Bloomberg Nailed It (and HIM)

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Bloomberg Nailed It (and HIM)

Post by DaBurglar »

of all the people out there on the national political stage, the one individual I most relate to in terms of views, attitude and outlook is INDEPENDENT Michael Bloomberg.....And he absolutely killed it the other night at the DNC......he went to great pains to point out first and foremost that he was NOT speaking at the DNC to ENDORSE Shrillary.....Bloomberg has in fact gone head to head with her in the past back when both were prominent in NY Politics, and Bloomberg clearly stated and pointed out that he disagrees with Hillary on MANY issues......but he then segued flawlessly into an EVISCERATING attack on Trump and the now-morally-bankrupt Republican Party.Bloomberg simply said "I know a CoN MAN when I see one" and proceeded to tick off a litany of ALL the damage, destruction, and BANKRUPTCIES that Self-Described Business Tycoon Trump has left in his wake basically since he graduated from College and was GIVEN 200 million Bucks to "play with" in his early 20s.Conclusion:    The only sensible, RESPONSIBLE and SANE course of action for any voter is to either NOT vote (which is what I AM going to choose to do) or to vote for Hillary because simply put, she is the most qualified BY FAR and will not completely destroy humanity.Yes, we all are asking HOW the hell did it actually come down to these two choices, but hey, we are the USA right?  A "DEMOCRACY" right?   This means that, as the greatest country on earth we always get the government we DESERVE right?Seriously, Trump has NEVER EVER struggled or suffered ANYTHING remotely close to any type of adversity in his life, he has NO clue about how reality works, what everyday people struggle with, and has NEVER NOT gotten his way in anything,,,,,,such a person CANNOT, MUST NOT hold power......that is what People Like SADDAM HUSSEIN were like, NEVER NOT getting his :"way".....probably why Trump expresses such admiration for people like Saddam, and PUTIN.I telling you, if YOU ARE REALLY a republican, you will NEVER EVER be able to look at yourself again if you vote for Trump......just do not vote if you cannot stomach the "other" choice.     Seriously....when you sell your soul you never get it back, and the ONLY reason you are voting for Trump is your pride;  Your "HATRED" for hillary is causing you to do something you KNOW is wrong.....and HATE is never a good reason or motivation for doing ANYTHING.

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Post by jetermacaw »

"Seriously, Trump has NEVER EVER struggled or suffered ANYTHING remotely close to any type of adversity in his life, he has NO clue about how reality works, what everyday people struggle with, and has NEVER NOT gotten his way in anything"

Come on DB could you not also be describing H, except for that time when she left the white house broke. I mean she couldn't work the turnstile in NYC and she was a Senator there.

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Post by DaBurglar »

"Seriously, Trump has NEVER EVER struggled or suffered ANYTHING remotely close to any type of adversity in his life, he has NO clue about how reality works, what everyday people struggle with, and has NEVER NOT gotten his way in anything"

Come on DB could you not also be describing H, except for that time when she left the white house broke. I mean she couldn't work the turnstile in NYC and she was a Senator there.
certainly, to a similar degree, you are 100% correct about Hillary......she has (AS FAR AS I KNOW OR DO NOT KNOW)  enjoyed a relatively "personal adversity-free" life since her childhood.    But at the same time, Hillary has not been in the proverbial penthouse since day 1, and  knows far more about everyday life and struggles of average citizens than Trump (or most Blue Blooded Born-that-way Billionaires.)   Its a sadly unavoidable pitfall of being born filthy rich, that unless your parents deliberately expose you to normal everyday stresses and adversity that people of middle class or lower income experience, you cannot possibly know or comprehend what they go through......Likewise, with all the other important things and aspects of life.......Education, Healthcare, Employment.     Obviously Trump has never ever experienced anxiety or uncertainty in his life regarding ANY of these essential, existential is foolhardy for people to honestly think he really does have any real empathy or understanding of middle-to-lower class everyday life issues, other than what people scribble on cue cards for him to recite.Hillary also, I would guess, has not experienced a lot of anxiety or uncertainty about the things and issues most of us fret over, but I am certain she has experienced more than Trump, plus it just seems obvious to me that she is a more empathetic and grounded individual who has NOT gotten her way ALL THE TIME in her life.    Like it or not, you need such qualities in a Chief Executive (empathy, NOT SYMPATHY; and  discernment).......and, most of all,  the ability to compromise and find that balancing point where each side in an issue can walk away from the table feeling like they were heard and that a "win-win" scenario was achieved and remains possible for future compromises.Working a turnstile is no more a test of a politician's leadership (or empathetic) qualities than is knowing how much a Gallon of MILK costs at the Market;   I myself have no clue how a Subway turnstile works! lolI just found it encouraging at least that a outspoken and capable leader like Bloomberg, who is absolutely NO hack or hollow man when it comes to leadership or taking a stand on issues he believes in, would be willing to compromise in a very small way his own position and appear at the DNC to do what he feels is MORALLY and Responsibly the right thing to do (i.e.  work to ensure that an unhinged, incompetent person does not become the most powerful person in the world.)Likewise with the Billionaire KOCH brothers and many other very prominent Republicans who recognize the disaster that Donald Trump, as the Republican Presidential nominee, potentially is..... They (and many other staunch republicans) understand and realize that IF they sell their soul and try to get Trump elected, they will never get it backAs much as they cannot stand or abide Shrillary's overall package, people like the Koch's (and Romney and many others) know that Trump is not the right thing to fact it is Irresponsible and just plain STUPID.   They are doing what I myself am choosing to do.......NOT vote.     You do also have a THIRD option Jeter.....WRITE IN Candidates!       Seriously, you can scribble in a name for someone else as Prez .......  Pencil yourself in!     I would gladly vote for someone like YOU yourself, or notes1, for president than choose Trump.FYI:   the VAST VAST majority of politicians in Washington D.C. (Senate, Congress, Democrat, Republican, Independent etc etc.),  as well as politicians at most STATE legislatures and governorships,  are also not very "grounded"  or knowledgeable about what exactly their constituents are going through, and what issues or problems they face,  each and every day of their lives. 

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Post by Carcounter »

As a native New Yorker, I will admit Bloomberg was a good mayor, but he needs to go away. He has been threatening to run for president for years, but never got the courage to jump into the ring. At least Trump took the plunge. At any rate, in the backyard with my best friend Bailey, my 11 yr. old Lab/Golden mix enjoying a scotch and 72 degrees. And listening to Yankees/ Mets. God awful teams. I am a Yankee fan, but have $100 on Mets to win WS at 11 to 1. Not giving up yet. Tedlark, I have a feeling you are a Sox fan, not a Cubs fan. CC

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Post by Tedlark »

Ahh, Car, you're wrong there. I'm a lifelong Cincy fan but I'm pulling for the Cubbies. Growing up my brother was a Pirates fan so I had to be different because the Big Red Machine was just steamrolling everyone.

I see that the Yankees sold off another piece today in their yard sale.

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Post by Carcounter »

I love the Yanks, but I want the money. Let's go Mets?

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Post by notes1 »

those who like Bloomberg would be the type who want big brother regulating your every move, size of soda drinks as an example.

I have been asking this question for a while and would welcome an answer, what happened in the past decade or two that has caused folks to have such high regard for government rules, regs, directing our lives? what has the gov done recently that warrants so many trusting them? what happened to taking control of one's own life and deciding your own direction and outcome? what happened to buyer beware or if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is? don't people understand that every new law costs the consumer money and adds another layer of gov?

am I the only one who remembers the investigative reporting that used to occur, that exposed the great waste of tax dollars. why are there no reports of folks who game the system, only stories about why more tax spending is needed. remember the $600 screw drivers and the $1k toilet seats?

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Post by billryan »

There never were $600screw drivers or $1000 toilet seats. Those were budget items to fund covert wars in Cambodia and Central America.
These days, the military simply whispers terrorism and congress throws money at them. No need to pad expenses.

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Post by notes1 »

wrong. just as an example, two enterprising sisters from SC opened a business that distributed small hardware parts. they won a bid from the gov for a variety of nuts, bolts, etc. barely made any money. but, they discovered that while the gov billing did make sure the price charged was accurate, the gov never checked on shipping charges. by the time they got caught, they had billed the gov 19 cents each for two screw washers and $998k for shipping.

in all, for $150k worth of items ordered, the gov paid $20m. the fraud occurred over 6 years and they were only caught when they made the mistake of billing the gov twice, for the same item. they were eventually caught, but most if the money was gone.

this is just one example, there are undoubtedly many more. you keep drinking the kool aid.

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Post by notes1 »

do you deny that there are people collecting SS disability, under false pretense (this program is about to run out of money)? do you deny that there are unmarried couples, with children, living together, but giving different mailing addresses, to maximize gov benefits? do you deny healthcare fraud against the gov totals in the billions?

why would anyone not want fraud, waste and abuse of tax dollars investigated? I do not care what dept is wasting money.

I/m/o, there is a designed effort on behalf of the media to not cover stories like this, because they do not want the public to think disparagingly of gov.

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