I NEVER win playing video poker anymore.

Did you hit any jackpots? Did you get a great comp? We all want to know!
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Re: I NEVER win playing video poker anymore.


Short of actually being ahead, Tony, you did good for that length of play! Did you catch any of the jazz fest?
Tues. that DWB was $2065 when I left. None of us have ever seen it that high. I played a $20 up to $360 and watched it go slowly down and added a few more $20. Hit deuces and aces once each which kept me in play. Guy next to me hit deuces w ace for $500. I loved when that happened to me once when friends gave us Tigers tickets they could not use! WIN WIN for me!. OK, we treated those wealthy friends to breakfast over their protests!
The DWB royal progressive has hit for me several times, usually $12-1600 range, just not often enough. My major mistake is thinking I'll play until someone hits that royal and preferably ME!
MGM just sent me a first time $35 per night rate. Last year, they sent me two free nights. I won $8K there on three hands the first night and unfortunately gave a bunch back before we finally left! Their pool is sensational and my husband and I liked the room!

I wish they had a DWB progressive at the Taj Id definitely play it.

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Post by cubd1 »

First off, STOP playing video poker right now, take a forced 4 week break, just STOP playing for the next four weeks, you are in a bad place right now mentally and obviously financially.   Honestly re-evaluate your finances and why exactly you are playing video poker. If after four weeks you are calm again, and you are NOT in debt or on thin ice financially, then  and only then, it is time to think about resuming video poker play but this time with a PLAN and a CLUE about what to play and HOW to play it.... I strongly suggest STOPPING the Super times rip off right now, it is killing you in more ways than you realize.  The "multi hand" craze, as I call it, is driven by one thing only: GREED, on both the players' parts and the casinos (especially the casinos.)  Playing 10, 20 , 50 or 100 hands at the same time is ridiculous, all you are doing is taking your exposure and magnifying immensely.  Play 1 hand at a time, 25 cents, and then you are still wagering way less money than playing 5 cent Multihand games...that will solve your vanishing bankroll problem to a large degree and limit your losses tremndously, and you therefore will NOT feel as lousy as you do now.... If you dedicate yourself to playing single hand 25 cent, looking for good paytables (or the least BAD ones), eventually you will hit your royal, or a nice Bonus four of a kind and you wil have a big win you can feel good about.  The truth is, I have found, is that these gimicky multihand games like supertimes and Ultimatex are just that, gimmicks....the casinos would NEVER put a game out that would HELP you win more and beat them, not in this day and age or economic climate, and these games actually HURT you far more than they help. The few times I have allowed myself to play super times pay and ultimate X, usually 5 or 10 hand, I have noticed without a doubt some disturbing things which make me really suspicious:    a)  The quality of the starting hands is extremely poor when compared with plain ol' single line games like JOB or Bonus Poker or DDBP.  I have studied this viewing both my results of play and several of my friends' results that they collected over the past couple years....you simply get a whole lot of CRAP with these multi hand games, and there is no reason why this should be the case......UNLESS....I wont say it/type it here but you all know where I am going with this.... b)  When you finally do get a Bonus pay activated with a game like Supertimes Pay or UltimateX, the above referenced crappy hand phenomenon becomes EVEN worse, you just never seem to catch anything when those multipliers are active.    Sure it does happen, but wayyyyy wayyyy too infrequently to make these games anything more than Gimmicks.    Just look for a nice 25 cent Progressive and start with that and stick to it, within a good sound bankroll plan for yourself.   AND stop TRYING to win and just play.....Royals only come when you are not looking or expecting them, they really dont!

 Great advice. And I'm going to take it. I see the guys around town at Sante Fe and such playing the 100% payback VP machines, the .25 cent, one line machines. These people obviously figured out that this is the only game worth playing.  I've realized that if I feel like I need my multihand "fix" I can find penny ten play and such and bet .10 cents at a time.  --- A few times I've switched to betting .25 cents on Double Super Times Pay, five or ten hands -- now, that's something like $6.75 to $12.75 per bet. That's HUGE!  I recently flopped five play three threes and three aces -- hit nothing. You could lose ten or twenty THOUSAND before hitting something these things are so tight.  I've noticed I'll be playing nickles then switch to quarters on DDSTP and immediately the hands turn to CRAP. There are times on ten play for five or six hands in a ROW you do not even get a SINGLE PAIR!!! Even if you are HOLDING pairs like sixes or sevens, you can't get two pair out of ten hands.  It's like it "knows". "Oh, he's playing quarters now? Let's tighten this up." Very suspicious. That's not to say if you played with a big bankroll you wouldn't hit anything, but you might need to put in a few grand before you do.   

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Post by cubd1 »

Speed has a lot to do with it. I play fast, highest speed setting and I go fast.  I need to pare things down and stick with penny multiline machines, bet .10 to .20 cents at a time, select the medium-speed setting. 

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Post by SaraTG »

Speed has a lot to do with it. I play fast, highest speed setting and I go fast.

   I always set the machines to the slowest setting. I like having that second to think, "Be there!" when I have a shot at something.   Some people don't like that since it gets thier blood pressure up having that second to think about/hope for something. If the cards are popping out fast you don't have time to react.  
   Anyway it is now October. Still no royal flush yet this year. Haven't hit one since November 11, 2011 (When I hit TWO within 30 minutes). Still it's the longest I've gone without a royal in 10 years.

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Post by Lucky Larry »

Keep the faith Sara "timing" is on your side.

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Post by BillyJoe »

[QUOTE=cubd1] Speed has a lot to do with it. I play fast, highest speed setting and I go fast.

   I always set the machines to the slowest setting. I like having that second to think, "Be there!" when I have a shot at something.   Some people don't like that since it gets thier blood pressure up having that second to think about/hope for something. If the cards are popping out fast you don't have time to react.  
   Anyway it is now October. Still no royal flush yet this year. Haven't hit one since November 11, 2011 (When I hit TWO within 30 minutes). Still it's the longest I've gone without a royal in 10 years. [/QUOTE]
Sara, the scary thing about VP is that, playing fair and random machines, you may NEVER see another RF for your entire life !!  That is one of the reasons that I like playing TDB, where AWAK pays the same as an RF.
The more you play, however, the greater the opportunity for those premium hands to come your way. 

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Post by SaraTG »

Sara, the scary thing about VP is that, playing fair and random machines, you may NEVER see another RF for your entire life !!  That is one of the reasons that I like playing TDB, where AWAK pays the same as an RF. The more you play, however, the greater the opportunity for those premium hands to come your way. 

     Hello. Yes I agree there are games with a higher chance of winning. I actually see a LOT of people winning fairly regularly on some of the "keno" style games. But I'm just addicted to the "Triple Ace Poker" game and refuse to play anything else. I have always averaged at least 2 RFs a year at least playing that so this long streak without is an oddity.  I almost had one last Sunday where I had the 10-J-Q-K of clubs and drew the 9 of clubs so at least got the straight flush.  I don't really care about winning the big jackpots anymore and my only wish when I go to the casino is that I get to play for awhile and break even or win back my gas money.

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Post by spxChrome »

[QUOTE=SaraTG][QUOTE=cubd1] Speed has a lot to do with it. I play fast, highest speed setting and I go fast.

   I always set the machines to the slowest setting. I like having that second to think, "Be there!" when I have a shot at something.   Some people don't like that since it gets thier blood pressure up having that second to think about/hope for something. If the cards are popping out fast you don't have time to react.  
   Anyway it is now October. Still no royal flush yet this year. Haven't hit one since November 11, 2011 (When I hit TWO within 30 minutes). Still it's the longest I've gone without a royal in 10 years. [/QUOTE]
Sara, the scary thing about VP is that, playing fair and random machines, you may NEVER see another RF for your entire life !!  That is one of the reasons that I like playing TDB, where AWAK pays the same as an RF.
The more you play, however, the greater the opportunity for those premium hands to come your way.  [/QUOTE]
TDB 9/7 is my favorite game to play next to 10/6 DDB.  But I swear pulling those AWAK out of a TDB machine is next to impossible.  DDB I can do it.  But TDB its just not happening for me this year.  I have hit them 2 times once holding only 1 ace the other time it dealt me AAAA4 on TDB.  On DDB I have done it probally 25+ times.  In comparison I have hit the 2,3,4 probally 20+ times and Aces without the kicker probally 40 times.  Its the wierdest thing but AWAK on TDB has been tough this year.

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Post by onemoretry »

That is one of the reasons that I like playing TDB, where AWAK pays the same as an RF.

 Have you ever played at the South Point? i think you would like the selection of 9/7 TDB they have there.

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Post by SaraTG »

[/QUOTE] TDB 9/7 is my favorite game to play next to 10/6 DDB.  But I swear pulling those AWAK out of a TDB machine is next to impossible.  DDB I can do it.  But TDB its just not happening for me this year.  I have hit them 2 times once holding only 1 ace the other time it dealt me AAAA4 on TDB.  On DDB I have done it probally 25+ times.  In comparison I have hit the 2,3,4 probally 20+ times and Aces without the kicker probally 40 times.  Its the wierdest thing but AWAK on TDB has been tough this year.[/QUOTE]

    I use to play only the 10/6 DDB game but have a bit of a gambling problem and just have to bet the max credits and the highest denomination so some of those games were killing me when I didn't win.  Then I got hooked on the Triple Ace game which was real nice when they had the 20 bet. I would often lose my ass but when you DID hit something in the bonus rounds you won a lot quick.   But thankfully the casino put new software in them and now the max bet is 5 quarters. You can't win as much but when I have a bad day it is now just hundreds of dollars instead of thousands.

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