybe even make some money. PS don’t forget to choose the best paytables available. I think James was referring to using them in the casino itself and not to not use them at all as a learning device.

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Post by James482980 »

Exactly just like olds442jetaway wrote. I meant to enter the casino. Put paytable data from the machine into the calculator on the phone. And then pass the cards to the phone so that the calculator calculates which cards to keep.
Learing is great and all, but I was wandering if I can make it more "systematized".

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I think some venues outside of Nevada you won’t have a problem. Just out of curiosity, I may check with the gaming commission in Ct to see what their feelings are. Our statutes appear to be more vague than Nevada. I don’t know if it would help if you spoke to the particular casino management or the gaming commission where you play in Nevada. They may just fall back on the law. I don’t know. The last thing you would want would be for the casino to not pay a jackpot because you were using a vp calculator while playing

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I know this is a bit mire cumbersome, but I have a friend with a very poor short term memory, but loves vp. He usually only plays 17/7 joker kings which has its own set of holds that would be hard to remember. He made up a set of flash cards I think a dozen or so for the holds he is most likely to forget. They are actual pics of a dealt hand with a big H where appropriate on the pic of the hand. He cut them up in the shape of a card to make them easy to carry. One example would be a hand where you are dealt a flush with a joker, but if you tossed the correct card, you could get a card and hit a straight flush. I don!t think he covers all scenarios, but it is still a great help to him. And yes he is in his 70’s like I am. I an fortunate with my nemory so far. Meds can affect short term memory too. I an not so fortunate with typos. Hee hee

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Post by onemoretry »

Very rarely do I play video poker in a casino without some sort of strategy assistance on hand. I don't consult it very often, but I do find it comforting to know I have that reference material available if I feel I need reassurance about a particular hold.

I have some strategies I compiled myself, plus some strategy cards I purchased for some of the more common games (thank you, Bob Dancer).

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Ditto. I didn’t know Bob had the cards. Great idea. I don’ carry references myself, but I really should. Once in a blue moon on a game I rarely play, I will look up a hand on my phone then close it out as if I had been on a phone call. But now that all of this has come up, I am going to check with the gaming commission when I head up to Mohegan Sun tonite for an overnight with the Mrs. I’m not sure how much longer any of us will be playing. It was just on the news that 38 states now have increasing covid case numbers. Some states are reclosing bars and restaurants or further delaying openings Hospitals in many places are filling upis. I read a highly technical and lengthy article earlier today about what was found in autopsies of covid patients that died. You don’t even want to know!!

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Post by Engynerd »

What about using a cheat sheet in NV? I have a 3x5 card with deuces wild strategy compiled from the wizard.

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Post by applepear86 »

I used to use a video poker calculator for every hand when I first started out and didn't know basic strategy, it really slows down your play but it's worth it. I still use it for when I'm not sure about a tricky hand. If Nevada has that as a felony, that's absolute BS and I'll go to AC or Mississippi instead for vacations if they said something to me. It's still negative EV if you play every hand perfect! How awful can these casinos be! lol

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