State of AC gaming regulators

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
Video Poker Master
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Re: State of AC gaming regulators

Post by DaBurglar »

the great recession was not caused by the younger generation.  i have seen firsthand that those who overspent, overborrowed and under saved were of all races, sexes, education level and incomes. if i were to pin point  a specific group, i would blame boomers, my generation.   many younger folks may be spoiled, but they did not rack up $19t in national debt, the boomers did. the boomers elected the ones who gave them bloated government/incomes/pensions that are strangling many states and local economies. savings rates and debt levels began to head in the wrong direction starting in the 80's, the young folks were not even born yet.  boomers may have begun the racial and sex equality movements, but they have a lot of negative stuff to answer for. their grandkids will be paying their bills.  Notwithstanding  B. Dancer's  recent gripe regarding "political" thoughts in the Anything & Everything section of this forum,  this post by Notes1 is one of the best in recent memory......Yes, it is Political and this is technically the "Atlantic City section", and YES, this is simply Notes1 expressing his OPINION (which happens to be 100% correct), but the original theme/focus of the thread was related to Gambling, Casinos, Video Poker and, most specifically, Atlantic City itself.....the conversation simply segued into other politically charged areas, so Notes1's actual post is NOT a egregious violation of forum decorum or, as I said a few words prior, he is totally correct.The "generation of people" known as "boomers" in the USA, born roughly in the time span encompassing the years 1947 through 1962/63, who today comprise the demographic of people aged 55 to 70 (plus or minus a few on each end of this spectrum), are indeed one of the  PRIMARY  (but certainly not the ONLY) agents that has brought the USA to its current economic status.....Notes1 and myself may disagree on certain specifics and details regarding the general, larger picture, but we do agree on this part of the puzzle, that a larger portion of responsibility and blame (or "credit" lol) is due the boomer generation for the current status.......they squandered one of the greatest Macro Economic Advantages ever seen in ANY AGE/PERIOD/EPOCH OF Human History (that being the general Economic & SOCIAL Advantage and Capitalization that the USA enjoyed immediately following  World War TWO and continuing for the next 15-20 years as the rest of the world struggled to reestablish, repair, replenish & rebuild itself after that horrific conflict, and all this "repair, etc." was done of course with significant assistance from the USA!!!)I do not believe that the Boomer generation SET out, or intended, to squander or waste or destroy the advantages and benefits the USA enjoyed in this post-war world situation, nor do I believe that the Boomer generation had anything but mostly positive thoughts and intentions (at least initially) when the Boomers matured in the early to mid 70s and subsequently began to "run" things and dominate the demographical spectrum of influence over public and political policy.    In fact, I will even go so far as to say that in the majority of instances involving the baby Boomers and their political/social/public issues & policies (whether they originated on the right or left, republican or democrat)  the intention and reasoning behind the initiatives was noble or "good" just turned to shiiite when it was implemented or put into practice, or it was too compromised or watered down or shortsighted or unrealistic or simply failed to foresee the long term consequences, etc.The Baby boom generation offers us a cautionary example for democratic societies going forward, of how public & political policy can become unbalanced when specific DEMO GRAPHICAL  features/factors (in this case, AGE ) dominate the rest of the features/factors influencing the direction of society.

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