Online gambling discussion permitted?

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Video Poker Master
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Online gambling discussion permitted?

Post by dinghy »

A Draft Kings / Fan Duel online casino thread was locked.

I'm unclear on the rules. Rules say no discussion of online gambling, bolded.

But then the 3rd bullet point indicates: "No discussion of online gambling, except where legal in the United States."

Draft Kings and Fan Duel are legal in designated states. Are we allowed to discuss the legal operators?


Video Poker Master
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Post by Webman »

I think it will be allowed as the landscape has changed in recent years, but discussing that internally and will likely unlock that thread with a note of clarification.

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:11 pm

Post by Webman »

These sites mentioned are now legal in the US, so the discussion will be allowed as long as there are no direct links posted. Thanks. We will also update the rules to clarify this. Future posts about online gambling may still be removed unless it is clear they are from a reputable company with legal distribution in the US. It is still up to you to determine if participation on such sites is legal in your own jurisdiction, as local and state laws vary.

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