Never Trumpism is a terminal illness

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Never Trumpism is a terminal illness

Post by tech58 »

After scanning the last few posts, on the 3-4 threads generating the most activity' conclusions are clear and apparent.
Trump haters are not rational people. Discussions with them are a waste of time.
Why? Because debating with someone who retains the right to define their own terms is fruitless.
Stated another way, by a Chinese philosopher 2400 years ago, "If you seek to reform a society you must first call things WHAT THEY ARE".

I believe our resident leftists are products of two failed entities. The Great society/War on poverty and the U.S. education system.
The failed dem policies of the 60's & 70's destroyed their family structure,their morals, and their will to succeed. The education system destroyed their minds. Then, worst of all they remained in the gene pool.
There are millions of them! God help us!

I,for one, am done with them!!

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Post by Webman »

I think you've shared your thoughts on this subject well enough in the many political discussions. While political discussion tends to be lightly moderated, I'm going to say this thread subject as a whole is probably over the line as far as anything that could lead to "constructive" conversation.


Closing topic.
