VP report

Did you hit any jackpots? Did you get a great comp? We all want to know!
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VP report

Post by MikeA »

First of all, stipulated is the fact that I've played only Full Pay games.
Started out with some 9/6 JOB at 4-Queens.  Nothing significant other than I was able to play for what seemed forever on 100 credits. 
Main Street Station 10/6 Double Dbl Bonus.  I got on one heck of a run Monday morning at MSS.  I think I was there for around 3 hour.  During that time I hit 9 quads (two for 800 credits and one for 400) plus one straight flush.  When you hit quads or better at MSS, the Slot Attendant will give you a scratch card....all 10 of mine were for the minimum $1.  I do not know what the max is.  I bought in with 400 credits and cashed out with 1700.
We then went to a locals casino close to Sam's Town called "The Longhorn".  We had heard some good things about it and thought we'd try it.  I had a $5 match play and a "free ace" that I could play as my first card on any single hand.  I won on both coupons witha BJ on the "free ace".  The table limits there are $2 to $100.  Six Deck game, H17, DOA, split and resplit up to 4 hands with Double after split.  Penetration was acceptable at around 75% (1.5 decks cut off).  We stayed at LH only about 20 minutes though.  ALL of the slot machines are hand pay!  Not even coin droppers!  The place smelled like 1 gallon pickle jar half full of cigarette butts soaked in water!  Really foul and I'm a smoker!  I never got a chance to play any VP there.
I played a little quarter 9/6 JOB at Sams Town but quit after hitting one set of quad Kings.  I was anxious to give their $5 DD Blackjack a shot.  I had one $5 match play there and lost it...as well as losing $50 in short order.  Just couldn't get anything going.  I'm not a huge fan of Sam's Town myself.  Their BJ isn't all that great though the dealers are friendly and you usually get a "fun" table there.
Next stop was Silverton.  The last time I was down there (back in January), I had a pretty good run on the "Bob Dancer Approved" machines back by the acquarium.  Every game in every denomination on the machines are Full Pay.  That didn't do me a damn bit of good though.  I went through 1200 credits and hit only one 250 credit quad playing both 10/6 DDB and a couple of 100 credit rounds of DB at 10/7.  One of the worst sessions I've ever experienced outside of Oklahoma!  They did have a pretty good buffet though that we enjoyed with a 2-4-1 coupon ($13.95 per person.)
We headed back Downtown early in the evening.  My wife was worn completely out and headed back to the room.  I thought I'd end the evening playing BJ at the Golden Gate.  I think I should have gone on back down to MSS and played VP instead! I played for 3 hours on a $3 and tanked $60 on it flat betting the minimum.  Cold table!
Today, I plan on starting out at MSS, but later, we plan to go up to Jerry's Nugget and maybe Terribles and possibly Slots-o-Fun.

Video Poker Master
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Post by Eduardo »

Sounds like great fun. Let us know how the rest goes! Hope your luck gets better and better.

Video Poker Master
Posts: 1615
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:50 pm

Post by MikeA »

Well, it (my luck) didn't get any better on VP.  I played 800 credits at MSS this morning and hit only two quads.  You'd have to hit a Royal to come out ahead without the quads to sustain you! 
But, I made it up at blackjack though I almost got into a fight with an idiot at our table.  He was being rude to a couple ladies who were not proficient at BJ Strategy.  Things like blaming them for the bad hands he was getting.  Telling them they should split twos against everything except an Ace!  Never double down or hit a soft 18.  Just stupid stuff those who haven't studied Strategy might say.  After correcting HIM once and having him blow up at me, I just kept my mouth shut after telling the ladies that if they wanted help, they could ask me.  That didn't set well with the prodigy but then, I really didn't care that much one way or the other.  It was gratifying that he was constantly digging deeper into his pockets while my chipstack grew <LOL>
I think we're going up to Texas Station and maybe Jerry's Nugget tonight.  Maybe the VP gods will smile upon me.

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