Whats the purpose

Why do you play video poker? What is your favorite game and why?
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Whats the purpose

Post by daily_double »

About 2 months ago, the casino where I play most of my VP shut all their single hand machines off. They were off a day or 2 and then the techs went around turning them all back on , one by one, by what I assume was re-programming. They had the hoods up and were punching away at keyboards inside them. They did not change any paytables, but ummmm.....I have not been doing so well since this has happened, after having a very profitable summer. Anybody have any idea about what this could have all been about ?

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Were you in Atlantic City?  (inside joke)    Actually, they were probably doing a software or hardware upgrade of some kind.  Did you check to see if the pay tables changed?

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Post by DaBurglar »

Were you in Atlantic City?  (inside joke)    Actually, they were probably doing a software or hardware upgrade of some kind.  Did you check to see if the pay tables changed?he clearly said the paytables were not changed.....Hey look, we can all choose to believe (B E L I E V E) whatever we want.....that Casinos do or do not mess with hand/card selection or RNG functioning, whether it is allowed by a states gaming regs or not;  we call choose to B E L I E V E or not that a state's gaming regulatory body will ALWAYS catch any malfeasance or unfair practices that can happen inside any given casino in any given state or locale.....The real issue as it pertains to this forum and the subject of video poker is this:    Serious Video Poker players are loathe to even consider that machines might not all be on the level in terms of the paytable being the one and ONLY factor that  influences a game's return......we do not even want to accept the real possibility that the machines themselves can even BE manipulated or set in a non-transparent, unfair or even illegal manner .... and the reasons is simple:  this would mean we have been duped, fooled, tricked into playing a game that we had convinced ourselves was the "superior form" of GAMBLING;  we become just like the suckers who plop money into slot machines.    I am NO different.....I dont want to believe anything other than a paytable and my so-called "SKILL"  dictate the return or results from gambling with Video Poker.  But the fact that we all pretty much LOSE in the long run says that even with all our perfect play, and careful paytable selection, these VP machines are NOT beatable.   The game is rigged against us, albeit rigged in a legal, approved manner (hopefully)This is now where we all convince ourselves that it is all in the name of FUN.....I'm willing to admit that MOST of my fun comes from the minority of sessions where I win more than a few dollars....losing sessions are NOT fun, even if I am earning a lot of so-called "comps" or perks.    

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar your post was about as close to being one that I would be almost in 100% agreement as you could ever make.

One thing that you wrote that I completely agree with is: most of MY (Tedlark) fun also comes from the minority of sessions where you (DaBurglar) win more than a few dollars.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar your post was about as close to being one that I would be almost in 100% agreement as you could ever make.

One thing that you wrote that I completely agree with is: most of MY (Tedlark) fun also comes from the minority of sessions where you (DaBurglar) win more than a few dollars.thanks ted

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Post by FloridaPhil »

It's just a joke and I couldn't resist.  P.S.  Don't tell anyone, but I don't think the new machines are totally random either. 

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Post by shadowman »

About 2 months ago, the casino where I play most of my VP shut all their single hand machines off. They were off a day or 2 and then the techs went around turning them all back on , one by one, by what I assume was re-programming. They had the hoods up and were punching away at keyboards inside them. They did not change any paytables, but ummmm.....I have not been doing so well since this has happened, after having a very profitable summer. Anybody have any idea about what this could have all been about ?

Casinos do not have the capability to change the programming in VP machines. That is done by IGT or whomever provides the machines. The VP machines only allow changing configuration variables. For example, they could have removed double down (or added it). They also might have changed the games available.

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Post by daily_double »

Casinos do not have the capability to change the programming in VP machines. That is done by IGT or whomever provides the machines. The VP machines only allow changing configuration variables. For example, they could have removed double down (or added it). They also might have changed the games available.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate everyone's feedback. I really don't want to believe or think things are being manipulated, but this is what I am kind of blaming my losing streak on in the back of my mind. I have only been playing a couple years, and must be in my first extended losing streak. It's not pretty either. I've got to just play through it I guess

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Post by Francois »

They had the hoods up and were punching away at keyboards inside them.

It sounds like they were looking at pornography

Lucky Larry
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Post by Lucky Larry »

On at least two occasions the Isle where we play have had machines shut down for a day or two. In those occasions new load sets were being downloaded resulting in pay table changes or games being added/removed. I know most of the techs at Isle on a first name basis and have even watched them load the new download. They then have to wait for the Gaming Commission to re-certify the machines before they can be put back into service. Additionally, on one occasion I had the opportunity to meet the IGT local tech who was working with the casino techs on new machine installation. I wouldn't think anything about the out-of-service.

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